Why You Are Never Too Old for Anything in Life

You are never too old for anything, if……
Never too old for anything sounds like a fairy-tail, you might argue. But the truth is that it's all up to you.
On Quora, which I follow and highly recommend to you, I often read Dough Armey's comments. He has a thoughtful approach to everything that has to do with age. The latest one was about "What are some things only people over 60 know?"
He starts out with sex, followed by health, happiness, wealth, love, and ending with spirituality. His short but powerful intervention in the debate shows with a few words that you are never too old for anything. However, any age can be challenging, and the worst thing you do is to use age as a valid argument to not follow through on your dreams and projects.
You can always look back and find things that you could have done better That has nothing to do with your age. There will always be a second opportunity, and you should credit your asset account with all failure in life. They are representing a strong knowledge base for any future project.
New projects – different challenges
During the last 13 years, I have started two big projects in life, that today are two passions filling up my life with joy and pleasure.
At the age of 56, triggered by my youngest son, I pushed the start button for serious marathon training. Since then, I have done 24 marathon races, a couple of half-marathons, and several 10k races. Last year, the first year ever since 2008, I didn't run a single race due to the Covid-19 situation.
The challenge to make it happen was the focus and shows that you are never too old for anything, even if it's about running a race of 42.2km.
Four years later, at the age of 61, the next challenge appears on the radar. When "normal" people start to slow down preparing for the upcoming retirement, I came across something that I first started to look into during my spare-time.
Without even be aware of it, the interest in what I saw pushed me into the online world. A senior citizen who barely could manage a Facebook account was now starting to do business online....... Read More>>
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