5 Limiting Beliefs That Stop Senior Entrepreneurs Moving On

by Luci Perry Business, Internet and Businesses Online, Self Improvement
Have you ever had this feeling that you have a lot to offer to the world, but you keep holding yourself back from fulfilling your potential as an entrepreneur? Limiting beliefs have a negative impact on our lives more than any other factor. They are interpretations of what we believe to be true about ourselves and others. Those misconceived beliefs have held me back from moving on in my business, keeping me from missing out on what I most want, and taking ...
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8 Tips to Increase Your Appreciation for Your Family this Christmas

by Luci Perry Relationships, Self Improvement, Home and Family
Christmas, heartwarming time of the year. Plenty of things to do and gifts to buy. By the time Christmas arrives, many of us feel drained. Can you relate? But Christmas doesn't have to feel that way. This year I am slowing down. I am letting go of expectations and make a more meaningful celebration with my family. One way is to express my gratitude and appreciation for the people in my life not only this Christmas but as a resolution for years ...
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How to Adjust to Our Evolutionary Digital World

by Luci Perry Computers and Technology, Internet and Businesses Online, Reference and Education
The digital transformation started a new era of human enrichment and participation in business, society and in every aspect of our lives. Never has there been a more dominant influence on human behaviour, regardless of the country or culture, than the combined effect of digital technologies. The outcome of this transition in society is enormous, and they are changing our leadership roles as parents raising children in school, business, and life. Online platforms provide tremendous value, allowing us to connect, take part and ...
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Celebrating Thanksgiving with Family in Seattle

by Luci Perry Travel and Leisure, News and Society, Food and Drink
It always brings beautiful memories when I think of the time, my husband and I went to Seattle to celebrate Thanksgiving with our son and his wife's family. Thanksgiving was a new experience for us as we don't celebrate it in Mexico, England or Australia (except for a small island). These are the countries I have been living most of my life. Despite the fact that we lived in San Diego, California for four years, we didn't have an American family back ...
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Why Affiliate Marketing is not for everyone?

by Luci Perry Home Based Business, Internet and Businesses Online, Reference and Education
Affiliate marketing is a fantastic industry that is growing at a rapid pace. It is a channel that allows you to start promoting products or services you choose to endorse while learning new skills to eventually transition smoothly to become an online business entrepreneur. Running a lifestyle business from your laptop enables you to adjust your schedule around your other commitments, it gives you the potential to work from the environment you choose and create a life and business that we ...
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Stories to Inspire You and Make You Reflect by Coelho

by Luci Perry Relationships, Self Improvement, Book Reviews
Storytelling is a fundamental element in many areas of our lives. They capture our attention and allow us to examine ourselves. They can give us a brief, but valuable, glance of our lives from a different point of view.  This new point of view can be the spark that helps us take action to make a positive change in life. These two short stories are from one of the world's best-loved storyteller, Paulo Coehlo. Paulo Coelho de Souza is a Brazilian lyricist and novelist, best known for ...
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How to Master Productivity to Achieve Extraordinary Results

by Luci Perry Internet and Businesses Online, Self Improvement, Book Reviews
"You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win." - Zig Ziglar Our lives have become busier and overwhelming due to the trappings of modern life. Technology, the Internet, the instant access of our iPhones, and other pressures of modern life have changed the pace of our everyday lives. More and more people are finding it challenging to balance their role at work, home and family. I can relate to ...
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Day of the Dead Is A Celebration of Life, Not Halloween

by Luci Perry Arts and Entertainment, Travel and Leisure, News and Society
Did you know that Day of the Dead (Dia de Los Muertos) is a celebration of life and death on November 2nd of every year? Whereas, Halloween on October 31st is All Hallows Eve. While Halloween and Day of the Dead do share common roots, the two annual events differ vastly in traditions and nature. Where Did the Day of the Dead Begin? It started in pre-Hispanic times. Scholars trace the origins of the modern Mexican holiday to indigenous observances dating back hundreds ...
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Are You Pursuing A Job Or A Meaningful Life?

by Luci Perry Internet and Businesses Online, Finance, Self Improvement
"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." - Buddha. I always found it challenging to say what or who exactly I was, or might become. I had the tendency to dwell on all the things I wasn't. At that time, those were the things I knew best. Like all my friends and family, I wanted to be successful, but I didn't know what that meant. Marriage? Home? Children?  Money? All of those, ...
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A Well-Balanced Financial Blueprint Includes Money To Enjoy Life

by Luci Perry Computers and Technology, Internet and Businesses Online, Reference and Education
Should you spend your money to spoil yourself and your family when you are not earning enough money, and your expenses are too high? The fact is that if we want to have a well-balanced and successful financial blueprint, it must include an allocation of money to enjoy. I came from a family who was very cautious with money, and that pattern continued in my married life. My husband prefers to live frugally rather than enjoying comfort, but after years of choosing ...
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How Can You Confidently Move Forward and Start Progressing As A Senior Entrepreneur?

by Luci Perry Home Based Business, Internet and Businesses Online, Reference and Education
We are living in an era where opportunity is not about age or ethnicity, geographic location or gender; it is all about the desire to prosper and have the courage to commit ourselves to what it takes, the rest will take care of itself. However, it takes a strong foundation and time to build momentum. I had to set realistic expectations for my personal training, business development, and growth. It was a lesson I learned as I expected a miracle growth overnight ...
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Did You Know Western Australia Celebrates The Queen's Birthday on September 30, 2019?

by Luci Perry Travel and Leisure, News and Society, Reference and Education
When I arrived in Perth, it always puzzled me why Western Australia celebrates the Queen's birthday in September every year. But then again, we enjoy taking a day off to celebrate anything at any time.   For many, it is a chance to do something with their family and friends. But before I tell you why Western Australia celebrates the Queen's Birthday in September, I would like to share the history of it. History of Australia As you probably already know, The British colony of New ...
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What Does a Freedom Lifestyle Mean to Seniors Entrepreneurs?

by Luci Perry Business, Home Based Business, Internet and Businesses Online
Can you relate to this? You have retired from your traditional job and ready to become a senior entrepreneur. You've heard of the freedom lifestyle business, and it sounds exciting, but it is an entirely new concept to you. Does that sound familiar? I can relate. There is no doubt that a lot of people are sceptical that a lifestyle business can give you freedom, financial security, and full control of your life; it is a foreign concept to most. However, many ...
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How Do Mexicans Celebrate Independence Day in 2019?

by Luci Perry Gaming, News and Society, Food and Drink
As an Expat living in Australia, I still have a close connection with my country. I grew up in Mexico City and even though I have been away for over 30 years, my family and friends are very much part of my daily life, so I thought it would be a good time to share how, we Mexicans, celebrate our Independence Day. On September 15 at 11 p.m., the eve of Independence Day, the President of Mexico rings a bell from the balcony ...
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7 Key Pieces To Succeed Online For Beginners

by Luci Perry Business, Computers and Technology, Internet and Businesses Online
The digital world is an exciting place to be, solo entrepreneurs and small businesses are more and more willing to create and build online entrepreneurship. The opportunity to launch and develop an online business is better than ever, and one of the most exciting options is to learn from an online course. The global market for eLearning is projected to grow to more than the US $240 billion by 2023 It sounds fantastic, so I was eager to join this group of entrepreneurs ...
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Do You Go Through Emotional Phases When Starting Your New Business?

by Luci Perry Home Based Business, Internet and Businesses Online, Reference and Education
Most of us have high expectations when we first start our business that self-doubt doesn't come into our mind in the early stages.  But if I am 100 per cent open, after the initial excitement, a lot of us, start to have doubts, limiting beliefs, and concerns about whether we could do what we need to do to get results, not only in our business but in our lives. In my case, I knew I had an excellent course, mentors and training ...
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Did You Know Australia Celebrates Father's Day on 1st September 2019?

by Luci Perry Travel and Leisure, News and Society, Home and Family
There is a pretty simple explanation of why Australia celebrates Father's Day on the first Sunday of September. Other countries, including the US and UK, mark it on the third Sunday of June. While our Mother’s Day celebration lines up with most of the world in May, Father’s Day in Australia is a full three months after other countries  Father’s Day in Australia Way back in 1911, a Sydney newspaper suggested “seasonal” reasons: “September should be the month in which to hail him, ...
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Why Selecting The Right Business Model is Truly Essential

by Luci Perry Computers and Technology, Home Based Business, Internet and Businesses Online
Have you ever felt that it is time to change the trajectory of your life? About two years ago, I realised that I needed a change in my life. I also knew that it was going to be quite a challenge, but there was no other choice. I knew deep down I needed to move on. Maybe you can relate. My original thoughts were about learning a more effective way to help myself and others become more financially successful, to live our ...
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How to Relax and Enjoy an Oasis of Calm in a Fast-Paced World?

by Luci Perry Relationships, Self Improvement, Home and Family
In today's fast-moving world, finding the time where one can unwind and spend a few minutes of relaxation, with no ties to work, business or the demands of the daily life can be a challenge. Most people's lives are so busy with things to think about and things to do. That is why their lives are so out of balance. Having balance and feeling aligned is something we all desire. We can attain inner peace and maintain it by setting aside a few ...
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Experts Advice on How to Take Charge of Your Time

by Luci Perry Self Improvement, Book Reviews, Home and Family
We often tell ourselves that is never enough time in the day to do what need to do. But, since we all have the same 24 hours, why is it that some people achieve so much more and others struggle to fit everything into their days? With today's busy schedules and the need for instant gratification, time is our most precious resource. But is time a perception? How does the brain experiences time? Noctis Enoch from Secrets of Mind and Reality wrote: "We understand ...
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