3 reasons to go mobile with your calendar in 2018

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The Google App Calendar is my preferred diary these days. With the recent earthquakes in New Zealand we have been blogging a lot about being prepared to go mobile. One of the things I blogged about recently was challenging you all about how well you stored your important data for appointments, files, and client information. If you think about it, in an emergency you are not going to grab paper files and you may not have time to grab your computer. So, I suggested you store your electronic documents and client information in the cloud. I personally use Dropbox and Evernote and when it come to my diary I am using the Google App Calendar. You can see my demonstration on the video below.

The reason I like the Google App Calendar is because it syncs to my smart phone. I think the only thing I will grab, apart from loved ones, is my phone in an emergency. Face it, we are nothing without our phones. It stores everything we love from Facebook and photos to our music. It can also be your diary. I have the same app on my laptop so I can see my appointments, change them or update them and know that it will sync to my phone automatically. I can share this calendar with colleagues or family if I need to, I can print it from my pc and on my phone I can even link it to Google Maps so I can find my clients.

The paper diary on my desk is bulky, and it won’t be where I need it when I have to get out of the house in a hurry during an emergency. In fact, I won’t even be thinking about my diary in an emergency but I will be glad I have my phone and when things calm down I will be glad I have my Google App Calendar.

3 reasons to use the Google App Calendar:

1.       I always have my phone, so I will always have my diary and contacts which means I always have their contact details.

2.       Automatic sync between PC and smart phone, and its easy to make changes on either PC or smart phone

3.       It is linked to Google Maps so I can find my clients easily


#Kerri Bainbridge

One half of the Anywhere Team NZ


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