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According to your faith, be it unto you
We serve a miracle working God. He is a supernatural God. He is a God of miracles. I know that Almighty God has already performed many miracles in your life, even just by the fact that you are reading this article. It is due to His grace that you are living and breathing.
Every successful birth is a miracle of God, so that was the first miracle that God performed in your life. ...
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This weekend, I decided to perform an exercise that I picked up from the wonderful Zig Ziglar. This exercise consists of; writing down on a piece of paper, the aspects that you like the most about a person of your choice and then giving that person the piece of paper. I chose to do this with my wonderful son Theodore and here are the results:
I suggested to Theodore that we would play a game. As we were ...
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The fact that you are reading this article, means that you are smart. You have come a long way on your personal journey, because you have learnt a great many things and you have applied what you have learnt. This all means that you need to give yourself a lot of credit and celebrate your accomplishments, of which there are many.
Even if there is not anyone to celebrate you, celebrate yourself. To have come this far, means that ...
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2 Samuel 1:23
they were swifter than eagles, they were stronger than lions
You are blessed with unique gifts and talents, designed to fulfill a higher purpose. Your life is significant and it is only you that can accomplish the assignment that has been given to you.
Comparing yourself to others is self-deprecating. You were designed to run your own race. You were not made to compete with anyone else. Your journey is specific to you, therefore you need to develop ...
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MATTHEW 5: 13,14 & 16
You are the salt of the earth
You are the light of the world
Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven
You are a highly favoured child of The Most High God. You were made in the image of Almighty God. This means that you were wonderfully made. So much so, that when God made you, He called you a masterpiece.
Now this is not just me trying ...
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And He took him outside and said "Now look toward the heavens, and count the stars, if you are able to count them." And He said to him, "So shall your descendants be."
Now this bible verse is about Almighty God talking to Abraham about the promise of having a son in his late years and becoming the father of a nation. God told Abraham to look toward the heavens for the stars and to look at the sandy beach, ...
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For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance as our way of life.
What are you most passionate about? What is it that you do, that makes you feel on fire?
Whatever it is, that is your calling! This is the area where you can fulfill Almighty God's purpose for your life. This is the area where you can fulfill your potential and live out your dreams.
This is the reason that ...
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There is a feeling that you have inside of you, that is trying to guide you in the right direction, in order for you to fulfill your higher purpose. I've heard that feeling being described as the following; intuition, a sixth sense, a gut feeling, a hunch, to name a few. I believe with everything inside of me, that the feeling is the voice of Almighty God.
However, you need to be calm and have a certain level of ...
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I read earlier, that there was 1 million dollars spent per minute, at the peak of Black Friday. At a rate of 2800 orders per minute, shoppers didn't even need to leave their homes, as all this was done online.
I haven't heard about any records being broken, but that is a staggering amount of money to be spent. After reading the headline to the article, I thought to myself, how much of that money was spent on items ...
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I've learnt some incredible lessons this week. Lessons about dealing with my own thought processes and how to direct them in order to obtain my desired outcomes.
This week has been very up and down for me, and I've realised how much of that is in my control. Tuesday was a particularly bad day, because of how I had let my thought patterns spiral downwards into a cesspit of negativity. I was dwelling on all the aspects that I thought ...
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The hormone-balancing profiles of foods are vitally important for the health of your skin. Not much attention is paid to this area, however researchers have established direct links between the consumption of certain foods, and the promotion of healthy skin.
1 - ALMONDS - Linked with a hormone that aids in the regulation of blood sugar levels. Recommended intake of 11 almonds daily.
2 - BROCCOLI - Dark leafy greens such as brussels sprouts and spinach also enhance the ...
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Last Wednesday, I became the most viewed author on this platform. I was on a low point at the time due to my current challenges, and so I thanked Almighty God in advance, for sending me some encouragement. When I clicked on to the web page and saw that I was at the top of the list, it was just the lift that I needed and thanked for. In fact it lifted me so high, that I smile ...
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As we were all made in the image of Almighty God and have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of us, we have access to unlimited power, unlimited resources and unlimited knowledge. This also means that we have unlimited potential.
To be absolutely sure of this, we need only look at all the wonderful inventions that we have created over the centuries. The great Napoleon Hill said; "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve". What we ...
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You were made in the image of Almighty God, which means that you were wonderfully made, and you were made to thrive. The dream that you have in your heart, was placed there by Almighty God, so He wants you to pursue it, with all the unique gifts and talents that He blessed you with.
You were given a purpose, and you were given everything that you would ever need, to fulfill that purpose. It all starts with belief. ...
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I have had a feeling inside me my whole life, that I did not understand until the last couple of years. A feeling that I was meant to do something great with my life. I have discovered that my purpose is to inspire and encourage others, simply by being myself. I have an extraordinary personality that is very infectious and Almighty God has placed gifts and talents inside me that mean that, when I bring them ...
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I watched a fantastic film this afternoon called 'Remember the Titans'. Denzel Washington, who I think is a marvellous actor, played the leading role of an American Football coach at high school level. The film is essentially about racism in the south of the U.S.A in the 1970's, and depicts the qualities of this ground breaking head coach. I won't go into the details of the film, in case you haven't seen it.
In spite of the experiences of ...
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We are all so blessed to be living on a planet, so rich in resources, that we have everything that we need and want. The abundance of resources is far too many to list here, however we need to look after our wonderful planet, so that we do not run out of those resources, especially considering our increasing population size.
I believe that I became more environmentally conscious after I became a father. Up until then, I ...
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First of all, my heart felt condolences to all those affected by the massacre that took place at the weekend. I am glad to read about the strength and solidarity being displayed by the people of Sutherland Springs.
I wonder how long we are going to experience or hear about this type of atrocity. Surely something has to change with regards to the gun laws and/or the gun controls. This was yet another example of a person who was either mentally ...
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Sir Richard Branson is the founder of the Virgin Group, which controls over 400 companies. He is an investor and philanthropist, who goes against the grain. I have such respect and admiration for what he does and what he stands for, that I want to dedicate an article to him.
Branson started as a business entrepreneur at just 17 years of age. Now at 67, he has been in business for 50 years and says that he is still ...
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I've just come across a wonderful article on foods that help the functioning of our brains, that I wanted to share with you.
Latest research has enabled scientists to remark that brain health and functioning is under our control, regardless of age or gender. There are certain foods that prevent memory loss and prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease.
1 - EGGS Contain a compound which is necessary for the proper functioning of brain cells. As an example, they ...
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