Rewarded For Quality Or Quantity?
Is it best to get rewarded and paid for how many hours you spend at something or the quality of what you produce? There are some different way to make a living, the most common one is to trade your time to an employer in order to earn a salary. However this is not the only way and might not even be the best way either.
What I probably liked most when studying was that everything basically came down to the ...
Read MoreThe Number One Criteria If You Should Borrow Money Or Not!
Nowadays people seem to borrow money to buy all sorts of things they can’t really afford themselves. It has become so easy; in many countries you can just send a SMS and receive the money almost immediately.
Loans are taken in order for people to go on vacations, hosting parties, buying luxuries for their homes, jewelries and a lot of other things.
These kinds of things can of course bring lot of joy for the moment and value to people but I ...
Read MoreWant To Get Rich? Don't Work For A Salary!
Money, so desired by many and creating so much trouble for others. A lot of people dream about getting really rich and being able to afford anything they want. Even though making money only for the sake of making money shouldn't be a goal in itself, there's no denying that it makes life easier if you don't have to worry about this part, it can also drastically improve the quality of life if you spend it on the right things.
The ...
Read MoreThe power of daily mini-improvements
It's easy to get overwhelmed when facing a new big task in life. It could be to start training for your first marathon, building your dream house from scratch or, as I am currently doing, starting up your own online business. There are a lot of new things to learn and many steps to take, it's easy to get scared and stop even before you have started.
What you have to realize though is that most people that are in a ...
Read MoreThe biggest regret of dying people
Relationships, Travel and Leisure, Health and Fitness, News and Society, Self Improvement, Home and Family, Reference and Education
We are often in such a rush in our ordinary lives that we seldom take the time to just pause, take a step back and reflect upon the path our life is taking. Time seems to fly away and before we know it it’s over. When you are laying on your deathbed looking back at your life, what do you think you will regret most?
I recently read an article about a study where a nurse asked people who knew that they were ...
Read MoreThe best way to learn new things fast! - Part 3/3
This is part 3 of 3 of the article "The best way to learn new things fast!", if you haven't read part 1 yet you can find it here, and part 2 here.
In part 1 I described some underlying factors to why most people don't really have any clear method when it comes to learning new things and why the way of trial and error is so ineffective. I also went through the absolutely crucial first step when it comes ...
Read MoreThe best way to learn new things fast! - Part 2/3
This is part 2 of 3 of the article "The best way to learn new things fast!", if you haven't read part 1 yet you can find it here.
In part 1 I described some underlying factors to why most people don't really have any clear method when it comes to learning new things and why the way of trial and error is so ineffective. I also went thorough the absolutely crucial first step when it comes to learning: having a ...
Read MoreThe best way to learn new things fast! - Part 1/3
"Knowledge is power". This well-know quote is probably familiar to most people. However gaining new knowledge can be quite a struggle. If you ask people about their opinions on what's the best way to learn new things fast, the majority has no clear idea. I've always thought that this is quite odd, learning new things is so essential in our society and there should be a “golden method”, since this is something everyone do all the time.
Born with great curiosity ...
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