I’m not going to say that it’s easy, but it’s definitely worth the rewards. Being self-motivated and consistent in that motivation is really difficult. It takes concentration, commitment, dare I say a certain type of tenacity and self-belief. I often say that I am my own worst enemy, yet at the same time I am my greatest friend and motivator. That’s because I’m self-motivated and at times that self-motivation wanes and I begin to doubt myself. The key is to recognize that that is normal.
Mid last year I started my digital journey and began learning about what it takes to be successful online. That includes going through countless hours of training, coaching and implementing all that I’ve learnt. It’s a process and a lot of it is trial and error. Sometimes that’s the best part and at other times it’s down-right frustrating! It’s at those low points, those times when I do want to give up, that I often find my greatest strength and that is to not give up.
A friend asked me the other day…”so do you really think what you’re doing is worth it all?”. Of course it is! I often need to remind myself of why it is that I want to have my own online business and the answer is ‘Freedom’. Imaging a life you didn’t need to take a holiday from because it’s that awesome! Imagine not having to wake up to an alarm every day, commute into an office or site and get paid an hourly rate. If you’re paid hourly, then there’s always going to be a limit on how much you can earn. When your income becomes passive, then there’s no limitation on how much you can earn. Knowledge and experience will in fact make the process even easier over time.
The best part about reminding yourself about your chosen path, is that YOU CHOSE IT! The ability to choose is immensely underrated and for me it is a core value. Choice is freedom and the ability to determine how you spend your time. Time is priceless and hence freedom and choice are priceless! I think you see where I’m going with this…
If you’re feeling stuck and like you need a change, then seek out what it is that you want/need to change. This time last year I was searching for help online and wasn’t even sure in what form, but I knew it when I found it. I knew I didn’t work for someone else for the rest of my life and knew that I didn’t want to setup a business that tied me down to just one place, so an online business seemed like a no brainer. But what kind of business?
I’d heard of affiliate marketing before and like most people associated it with Amway, Herbalife, etc., basically MLMs. What I wasn’t aware of was the SFM and how they provide an online business education system that you can apply to anything YOU CHOOSE. You may already have a business and want to learn how to drive more traffic to your website and increase conversions, or if none of that means anything to you (as it initially didn’t to me), then you may have a traditional business that you want to expand into online and hence need to learn all about these things to succeed.
The other option if you’re stuck for business ideas or where exactly you want to take your online business, is to start learning how to use the tools and pretty soon with the help of the SFM, you can begin to realize YOUR OWN PATH. You have the option to earn while you learn or focus simply on your digital marketing education, but what better way to apply what you learn than to test it out with someone else’s already established products and services.
The best part is that the SFM offer a wholistic approach to your education and view your personal individual development as key to your success. So they’re not just a digital marketing education organization, but a community of like-minded individuals working collectively to help each other through whatever obstacles come our way. The amount of support and guidance is unheard of in the industry, because co-founders Stuart and Jay actually care. I hope you’ve had a chance to view all the Videos in the Training Series, but if not, I sincerely encourage you to do so and make an informed decision on whether or not the SFM is the right fit for you.
By the way…I’m always here if you have any questions/concerns or just want to find out more about what my digital journey has been like. I promise to be honest and divulge the highs as well as the lows. I know the lifestyle I want and I’m working towards it…what about you?
Paying it forward...
Diana Marques | Freedom Entrepreneuress
P.S. Learn how to Create Your Ideal Lifestyle with the SFM Business System.
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