The Tension and Harmony of Opposites
We can see examples of the tension and harmony of opposites in nature around us. Examples like hard and soft, light and darkness, and hot and cold show us that opposites exist all around us. These opposites can exist in harmony with each other or their tension can give way to greater conflict.
Traditions and Cultures That Recognize These Differences
Many of us have probably heard of the yin and the yang in Chinese culture. Another example of opposites recognized is in ...
Read MoreFizz Sticks Review
This is a brief article review on the fizz sticks manufactured by Arbonne. I came across these supplements in the past couple of years and found them to be really helpful in living a healthy lifestyle. They give me a good boost of energy and have other nutritional benefits as well.
Some of the Ingredients
Fizz Sticks contain a blend of antioxidants, B vitamins, ginseng, CoQ10. chromium, and naturally derived caffeine from guarana and green tea.
Arbonne manufactures these products. This company is ...
Read MoreA Basic Workout Routine for Life
Let's breakdown the basic workout routine for life into 5 elementary categories of exercise.
The Basic 5 Categories of Exercise
Strength training- Building up your strength comes in three categories: weight, power, and endurance. Most of us are familiar with strength training with weights. Even this type of strength training can vary. Let's start by breaking this down.
When you weight lift, you have a variety of exercise plans or programs to choose from. I enjoy a mix that builds both fast-twitch and slow-twitch ...
Read MoreHow to Walk the Tightrope of Trust
When discussing how to walk the tightrope of trust, we need to start with the basics. This involves getting to know people in the most general sense. For example, what do they do for work? What are some of their hobbies? What's their family background? You can initiate a conversation about these basic questions by sharing some of your own information first. After sharing your own information, it is time to listen to the other person talk in order to ...
Read MoreThe Path that Leads from Appreciation to Achievement
The celebration of the holiday of Thanksgiving in the United States caused me to think about the path that leads from appreciation to achievement. Many times in our lives we get stuck in our journey to reaching our goals and dreams. The way to get "unstuck" and remotivated is to start with appreciation of our blessings and continue down the same path until we reach the achievement phase of our lives.
The Five "A's" of Getting Unstuck
Getting back to journeying toward ...
Read More3 Kinds of Cynicism
I've come across basically 3 kinds of cynicism and some are more useful to us than others. The basic practical definition or idea behind modern cynicism is the distrust of people in general based on their selfishness and/or pessimism about a particular subject. So what is the role of cynicism in our lives, if any? Here's a brief breakdown and summary.
3 Kinds of Cynicism
The basic three kinds of cynicism are complete cynicism, categorical cynicism, and comical cynicism. Cynicism is to ...
Read MoreTips on Balancing Customers' Expectations with Business Profitability
When searching for information on the subject of finding tips on balancing customers' expectations with business profitability, I found a moderate amount of information online. Subjects like this require some real life experience in business to really understand how to practically work these issues out. Here's a brief illustration following by a few practical suggestions I've learned through various experiences I've had in jobs and businesses.
The Continuum of Interests
The first goal in a business "conflict of interest" is to resolve ...
Read MoreIntentionality vs. Passivity in a Face-Paced World
What is the difference between intentionality vs. passivity in a fast-paced world? There is the phrase, "Our days are fleeting." And, if you are like most of us, you will wonder where all the time has gone.
The Need for Vision that Utilizes Our Real, True, and Best Self
There is another saying, "Without a vision the people perish." What this simply means in regard to intentionality is without a meaningful reason to go through life that alignes with your real, true, ...
Read MorePricing and Customer Base in Business
The reason pricing and customer base is important in business is because without the correct pricing strategy, you won't have a business or, at least, for long. This is why knowing who you are marketing to is important.
Different Successful Pricing Strategies and Examples
Higher cost that goes with better quality- This strategy can work within the limits of what a particular customer is willing to pay. A great example of this is the Banana Republic. When the original founders were first starting ...
Read MoreBuilding Bridges with Those of Differing View Points
The principles in this article on building bridges with those of differing view points is applicable to multiple situations and people. From making new friends to politics, these principles apply. So here's the basic breakdown:
Question your assumptions about the other people or person's intent and agenda. From assuming evil intent to thinking they have a hidden agenda that they don't, jumping to conclusions and/or stereotyping builds walls instead of bridges.
Ask questions and listen. In order to build a bridge to another ...
Read MoreSuggestions on Making Your Yearly Physical and Blood Work the Most Beneficial
Recently, I got my annual physical and blood work done and after thinking about the past couple of years, I came up with a few potential helpful suggestions on making your yearly physical and blood work the most beneficial:
Make sure you are specific and clear about what blood panels you want looked at. I've had some nurses forget which panels I want done or not pass on communication to other nurses. Also, if you have a specific cancer history in your ...
Read MoreKey Principles and Basic Strategies for Difficult Relationships
When discussing key principles and basic strategies for difficult relationships, we need to first ask ourselves the question, "Why are relationships so difficult?" I've heard friends ask this question or state the same thought in the form of an opinion, "Relationships shouldn't be so hard!" Most of the time when people make a statement like this it has to do with romantic relationships. What I'm referring to in this article are relationships in general.
Why Are Relationships So Difficult?
Humans easily fall ...
Read MoreTruth Needs to Be a Piece That Fits
Truth is like a jigsaw puzzle and each individual truth needs to be a piece that fits the moment it is presented in. Here are a few key points in regard to truth that fits:
Each individual truth is unique in its place and application just as each puzzle piece has its own unique shape. Because a puzzle piece has its own unique shape, it has its own unique place in the overall picture of truth.
Which brings us to the next ...
Read MoreSpecific Foods and Their Health Values and Cautions
Here are a few specific foods and their health values and cautions:
Fish- Fish are known to have Omega 3 Fatty acids and other helpful vitamins and minerals. Fish may lower your risk of strokes and heart attacks as well as contribute to brain health. Cautions relate to the amount of servings eaten in one week. Because of potential mercury content I usually eat about 2 or, at the most, 3 servings of fish a week.
Dark, leafy greens- Included in this category are ...
Read MoreBreaking Down and Explaining the Concept of Self-Efficacy
The first thing we need to do when breaking down and explaining the concept of self-efficacy is to define self-efficacy.
What is Self-Efficacy?
Self-efficacy refers to how strong someone's belief is in relationship to completing tasks and reaching goals. This concept was first proposed by Albert Bandura in 1977.
Self-Perspective and Self-Efficacy
Strong self-efficacy starts with a healthy self-perspective. Self-perspective includes a healthy self-esteem. This is a foundational place to start from in order to later develop the confidence involved in self-efficacy.
Creating Self-Efficacy
Here are ...
Read MoreLadders as an Illustration and Explanation of Different Kinds of Friendship
Ladders are great to use as an illustration and explanation of different kinds of friendship. Before we get into this illustration, a brief explanation of the difference between a friend and an acquaintance may be helpful.
Acquaintance vs. Friend
Although there are different opinions on the difference between these two terms, most people agree that the depth of the conversations is a determining factor in this difference. When you put this term in the context of the basic three kind of friendships ...
Read MoreHow 4 Situational Filters Affect People's Perception
So what are situational filters and how do these 4 situational filters affect people's perception of the world around them?
Cameras and filters
We all are familiar with cameras, but not necessarily with lens filters. Camera lens filters are translucent or transparent glass or gelatin pieces that attach to the lens in the front. So if a picture is like a memory, then a filter affects the initial perception that creates that picture or memory.
Cause and Effect
So values govern perception, perception is ...
Read MoreThe Cycle that Leads to Happy Friendships
The cycle that leads to happy friendships is giving-receiving-growing, and so on. Here's more of an explanation.
The Cycle Explained
Giving comes from growing- Giving from our own experiences and our own learning is both meaningful and resourceful. Growing ourselves personally can lead to growing interpersonally and helping others too.
Receiving with sincerity and gratefulness helps us grow. So if we are on the receiving end, it is important to be open to new points of view that we may not have considered and ...
Read MoreGrowing Wealth Through Financial Planning
When discussing growing wealth through financial planning, we need to start with why this is important.
Why Financial Planning?
Financial planning is like any other area of our life that involves planning. Without a plan, we do not know where we are going or how to get there. This would be the same as planning a vacation trip without a destination, route or routes of travel, or means to get there.
The Desired Final Outcome
Wealth building put simply is eliminating liabilities and increasing ...
Read MoreBusiness Culture of Proactivity vs. Reactivity
Before we get into differentiating between a business culture of proactivity vs. reactivity, we need to first give a brief explanation of what is business culture.
What is "Business Culture?"
Business culture is the style, approach, or methods of daily operations within a particular company. This involves key components like customer relations, overall planning and goal-setting, internal relationships like frequency, proximity, and clarity of direct communication, for example.
What is Reactivity?
Reactivity in this article is referring to the specific and habitual approach management ...
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