EFFICIENCY: Ability to Do Things Well 15 of 55
Bringing the world of transformation (read transformation blog here) to the word 'efficiency’, from these 55 "Medicine Wheel" cards lent to me by my lovely neighbour Cassandra, I know that in all the inquiries; through all my personal development courses run by Landmark Worldwide, (LW), I declare that efficiency has is the norm for my life, especially since I completed my Landmark Forum in 1993, where I discovered that my thoughts of ‘being a failure’ was key for me thinking ...
Read MoreSATISFACTION: Fulfilment of one's wishes 14 of 55
SATISFACTION: Fulfilment of one's wishes 14 of 55
Bringing the world of transformation (read transformation blog here) to the word 'satisfaction’, from these 55 "Medicine Wheel" cards lent to me by my lovely neighbour Cassandra, I know that in all the inquiries; through all my personal development courses run by Landmark Worldwide, (LW), I declare that satisfaction has certainly been met since my mother’s death in June.
28 JUNE 2020 – DEATH & BIRTH
Whoa! Mum died! With what I thought was a ...
Read MoreFULFILMENT: Meeting Of A Need 13 of 55
Bringing the world of transformation (read transformation blog here) to the word 'fulfilment’, from these 55 "Medicine Wheel" cards lent to me by my lovely neighbour Cassandra, I know that in all the inquiries; through all my personal development courses run by Landmark Worldwide, (LW), I declare that some of my "dream needs" have been met.
These were the words lamented to me , when Dad and I were touching base on my upbringing and how he ...
Read MoreSIMPLICITY: Easy to Understand 12 of 55
Bringing the world of transformation (read transformation blog here) to the word 'simplicity’, from these 55 "Medicine Wheel" cards lent to me by my lovely neighbour Cassandra, I know that in all the inquiries; through all my personal development courses run by Landmark Worldwide, (LW), I declare that I have discovered simplicity from so many new points of view.
Having dwelled in my stand, declared on the 15 September 1995 (Ceasefire Project) for World Peace in 2000; ...
Read MoreTENDERNESS: Sensitivity to Pain 11 of 55
Bringing the world of transformation (read blog here) to the word 'tenderness', from these 55 "Medicine Wheel" cards lent to me by my lovely neighbour Cassandra, I know that in all the inquiries; through all my personal development courses run by Landmark Worldwide, (LW), I have a whole new perspective to the word.
Ever since I got stabbed (in my lungs) when I was 18 years old, (you can imagine!), I gained a whole new perspective on life itself ( I ...
Read MoreRELIABILITY: Being Dependable 10 of 55
Bringing the world of transformation (read blog here) to the word 'reliability', from these 55 "Medicine Wheel" cards lent to me by my lovely neighbour Cassandra, I know that in all the inquiries; through all my personal development courses run by Landmark Worldwide, (LW), reliability is simply honouring one's word.
Having participated in the legendary Landmark Forum back in October 1993, I realised that one of my passions in life is discovery and adventure . Indeed, my blogs are focussed on ...
Read MoreBOLDNESS: Confidence or Courage 9 of 55
Bringing the world of transformation (read transformation blog here) to the word 'Boldness', from these 55 "Medicine Wheel" cards lent to me by my lovely neighbour Cassandra, I know that the word means so much more to me these days, than in October 1993 when I started my personal development in October 1993.
I recall finally understanding,(over the 3 days and 1 evening course in Sydney) , that being the class clown since the age of 13 years was ...
Read MoreSERENITY: Peaceful and Untroubled 8 of 55
Bringing the world of transformation (read transformation blog here) to the word 'Serenity', from these 55 "Medicine Wheel" cards lent to me by my lovely neighbour Cassandra, I know that my interpretation of what serenity meant to me after my personal development journey began in 1993, was completely transformed.
Well, at the time; I was 30 years old, single and curious, about what else life had to offer for me, and I used The Landmark Forum to discover some new ways ...
Read MoreFUN: Enjoyment and Amusement 7 of 55
Bringing the world of transformation to the word 'FUN', from these 55 "Medicine Wheel" cards lent to me by my lovely neighbour Cassandra, I know that my "experience of fun" has EXPANDED since I started my personal development courses back in October 1993.
It was the Landmark Forum in Sydney Australia, where I discovered that I operated "being the class clown" to hide the fact I really thought no one loved me and that I had to please everyone in order ...
Read MoreLEADERSHIP: Social Influence 6 of 55
Bringing the world of transformation (read transformation blog here) to the word 'leadership', from these 55 "Medicine Wheel" cards lent to me by my lovely neighbour Cassandra, I know that the only thing stoping anyone from being a leader is themselves. After starting my personal development back in October 1993, I learned and agree that 2 of the common results of the Landmark Forum is getting a breakthrough in "confidence" and a breakthrough is "discovering what is important to you." ...
Read MoreENTHUSIASM: Intense Enjoyment 5 of 55
Bringing the world of transformation (read transformation blog here) to the word 'enthusiasm', from these 55 "Medicine Wheel" cards lent to me by my lovely neighbour Cassandra, I know that my understandable enthusiasm for life;(after being stabbed in Amsterdam when I was eighteen ) , was ENHANCED after I started my personal development with the Landmark Forum in October 1993,(read enthused results here!)
Summer 1981: Amsterdam's Vodel Park 2 am:-
( "English back packer got stabbed in the Vodel Park last night.....")
"I ...
Read MoreFORGIVENESS: Pardon 4 of 55
Bringing the world of transformation (read transformation blog here) to the word 'forgiveness', from these 55 "Medicine Wheel" cards lent to me by my lovely neighbour Cassandra, I know that in all the inquiries; through all my personal development courses run by Landmark Worldwide, (LW), forgiveness was always left as a choice.
The 'gold' that I learned; whilst assisting in the LW Young Persons Forum (8-12 year olds), was when the young people were asked who was responsible for them having ...
Read MoreREFLECTION: Serious Thought 3 of 55
Bringing the world of transformation (read transformation blog here) to the word 'reflection', from these 55 "Medicine Wheel" cards lent to me by my lovely neighbour Cassandra, I know this is exactly what one engages with whenever one takes on any personal development. Consider there are never any surprises with how one operates, especially as much of what and how we act is based on THE PAST.
When I completed my first personal development course (Landmark Forum) back in October 1993 ...
Read MorePLEASURE: Happy Satisfaction 2 of 55
Bringing the world of transformation (read transformation blog here) to the word 'pleasure', from these 55 "Medicine Wheel" cards lent to me by my lovely neighbour Cassandra, I can see that the word is subjective (to oneself) and objective (generalisation).
Personally, and already living a life which I love and living it powerfully ;as a promised outcome of Landmark's Self Expression and Leadership program ;(read Self Expression blog) my pleasure levels had a wonderful 'breakthrough' in 2018 when I participated in ...
Read MoreCOURAGE: Bravery Over Danger 1 of 55
Bringing the world of transformation (read transformation blog here) to the word 'courage' , from these 55 "Medicine Wheel" cards lent to me by my lovely neighbour Cassandra, I will assert that it takes courage to take on transformation of oneself. Personal development does require oneself to look at oneself from many points of view, and sometimes, what is revealed can be confronting.
It was October 1993 when I first started my journey into the world of personal development, and curiosity ...
Read MoreFIRE: A Process of Combustion 64 of 65
If the context (read more here) for all these 65 blogs I am writing is transformation (read more here) using Cheryle’s Happiness cards,(see below) , then this card 'Fire' SPOKE TRANSFORMATION.
Is there a before, during and after a fire? Or does one treat fire as eternal, never to extinguish? For my personal development journey with Landmark Worldwide, I can certainly say the fire BEFORE; of me discovering I thought I was “unlovable” and a “failure”, from some childhood moments (read ...
Read MoreKINDNESS: Quality of Being Friendly, Generous, and Considerate 65 of 65
“Kindness” in the world of transformation (read more here ) can certainly be the result one can demonstrate after any personal development course. Interesting that this card is one of 65 happiness cards Cheryle Teni has chosen as an access to happiness, (see below), especially if one has forgotten how to be kind in the face of no agreement.
I completed a 6 month training program called the Introductions Leaders Program in 1994 and I will never forget the KINDNESS shown ...
Read MoreREFLECTION: Serious Thought or Consideration 63 of 65
Viewing the card “Reflection” from these happiness cards, (see below) , instantly gives me a thought and how I relate to the word from a “transforming human being” point of view. An instant smile will indicate how happy I am with the word.
After completing my Landmark Forum in October 1993, which is based on ontology; (the study of being human), there was much for myself to reflect on how I operated in life. What was remarkable and revealing in these ...
Read MoreDEATH: The End of Life 62 of 65
If the context (read more here) for all these 65 blogs I am writing is transformation (read more here) using Cheryle’s Happiness cards,(see below) , then this card surprised me! My first thought was of the current pandemic broadcasts of deaths around the world. Condolences and completions to them all, I declare!
When I completed my first personal development course aged 30, in Sydney Australia, I could certainly say there was a ‘death’ in me. My whole outlook on life itself ...
Read MoreLIFE: The Period Between Birth and Death 61 of 65
If the context (read more here) for all these 65 blogs I am writing is transformation (read more here) using Cheryle’s Happiness cards,(see below) , then this card is certainly addressed, big time, in The Landmark Forum which I completed in 1993 (read share here)
If life is empty and meaningless (read the blog here), and only as a supposition, what could life be?
Well, after I completed the advanced course in 1993, my life was given by a future I had ...
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