by Neil Meyers Arts and Entertainment, Relationships, Health and Fitness, Self Improvement, Communications, Writing and Speaking
Blog Post Links to Elysium's Passagehttps://digitalbloggers.com/arts-and-entertainment/ep-blog-posts WORD PAINT ACADEMY So what's WORD PAINT ACADEMY about?  In the words of Sir Francis Bacon Words are images of matter; to fall in love with them is to fall in love with a picture.                                                     Vincent Van Gogh's dream-inspired paintings were among the best, but dream-inspired word pictures can be just as creative, if ...
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She has Cervical Cancer Stage IIIB, She lost her hope

by Benno Mwitumba Arts and Entertainment, Business, Computers and Technology, Gaming, Home Based Business, Internet and Businesses Online, Finance, Health and Fitness, Home Improvement, Investing, News and Society, Self Improvement, Book Reviews, Communications, Food and Drink, Home and Family, Kids and Teens, Reference and Education, Shopping and Product Reviews, Writing and Speaking
Betha is my inlaw, she has been diagnosed with stage IIIB cervical cancer but this was not an easy journey to her. She was sick for many years and experienced severe discharge, and later she was diagnosed with cancer. She has lost hope, she mentioned and spoke to me, i will not survive. I keep explaining, you will be fine with the treatment.  This has lead me to open an NGO to support other women in Tanzania with similar situation where she got ...
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How to Do What You Love to do at Any Age

by Jan Olof Nilsson Home Based Business, Internet and Businesses Online, Health and Fitness, Reference and Education
Do what you love to do starting today!   To do what you love to do, I assume everybody would like to do in life. However, the reality is somewhat different. Your objections probably pop up faster than you read the title of this article. Humans have the incredible creativity to make excuses faster than everything else. Nothing wrong with that. We are all humans, right? The fantasy to erase the excuses does not follow at the same speed. Therefore, the arguments to ...
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Getting The Right Amount Of Vitamins

by Jim Houlihan Health and Fitness
If you eat healthy and balanced meals each and every day, you will get all of the necessary vitamins and minerals your body needs to function. Even though we all have different dietary needs, we all need vitamins in order to live healthy lives and prevent diseases. Vitamins have been around for hundreds of years, providing us with a way to live our lives in a healthy manner. Although there are many different vitamins out there, you’ll need a certain amount ...
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Why is Your Online Business Like a Marathon?

by Jan Olof Nilsson Home Based Business, Internet and Businesses Online, Health and Fitness, Recreation and Sports
Run your online business like a marathon and become a winner  To run your online business like a marathon, you have probably heard a couple of times. But what does it mean, and what do you need to do? Being both a marathon runner and managing my own online business, I know how true it is to view your online business like a marathon. This article will not convince you to be a marathon runner. However, knowing how to run 42.2K (26.2 miles) without ...
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5 Tips To Add Self Care Into Your Busy Day

by Steve Joynson Health and Fitness, Self Improvement
5 Tips To Add Self Care Into Your Busy Day Where do YOU fit into your day? If you are like most people, you are pretty busy. You`ve already got your hands full dealing with relationships, your work commitments, parenting maybe, plus a whole host of other responsibilities day after day. You are being pulled in all directions at once and it can be exhausting at times. So, how the heck are you meant to fit any kind of self care into days ...
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5 Ways Exercise Helps You Become More Successful

by Steve Joynson Health and Fitness, Self Improvement
5 Ways Exercise Helps You Become More Successful You have alot of energy and are full of visions of dreams fulfilled. You want to succeed in life, but how can you when you are not moving? Oh, sure you have some great ideas about what you want to do. You`re probably even working towards them now. You might even have your entire future laid out in a precise roadmap and are busy ticking off each item on the list. But consider this ...
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by David Harborne Health and Fitness
Are you living your best life?   In order to live your best, here are some important tips which, if followed, will help you live your best life. 🔺FIND YOUR INNER PEACE🔺 👉"If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future, and if you are at peace, you are living in the present." —Lao Tzu 👉The most important factor or element to have a successful life and live the best life is to have ...
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by David Harborne Health and Fitness, Self Improvement, Home and Family
🔺"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far it is possible to go." — T.S. Eliot 👉It is often attributed that reward is the outcome of the risk you take. In order to grow, to move ahead, you have to make bold decisions. You have to take the risk in order to gain a reward. Often, people are too afraid of failure that they give up on their dreams. If you want to achieve something ...
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How to be Running Like a Boss and do Business Like a Runner

by Jan Olof Nilsson Home Based Business, Internet and Businesses Online, Health and Fitness, Recreation and Sports
When running like a boss, things start to happen….  Running like a boss is a kind of metaphor that could be the most powerful mindset for you this year. In several articles, I’m emphasizing the similarities between running a marathon and entrepreneurship. In fact, these two activities have much more in common than what you think. You need guts to be running like a boss, but how often do you hear that being your own boss is something that should cause any ...
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For A Better Memory

by Ukpe John Business, Home Based Business, Internet and Businesses Online, Health and Fitness, Home and Family
Have you ever wanted to improve your memory? A lot has been written about different methods of improving your memory. There are many suggestions regarding diets and brain exercises that you can do. There are many activities you can do in your life to keep your mind sharp. Read this article for some suggestions. When a person is sleep-deprived, his brain struggles to be fully functioning. Simple things like problem-solving, creative thinking, and remembering, suddenly become difficult. Getting a full night's ...
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Keep Your Memory As You Age

by Ukpe John Business, Home Based Business, Health and Fitness, Home and Family
Our memories play a large role in our appreciation of our friends and loved ones. You can take an active role in preventing the loss of your memory. If you use the tips offered here, you can increase your ability to remember and improve how your mind operates. The health of your body has a direct impact on the health of your memory. The brain is an organ just like your heart or lungs. Activities that improve your physical well being ...
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what is spiritual wellness & what are the benefits

by Natalie Woodcock Health and Fitness, Self Improvement, Reference and Education
SPIRITUAL MEANING When we hear the word spiritual, we may think of religion. The true definition of spirituality is .... THE QUALITY OF CONNECTION WITH THE HUMAN SPIRIT OR SOUL, AS OPPOSED TO MATERIAL OR PHYSICAL STUFF. It is the connection towards god and the spirit world. With religion, it is more of a sharing of beliefs and practices within a group. Spirituality is more of an individual practice aimed at having a sense of peace and purpose. It is about discovering the meaning ...
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want to feel happy, healthy and less stressed

by Natalie Woodcock Health and Fitness, Self Improvement, Reference and Education
  FOCUS ON WHAT YOU ARE TAKING IN The amount of information around alternative health, thought and diet playing a major part in the state of our health, is too much to be ignored. If you suffer from an ailment , has traditional medicine eased or even cured your condition, or is it something you continue to live with? The state of our health as a nation is less than good.... there is diabetes, obesity, heart disease and mental health conditions such as ...
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3 practices to punch stress in the face

by Natalie Woodcock Health and Fitness, Self Improvement, Home and Family
  STRESS AND ANXIETY Stress and anxiety has increased over the past four months and  people from all backgrounds are being impacted. The restrictions due to covid 19, has isolated us all and this maybe the reason for this build up of negative energy. It is true that our lives have changed drastically, with working from home,  homeschooling and the restrictions on socialising. Just one of these changes is enough to evoke internal disturbance and there are even more pressures added into the mix. ...
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Being dangerously hot & bothered (part 2of 2)

by Phoebe Scopes Health and Fitness, Self Improvement
...I was gripped with fear and terrified that I was going to drown and that my family would be the ones to find me in this state. I imagined family members blaming themselves for not being there to save me, so I decided that I couldn’t go. I closed my eyes and started breathing deeply and slowly and I began to visualise being able to move my left arm to reach the chain attached to the bath plug. When I could eventually feel ...
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Being dangerously hot & bothered (part 1of 2)

by Phoebe Scopes Health and Fitness, Self Improvement
Now for some years and for a number of reasons, I have taken a preference in having a shower instead of a bath. The convenience and speed that showering provides is clearly the main advantage of doing this and the fact that water consumption is also greatly reduced is another. I also often found the concept of taking a soak in a bath; surrounded by the dirt I want to clean away a contradicting exercise, nevertheless I could see that there are ...
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Running towards progression

by Silvino De Carvalho Health and Fitness, Recreation and Sports, Self Improvement
So, I started running again after 7years, a little bit about my past. I use to be a sprinter I enjoyed the 100m, 200m, and the 400m sprint but then I let life get in the way. So, what is it that got me to start running again? The simple answer is 101 days of lockdown. I use to go to the gym five to six days a week and it was essential not only to my physical fitness but also ...
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depression online searches 27 times a minute!

by Natalie Woodcock Health and Fitness, Self Improvement, Home and Family
Search engines are being used to search for information relating to mental health. The priory group reported that people in the uk, are searching depression 27 times a minute, stress 22 and anxiety, 21 times a minute. These statistics whilst concerning, are not however a shock. Its been well documented that mental health services are less than adequate and as a result, people are literally suffering more than they should be. As someone with personal experience with mental health, since the ...
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3 Reasons to Delete Instagram

by Reeve Scharneck Internet and Businesses Online, Health and Fitness, Self Improvement
Do you really need three reasons? Stop trying to impress people and just delete it already, you know it's bad for you 😋 Okay you convinced me, if you haven’t deleted it already after that compelling argument above, then I’ll share my secrets. So, have you ever thought about deleting Instagram? Maybe taking a break from it? Want to know what the benefits are of removing it from your life? IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR VALID REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD DELETE YOUR INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT, LOOK NO FURTHER. Sorry, ...
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