3 Steps to Turn Your Passion and Online Business Into a Successful Story

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There is a strong reason why your passion and online business work together for your success

Passion and online business are today more than ever, the success formula for real entrepreneurs.

After more than 30 years in the corporate world, something strange, I would even use the word unusual, happened in my life.

It was time to turn the page and do something completely different. Probably many people in my surroundings thought that something had gone wrong in my head.

A successful career, good earning, and not too long until retirement, the old traditional way would be around the corner. But there was something much stronger driving my desire for what I did.

My passion! 

My passion for running. I'm not talking about regular jogging, that most people do to keep up the fitness. My love for running marathons was in direct conflict with my corporate job.

To run 42.2km or 26.2 miles is nothing you can do without tons of training, absorbing a lot of time.


Passion and Online Business Give a Positive Synergy Effect

To seriously be able to fulfill the training plan, you sometimes need several hours to go through one single training session. To go out and run two or three hours after a tough day at work, requires a lot of discipline and courage.

Even if you can mobilize the effort, the quality of the training will not be the best, starting to run when your body isn't in the best shape after a hard day's work.

Yes, you can jump out of your bed early in the morning and do your training. I did it a lot of times, but instead, the performance at work had to suffer.

My work and passion for running didn't make a good match.

Suddenly one day, I came across different online business opportunities on the Internet. As most people trying their very best to find a match between their passion and online business, I tried various offers in the market. Unfortunately, most of it was pure scrap, with false promises.

When almost ready to give up, I came across a serious and professional system. It's a system and platform that, from that date, represents an integral part of the lifestyle I'm living now.

Spending as much time as possible between my running and corporate work, to get my online business set up correctly, it slowly started to take off.

After six months of working on my own passion and online business, I was ready to quit my corporate job.

In the beginning, I had to accept a lower income than I was accustomed to. Still, with a conviction that it would change to my favor within a reasonable time, I took the chance.

A new lifestyle 

The new lifestyle that now was a fact allowed me to combine my passion and online business. A sort of time leverage. See also my article "7 Reasons Why Running And Online Entrepreneurship Make A Perfect Combination."

The most fantastic thing that appeared though was that without knowing it, I had added a new passion to my already existing one; the love for running my business and help other people finding themselves trapped in the same rabbit hole where I had been for such long time. 

Whatever your passion is, and whatever niche you are in to, there are three crucial steps to always have as a guideline to optimize your probability to success.

#1 Do Not Chase the Money When Developing Your Passion and Online Business

undefinedIn the beginning, I was struggling a lot. I was chasing the money. My goal was to make a living and dedicate as much time as possible for my running.

Daily I was searching for shortcuts to make money as fast as possible.

We believe that we can't get paid to do what we love. I mean, at the age of 60, how should I be able to compete with the Africans running a marathon around 2 hours?

Therefore, you try to earn as much money as fast as possible through your business, so you can allow yourself to do what you love most in life. I had it all backward.

Not until I went back to analyze the approach I was hooked up on when signing up for my online business, I understood what it is all about.


It's all about helping people to find solutions to their problems.

In my case, I was searching for something that allowed me to dedicate more time to my running while making a living. So why should it be different for the potential customers I was approaching?

#2 Research Before Going Ahead With Your Passion and Online Business

undefinedThere is a lot of advice, I think I can provide passionate runners when it comes to marathon training. My earned experience will also be a good help when it comes to creating an online business.

In the beginning, I was creating a lot of good content for this particular niche. However, the results were quite poor.

In one of the training webinars that you frequently can attend within our community, it suddenly came a "click" from the sky.


Investigate your market. How many potential customers are there out there? Where are they hanging out? What typical profile do they have? And the list can go on for a while until you cover all the essential questions.

When digging into my niche of passionate marathon runners on an amateur level, who would like to find another income stream to make a living and release time for their training, the findings were not uplifting.

The group to which I can identify myself is quite small. Consequently, you will be reaching out to a very narrow niche.

So what to do?

Make your niche broader!

As the age span for typical amateur marathon runners is between 40 and 60, we are almost talking about the large babyboomer group.

The new description of my niche to target:

Babyboomers who search for leveraging available time to do what they most love to do while earning money. 

#3 Focus and Automation for Your Passion and Online Business

undefinedOnce you are fully aware of your mission and your niche, it's all about focus and automation. Maybe we also should add hard work. You need to work hard, especially in the startup phase.

Or, as James Clear expresses it in his article "What is Actually Required for Success?":

Do The Work!

You need to spend a lot of time in the beginning. But you will almost not notice it, as your passion and online business, now represent something more. It's a new lifestyle.

The most dangerous path to take is to search for shortcuts continuously. If you are on the right platform and in the right community, all alternatives are already built-in.

Focus on one project at the time, and do not spread out your energy and money on many different projects.

Follow the tutorials, interact with the community, get all the help and support you will need, and just do it......the right way.

One advantage to do business online is that you can automate a lot of things. Once you have a list of a certain size, communicate with your audience through a trustful automation system. You can get your messages delivered to thousands of potential customers just by a few simple clicks.


Your Passion and Online Business in a Nutshell

It has been said many times but cannot be emphasized enough. It all starts with a sincere and honest analysis of your time. Obtain the necessary time to do what you love to do.

Time is sensitive and inflexible at the same time. We all have 24 hours every single day.

Your desired lifestyle needs to be a balance between your passion and how to make a living. In my case, it all comes down to passion and online business. The experience along the way, give me these three fundamental cornerstones:

  • Provide solutions and do not chase the money
  • Research carefully to define correctly your niche
  • Focus and automate your business

Are you ready to begin?

If you really want to turn your passion into a profitable lifestyle, then it all begins with one single step….

….the step to click the box below and begin your journey today!



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