Digital Blogger: Earn Money as a Keyboard Warrior

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Be a voice not an echo

There is only one you, an original individual who is not a carbon copy. The whole world is waiting to hear your original voice, not echoes. It is therefore imperative that you perfect your art of writing in this world so that you can be heard. There is no better way to communicate with the world than through blogging, whereby you can write your story, communicate your throughts, your insights and experiences for the greater benefit of all humanity. Words are very powerful, so use yours to create your beautiful life and also for others.

One of the questions I have often been asked is on "how to monetize" and make some earnings through writing skills. Many people have often started by writing on word documents in structured ways but they then felt disillusioned either by lack of target audience, lack of interest from audience and by failing to monetize their written work. When that happens, the easiest option for most people is to quit and give up, thinking that"I am not good enough", "It doesn't pay", "It's a waste of time".

Clarion call: War Cry

In this blog, I am making a clarion call to say to you "YES YOU CAN", "SURE WE CAN".  This should be your war cry today. In rugby, I have seen some interesting "war cries" especially from the All Blacks New Zealand rugby team. Some times a war cry helps the team to encourage themselves and to create an atmosphere of invincibility. That's what you need as a budding blogger/writer. Pick yourself up and begin to do what you love most, i.e to write. Remember that your aim is to inspire, educate and communicate. Money will simply follow, effortlessly.

Perfect your writing skills using Social Media (e.g Facebook posts)

From the abundance of the heart, the fingers type. There is truth is that statement, to say that within every creative genius, it is not just a relience on a natural gift but it's perfecting through practice. It's by DISCOVERING THROUGH USE that one finds themselves celebrated as a brilliant author or writer. It comes from the heart but usually people don't find the platforms to use such gifts. However, one platform you can use to perfect your writing skills is initially through FACEBOOK. Begin by just posting your thoughts freely and the more you do it, the more you get an audience and becoming confident in the process, developing your own niche. As you do that, many people will begin to be impacted by your posts and when that happens, you know beyond any shadow of doubt that you are gifted and you wouldn't be able to stop writing. You become a blogging machine. Stir up that gift in you, for it will make room for you, making you to be exposed to greatness. 


Remember that "If it is not written,it has not happened". Write your story to be heard.

How to Monetize your Gift: Thanks to the digital world

I am excited about the numerous opportunities that the internet era has created for everyone. We are very much interconnected and as such, it is now easy to communicate with the rest of the world and make an impact instantly through blogging and earning handsomely from it. 

Let me introduce you to a training and mentoring programme that many people have used to  transform their lives. Through this programme, you learn the skills to not only run your internet business but also inspire others through blogging via a platform called Digital Bloggers!

If you are interested in joining the Six Figure Mentors Programme, please click below

Your digital freedom life starts here

How to make your first 10K online!

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