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November 27, 2021


Crystal Blue Persuasion

(At last, here we go 52 years later)
Tommy James & The Shondells


Look over yonder
What do you see?
The sun is a-rising
Most definitely

A new day is coming
People are changing
Ain't it beautiful?
Crystal blue persuasion

Better get ready to see the light
Love, love is the answer
And that's all right

So don't you give up now
So easy to find
Just look to your soul (your soul)
And open your mind

Crystal blue persuasion,
It's a new vibration
Crystal blue persuasion
Blue persuasion

Maybe tomorrow
When He looks down
On every green field
And every town
All of His children
And every nation
There'll be peace and good brotherhood

Crystal blue persuasion, yeah
Crystal blue persuasion,
Crystal blue persuasion


Whatever you wish to call it, Golden Age, The Millenium, The Age of Aquarius, Ascension, The Second Coming, or Crystal Blue Persuasion… this will be the most far-out post I’ve ever written, so please take it with a grain of salt, at least until the predictions prove to be correct; should that happen someday.

Meanwhile, take it for its entertainment value. But maybe put it out there with a strong prayerful intent for whatever utopia might be possible. Who knows, it’s unfolding now! 2021 is the slow ponderous year of the ox, however, 2022 is the Chinese year of the Tiger. Possibly it will pounce. In any case, I suspect much will have changed in the USA by next year at this time and the ripples will be felt all over the world. Maybe more than ripples, a tsunami

What I have outlined below is not just my opinion but what I have been able to gather from various seers, prophets and new age channelers having astonishingly correct predictions in the past. Each purport to receive their information from the other celestial side ‘of the veil’ rather than ‘earthly’ political-socio analysts. Generally, the latter turns out to be wrong since they don’t have a vertically integrated view of what’s going on below. 

The intuitive ‘seers’ I follow don’t all address the same events or necessarily agree, yet speak most adamantly of a new golden era about ready to ‘pop’ within the next decade. In this regard, they all seem to be saying the same thing, more or less, and what events are currently preparing us for this new phase. Christian prophets might call it the Kingdom Age (or Millenium), New Agers simple call it; well… New Age.

For my purposes, the one who provides the broadest range of (non-religious) specifics is Michelle Fleming, a very talented intuitive from the UK. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUi-rNXHyYHfHbLToZ0tzcUQ     

Regardless of the diversity of perspectives, I have outlined several predictions made that relate to what’s happening now and the next five to ten years where things, supposedly, will culminate in a new happy era. It all sounds rather glorious, if not Pollyanna, but appears there could be some bumps along the way as humanity adapts to a new world based on higher consciousness… and good luck to those that don’t.

Many of the below predictions are random and perhaps a bit redundant, however, I can work on organizing this better when I have more time.

Of course, I have no idea if any of these predictions will turn out to be true, but thought I’d put it out there anyway. We can keep score on which predictions have come true… if any. I’ll take another look at these next year at this time, or if warranted, maybe do another post. Should be interesting.


Okay, so here goes…



Life on earth is about to change dramatically over the next 10 years. By 2033 a new Golden Age will be underway though it may still take several decades for systems, structures and technology to be fully implemented. However, within this next decade of transition, little on earth will remain the same.

The pace of how quickly this occurs will depend on the consciousness of humanity rising to a higher frequency where love, truth, freedom and peace replace fear, hate, evil and hostility. Despite the current global despair, consciousness is rising rapidly and will soon reach a critical mass where changes can begin. In time, human consciousness will evolve to 5D from 3D and lower 4D. The fears now imposed on the world will serve to awaken the masses to stand up for freedom and empowerment.

As this increasingly happens over the next few years, many governments and financial systems will fall throughout the world due to corruption. In the USA, the Durham report will have huge consequences, creating a global trend towards accountability. Many corrupt politicians and unelected officials will be exposed and convicted, beginning in 2022 and thereafter.

In the near future, perhaps within a few years, new quantum nanotechnology will be universal, secure, and private, that cannot be hacked or exploited. This Quantum Financial System (QFS) will operate with highly intuitive quantum technology, solidly backed with gold currency. The old ‘paper’ fiat system will not exist, and therefore, inflation will not be possible since there will be no printing of money. To see how this has been coming about, go to https://sites.google.com/view/nesara-law/home  

Any country in the world that does not abide by the charter will be excluded and isolated from all global commerce. No country would be willing for this to happen since sovereignty in all national/cultural/religious affairs will be preserved and there will be no more wars. All borders will be open for unrestricted travel.

A new global charter is currently being signed and implemented with militaries facilitating this worldwide. This charter will replace political/economic systems as we know them. It will be based on grass-roots, bottom-up democracy with an agenda of freedom, equality and prosperity. The template will be NESARA/GESARA, which is now being tested but not yet activated. It will be the opposite of the elite’s agenda of Marxist/globalist, top-down tyrannical control. It will first require an overthrowing of the current deep state political power base in the USA., likely this coming year. 

Banking systems will eventually collapse throughout the world. All transactions will be immediate with no middle man. All loans and payments will be directed from the QFS based on the intention of users.

Quantum currency will be freely given away through digital ‘wallets’ based on good intent, such as humanitarian causes, family needs, etc.

Loan applications will be instant based on the nature of the application, the intent of the recipient and how the money is to be spent, regardless of collateral capital. Funds will be plentiful and provided to all in need. The QFS will intuitively know the intent. Evil intent and purposes will be shut out. No interest will be charged and no corruption will be possible.

Income taxes will cease, and all tax agencies will cease to exist, all tax will be generated by a 14% sales tax on all items excluding food and medicines.

A great change will occur in the USA as a result of the exposure of 2020 election fraud in the USA. Election audits will continue with more states joining in. This will lead to other countries doing the same. The military already possesses all this information through watermarked ballot verification but prefers the audits be revealed by the local states to decertify the election. If necessary, they will step in to reveal the results.

A special military force of 120,000 troops has been created to implement the coming changes and assist with the transition. This will likely grow to double or more.

Biden will be removed from power in 2022 after the election corruption is exposed. The Democratic and Republican parties will be disbanded and the world ‘alliance’ military will install Trump, not as President, but the overseer of the transition towards government devolution of NESARA.

There will be no more Presidents in the USA. The constitution will be based on the Declaration of Independence but revised to accommodate the new QFS - nano-technology based devolution. Other countries across the world will, over time, mimic the USA’s constitution since it will be best suited to the new GESARA Starlink quantum world reality. Some of this could begin in 2022 but roll out over the next decade.

Already being tested and partially implemented behind the scenes, is the star-link satellite system related to Edmund Musk’s global communications, including that of Tesla free energy technology.

All countries of the world, have or are signing the international Star-link QFS charter. Any country that didn’t would be shut out from the world’s markets. Any altering of operations will be at the grassroots level accommodating cultural, religious and ethnic differences.

Peace will be a prerequisite in each country to use the QFS. This will mean that military enforcement and governance will not be required in the future.

Mainstream media outlets will be radically altered as the viewing audiences continue to plummet because of compromised journalistic integrity. (They lie a lot). Social media companies will undergo much change and certain Big Tech might not survive or will be taken over. Interestingly, it sounds like Jack Dorsey with Twitter is about the resign. Facebook, now Meta, is also having some problems. Btw, Meta in Hebrew means ‘dead.’

Trump’s new Truth network will be operational by early 2022, as already announced. It will be without censorship and create great upheaval in existing platforms because it alone will provide for free speech. This will be a big blow to Twitter and Meta. Current hate-based MSM, publications and social media will not survive in their present form.

All communities throughout the world, conforming to the GESARA charter will be self-governed and self-funding, operating independently of any centralized government. No large corporate interests with top-down structures will qualify.

Globally, the education system will become more child-oriented to accommodate natural abilities, aptitudes and interests rather than enforced curriculum. More will be home-schooled or educated in small community settings. Larger education institutions such as colleges and universities will become obsolete where everyone will learn online and in smaller settings for pleasure.

Old paradigms of stressful, competitive education will be ceased. Divisive education based on victimhood, race and entitlement will cease in cultures of universal goodwill.

Children being born into the world will be of a higher ‘old soul’ consciousness, or what some call ‘Indigo’ and ‘Crystal’ children who ‘get’ spirituality.

Health services will be readily available as humanity moves through its collective healing process. Mental health services will also be provided. Within ten years, all collective trauma will be healed.

Medicine will be oriented to prevention, alternative plant-based treatment rather than pharmaceutical allopathic treatments and cures. Holistic modes of health treatment will take over. Frequency treatments, reflexology, hypnotherapy, homoeopathy, hypnotherapy will become commonplace. Allopathic medicine will gradually become obsolete and hospitals will be disbanded.

Most jobs will be designed to work from home or close to home rather than commuting. In other words, the ‘rat race’ will be over.

Cities will be repurposed as more of the population moves into the countryside and there will be no more homelessness.

Animals will be more revered and properly cared for.

Clothing will move to natural fibres. Life will become more simple, peaceful and happy as the world moves from striving to ‘being’

The will be no poverty or ill health in retirement.

Job quality and satisfaction will improve substantially where menial, repetitive assembly work will be replaced with innovation and automation, allowing more leisure time.

Waste will be reduced at the community level in innovative ways with new technologies. Plastics will be no more and replaced with recycling materials already invented but currently restricted.

Lack of income or security will be of the past. Everyone will have an equal opportunity to peruse their interests.

Food will increasingly be grown locally and organically, as required.

Transportation needs will change with fewer roads. Pollution from vehicles, transportation and industry will cease as the world moves towards cleaner technologies based on Tesla technology that produces clean, free energy. Hovering, anti-gravitational flying cars will become common as transportation structures are put into place. Enjoyable transportation will be the norm, including more bicycles, etc.

Large government buildings will be repurposed. All government systems will be devolved to communities. Central governments will not exist, all will be governed with local democratic autonomy.

Health will be restored as stress levels will be greatly reduced based on community support. Natural environments will be emphasized as humanity wakes up. There will be radical emotional, physical and psychotically change for the better.

As new structures and systems are introduced, the transition might seem chaotic and imposing at first to those who don’t wish to share the vision because of vested interest in the old, obsolete systems. Some of the low conscious vibrations, who are unwilling to change and accept the new upgrades on such a grand scale, will choose to exist earth during these times of restructuring.

The final stages of initiation are now being put into place behind the scenes for the brightest future imaginable. The speed of implementation will become increasingly exponential. The web of light is replacing the final strands of evil that have covered the world for a very long time. Many low-consciousness will awaken and emerge from their sleep to spiritual reality. It may take some shocks to awaken certain areas such as New York which is about to be hit hard in 2022.

Attacks on the pineal gland will be halted. 5G technology, fluoride in water, subliminal programming by media and music will not be permitted. Tesla towers will replace pernicious frequencies.

As the world consciousness moves from the 3D, through the 4th to the 5th Dimension, darkness will continue to be infiltrated until the ‘dark forces’ of the ‘deep state’ (call it what you wish, cabala, Illuminati, etc.) will be no more.

All trafficking (child and adult) will end and be exposed.

The masks, vaccination and lockdown agendas will end as soon as the public rises up to resist impositions. (For example, Australia will soon liberate itself from government tyranny.)  Such draconian impositions will help humanity raise its consciousness by taking back its power. Hopefully, this will happen sometime in 2022 or soon thereafter depending on when the collective can transition out of its disempowering fear to something more positive.

Natural cures will replace vaccinations. Eventually, all vaccines and invasive medical procedures will be a thing of the past. Those perpetrating the virus hysteria and disinformation will be brought down this next year… Fauci, anyone?

New med-beds will replace traditional medicine by harnessing natural sonic frequency waves to reverse imbalance in cells and organic matter.

Once a critical mass of awaking is reached, 5-Dimensional earth life will begin by 2032. A solar flash will occur that will eliminate all lower planes which have sustained evil on earth.

So, how is this all happening, against all odds considering human nature and all the world’s corrupt institutions?

If it’s not, it should be obvious we’re getting a little help with this… actually a lot of help, that has been in the planning stages for a long time. Systems have been put into place for this transformation as with GESARA, Starlink and the QFS nanotechnology. It is possible communication with extraterrestrials could begin by 2033.

Call it divine, angelic or galactic extra-terrestrials, maybe all the above, it doesn’t matter so much as this is all based on love, destiny and the rescue plan for the earth which will be restored to what it was aeons of ages ago.

I will leave this ‘out there’ topic for another time where I can go into more depth and speculation of what I hope will turn out to be true.



[1] Some of these ‘seers,’ often with radically different approaches, include Amanda Gace, Michelle Fleming, Robin Bullock, Kat Kerr, Tina Louse Spalding.
[2] NESARA/GESARA are acronyms for National/Global Economic Security and Reformation Act

There are several sites available online including:

For more information as to what NESARA means for the world, see what I pasted below this article.



See the history and full article of this. https://sites.google.com/view/nesara-law/home  

2000 – Late one evening on March 9, 2000, a written quorum call was hand-delivered by Delta Force and Navy SEALs to 15 members of the US Senate and the US House who were sponsors and co-sponsors of NESARA. They were immediately escorted by the Delta Force and Navy SEALs to their respective voting chambers where they passed the National Economic Security and Reformation Act. President Clinton signed the Act into LAW.

These 15 members of congress were the only people lawfully allowed to hold office in accordance with the original 13th amendment. Remember British soldiers destroyed copies of the Titles of Nobility Amendment (TONA) in the war of 1812 because it prevented anyone who had ties to the crown of England from holding public office. President Clinton relinquished his bar registry.

NESARA is the most groundbreaking reformation to sweep not only this country but our planet in its entire history. The act does away with the Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS, the shadow government, and much more.

NESARA implements the following changes:

1. Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a “jubilee” or a forgiveness of debt.

2. Abolishes the income tax.

3. Abolishes the IRS. Employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.

4. Creates a 14% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed; nor will used items such as old homes.

5. Increases benefits to senior citizens.

6. Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.

7. Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment.

8. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s announcement. The interim government will cancel all National Emergencies and return us back to constitutional law.

9. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups.

10. Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.

11. Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.

12. Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law

13. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.

14. Restores financial privacy.

15. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.

16. Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide.

17. Establishes peace throughout the world.

18. Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes.

19. Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, antigravity, and sonic healing machine


November 18, 2021



The topic of enlightenment is multi-varied and so can be approached from a number of angles. I’ve posted a few articles on this topic before. In this supposed ‘age of awakening’ (I hope), I've included another post for those who might be interested in reading further on the topic. 

As I was editing my third ELYSIUM’S PASSAGE novel, QUANTUM LEAPS, I noticed there was a lengthy discussion on enlightenment. Having written this over seven years ago, I forgot much of what was in it the book until I recently began my final editing. Writing several novels at the same time can mean long delays since the stories are woven as one. For those interested, I will hopefully have most of the series completed within the next couple of years to mark the tenth anniversary when I began.

For those who might wish to read the first chapters of Book One, The Ascent, the following link will take you to the first chapter where you’ll also find links to the other chapters.

The following excerpt on the topic of enlightenment is from a lively discussion from Chapter 11.

'What you just said, Eli, made we think of an old pop song by an Afro-American soul/rock group called Sly and the Family Stone? They were around long before I was born; I think sometime back in the 60s. Anyway, when you said that about taking me higher, I remembered that line they sang over and over: I want to take you higher. Anyway, that came to me out of nowhere… probably not that relevant to our discussion.’

‘Actually it is,’ he said, ‘since that’s what we wish to do; to take you higher and higher, far beyond where you’ve ever been before… much higher than this Summit. You ascended this far; still, it’s only a base camp for your journey higher up and further in. Your MMT will provide you invaluable training to enable you to climb to ascend even higher while you remain here. We promise you, when you ascend to your final vista, the view will be so spectacular that you will only be able to see it with your inward vision, not your eyes.’ 

‘That’s interesting,’ I said. ‘So you both must assume that I’m ready to proceed, as you say, higher up and further in.’

‘Not really,’ Mo said, ‘however, we trust you will be by the end of your paradise island retreat. That will be the time for you to prepare yourself for whatever lies ahead; wherever you are, here, there, or on the earth plane.’

‘Yes, of course,’ I said. ‘Okay, so, tell me more of what this tropical island retreat is supposed to be about? From what your saying, it doesn’t sound much like nirvana, not that I know much of what it means, specifically.’

‘Perhaps nirvana is something you might wish to pursue in Tibet at another time,’ Eli said. ‘That’s not what this is about; instead, this is to clear you of inward clutter so the light can dawn upon you when you’re ready to receive it.

‘Remember, you can’t make enlightenment happen just by contriving it whenever it suits you. Instead, enlightenment is more of an ongoing process of conscious intent, than an actual event. As Mo indicted earlier, the best you can do is ready yourself, so that when the time is right, the light will come to you. And that’s what you will be doing on the island; getting ready to be ready.’

‘How long is this going to take?’ I asked. ‘I don’t think it took Buddha all that much time… all he had to do was sit there under his Bodhi tree for a while.’

‘Siddhartha’s experience was his, not yours,’ Mo said. ‘Besides, his enlightenment had begun long before he sat under his tree; otherwise, he wouldn’t have bothered sitting there.

‘The voice of I Am will come to you as an inward understanding or knowingness when you are called. That’s why, as we’ve said before, it’s not about apprehending; rather, it’s about being apprehended – not seizing, but being seized. It speaks not about things, only Self, the hardest thing there is to know. That’s because you’re not a thing, but a god that’s forgotten who he is, a vessel containing God’s essence.

‘When you finally come to recognise the voice, it will always be there for you because it never left you. It’s just that you didn’t recognise it because you didn’t recognise your Self. When you do, you will hear it and know all you need to know.’

‘This might not be a burning bush, I AM type of experience,’ he said, ‘yet what you sense will be unmistakable because it will have come from you, for you, and only you. Not for Eli, not for me, and certainly not for anyone else. Furthermore, you may never know how or where this epiphany comes, but when it does, it will be commensurate with how open you remain to its Presence.

‘That, James, is what you have to prepare for. There’s still too much dissonance within your intellect that gets in the way of clear reception.’

‘So, are you saying I’m too smart for my own good? I said smiling.’

‘If you were smart, you would get out of your own way,’ Eli said. ‘Essentially, your mind, in-as-much as you have allow, has been responsible for what you’ve become. So, try to subordinate it to the voice of the heart… it knows.’

‘I’m not sure I like that word subordinate,’ I said, ‘sounds too hierarchal.’

‘Fair enough,’ Mo said. ‘Obviously, you’ve been listening to those in the Flatlands who so ferociously oppose any such notion. So, if you don’t care for the term, perhaps we could say aligned. Many practices have been developed by highly evolved mystic schools and esoteric traditions that require a great deal of silence to hear what the inward voice has to say when aligned with the heart.

‘You don’t have to be in an ashram since mystical encounters can occur almost anywhere; under a tree, though not necessarily of the Bodhi phyla, in a church choir singing the Halleluiah chorus or swimming with the dolphins. As long as love and peace are present and fear and judgement are absent, anyone may receive divine light.

‘More often than not, enlightenment occurs in silence when no one is present except the Presence. Then it’s gone again, at least until the next time. Still, the peace lingers.’

‘That’s jolly,’ I said. ‘The problem with enlightenment, however, is that it always seems to come at such a great price. Most of the famous mystics I’ve heard about  had few possessions and even less money, so they paid dearly for these epiphanies.’ 

‘The price you pay for enlightenment is not determined by what is given,’ Eli said, ‘but by what is not given – the less willing, the higher the price. Much time and effort are often required to release what one doesn’t wish to release, such as misguided beliefs. These distractions often have to do with outward fixations related to money, relationships and achievements. Although, it might be more subtle than that, such as misguided beliefs that result in pride, fear and vengeance.

‘For this reason, it doesn’t matter how much one has, but what one is.  Out of that essence proceeds the desire to dwell within the divine light. The light cannot dwell within until one is first willing to dwell in the light. So, it is with enlightenment… it can only come to you when you are willing.

‘This may require the circumstances of one’s life to be significantly altered – ­­­­I guess you know all about that. Such disturbances are often necessary to get the noisy, distracted mind to settle down long enough to see and hear with inward eyes and inward ears.’

‘Are you calling my fall a mere disturbance?’ I asked. ‘The fall was so traumatic that the fall guy still hasn’t gotten over it, even after all the loving care he’s received. I’m sure he would consider it far more than that.

‘I’m sure he would, ’ Mo said, ‘But this isn’t about the fall guy. You’re the one, not him, who requires time alone to deal with whatever has been obstructing your vision. As it is often said, it’s difficult to see what’s below the surface until the mud settles. That’s why the ego-mind is always stirring things up to prevent you from getting to the bottom of what you really are… that being your Christ Self.

‘However, when the heart quiets the confused mind, it is surprising how quickly things become clear. This is what it means to be enlightened, if only for a moment.’

‘So then, how does one quiet the confused mind?’ I asked.

‘That’s for everyone to discover for themselves,’ Mo said. ‘For you, it may be a tropical island retreat. For the Buddha, the precursor to his enlightenment was to sit under a tree for a very long time. He didn’t read a how-to book… he waited. That’s the hardest part; letting the mind run its course so the heart’s wisdom may surface and dominate the confused mind.

‘If it was just a matter of reading books, your whole university would be enlightened. But it’s not. Though most of your colleagues might seem intelligent enough, is there anyone in your department you might consider, not just knowledgeable, but enlightened too? Being bright and being enlightened really aren’t the same thing, are they?’

‘I’m not sure they would agree with what you said,’ I said. However, I can’t think of any I would consider being the Buddha.

‘That’s because most intellects fail to understand that enlightenment is not learning about the light, since the light is always present. Instead, it’s discovering the light within by removing the fetters of darkness. That’s the only way we can see things as they are. Light never comes from the mind alone, but from the heart. The mind only gives form to the light when in union with the heart, yet, it is not the light. Remember what you told us about the voice you heard in the mountain meadows?’

‘Of course: nothingness, nothingness, nothingness!’

‘That’s right; nothing is required, not books, not lectures… you need only to allow what’s already within. That, in essence, was the message of the message!’

‘Somehow, I didn’t get that message.’

‘But that’s the paradox,’ Eli said. ‘You must first be willing to let go of what’s in the way. For example, you wished to learn about the meaning of life and so that’s why you studied philosophy. Yet you found that studying philosophy wasn’t enough because anyone wishing to become enlightened must first be willing to surrender all their cherished beliefs in order to hear what the Spirit has to reveal. This requires deep reflection and focus, since there’s nothing more undisciplined than the separated ego-mind.’

‘You see,’ Mo said, ‘this is the price of admission for enlightenment: releasing your ego’s beliefs. But it’s not that much of a sacrifice once you realise what you give up was never what you actually wanted; all those things that held you back from being free and happy. There is nothing about the ego that is desirable since it is that which keeps you in bondage on the earth plane. For you, this is mainly about letting go of what you thought you knew.

‘As you continue to learn and desire only what is true by throwing off the beliefs of the ego and its fearful distractions, you will come to know what you need when you return to the earth plane. Once you know, the how will take care of itself as each step will naturally present itself to you as you move forward.

‘Realise the journey is never over, there will always be new Summits. We never stop ascending; and why would we? That’s the nature of the Infiniverse. But since we are its sons and daughters, that’s our nature too.’

‘Most inspiring esoterica, Mo. So, what about my island get-away on the beach. Is there anything I need to do to prepare, such as building a hurricane-proof hut?’


Other posts on this blog site related to enlightenment may be found here. 






November 10, 2021 




This was a Remembrance Day repost which may be read at A Higher Calling






This is a series of seven Elysium Passager novels regarding a young British philosopher named James Phillips, who finds himself living in an altered state of reality while still remaining on earth.  

After experiencing a near-fatal fall while climbing to the summit of a remote mountain in the Andes, James awakens in a new dimension. He soon encounters two mysterious beings who provide him with a very different perspective on the nature of his existence. Over the next year, before his body recovers from the coma, he is challenged to re-examine his understanding of life’s meaning and purpose far beyond anything he previously believed or could believe.

An engaging and sometimes surreal adventure with intimations of impending romance, the narrative explores the most important questions about life, death, reality, and our ultimate destiny. 

The Plains of Elysium (Champs-Élysées) was described by Homer, Hesiod, Virgil, and many other poets as the paradisiac afterlife realm reserved for heroes. As the title suggests, this is about a journey through a passage that leads towards Elysium’s exciting realm of adventures.

To read a sample press review at https://www.prweb.com/releases/2018/05/prweb15515775.htm  





The following comments are excerpts from among the first readers, including a number of Amazon five star reviews. To read the full reviews, go to READER REVIEWS on www.elysiumspassage.com or directly at https://digitalbloggers.com/arts-and-entertainment/reader-reviews 

"A delightful mix of fantasy, reality, conjecture, and humour; Mr Meyers draws the reader into the story with a gentle narrative that captures the imagination, leaving one anxious to get to the next page drawing you into his exceptional world.”

"Quietly, gently, and without imposition, the Author unfolds the pages, creating an intricate, interlocking bridge spanning the chasm between mind and heart. Renewing, refreshing, restoring. In my bereavement, it was vigil and light…."

“Excellently written with an exceedingly deep understanding of this world and the next. The characters are very well written and engaging. I can't wait to complete this book!"

“Takes the reader on both a philosophical and spiritual journey, a journey that at times is both disquieting and tranquil. James, a British Philosopher, can be irreverent and caustic, traits that should have left me cringing but instead made me laugh out loud. Elysium’s Passage is a fun, enlightening and remarkable book.”

“This is a masterful fantasy, becoming a real possibility, as the reader is drawn into the story. The Summit leaves you anxious for the next book in the series, yet also leaves you totally satisfied with the world you have just visited. Genius! An exciting yet calming experience that is not to be missed."

"There was hardly a page on which I did not find at least one sentence worthy of hi-lighting for future reference. In addition, I thoroughly enjoyed the main character, James, whose personality and passionate verbal exchanges with the other characters kept me coming back for more. I am reading the book for a second time while I wait for the next one in this series to be made available."

 “N.G. Meyers has clearly put a great deal of research and thought into what the afterlife may look like, and I like his perspective. It’s an altogether welcoming and exciting vision. The book gives one a great deal to think about and a reassuring confidence that the end of our lives is truly the beginning of life in the next. I highly recommend it."

"I am really enjoying your book, it’s fantastic! It is so incredible and diversified that I can’t really explain it to other people, so what I say is just read this book. Thank you so much for the blessings that you’ve given the world!"

“The humour interjected into a serious discussion makes me laugh out loud. Totally unexpected....l may be in the presence of at least a master, if not a genius. A fair ride into reality... seeking that which is unseen, yet absolutely real.”

“An engaging story of adventure embracing man's deepest desire to search for meaning and purpose, N.G. Meyers takes the reader on an adventurous, thought-provoking journey. This book has substance. It is a perfect blend of adventure and fantasy combined with spiritual philosophy. It ignited my imagination. The author magically weaves a good story laced with wit and humour together with deep philosophical wisdom. This book has it all!”

“An evolution in thought is triggered by many fresh philosophical themes which could inspire readers to re-think their reality and former ideologies that have dictated their lives… the author fires readers’ imaginations to view what could be possible when spirit vacates the body.”

“This is the book spiritual seekers have been waiting for. For me, it granted a great read as well as increased inspiration to live every day with a heightened sense of purpose. I highly recommend it.

“The Summit is capable of hooking readers and luring them to search for Book 2 to discover more about Dr Philip’s surreal trek into the mysterious unknown universe. This thick book is well worth the read and to share…”

“Mind-blowing statements and speculation (‘…everyone is a non-physical thought form conceived in the Mind of God, preserved for all eternity because God’s thoughts never die…’). Many will find Meyers’ journey up the Mountain intriguing—and possibly even life-changing.” (BLUEINK REVIEW)

“In its effort to grapple with fundamental questions about the meaning of life, it raises questions that have echoed throughout the ages, including about where we come from, where we are going, who we are.”  (CLARION REVIEW)


Summary Introduction to Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage


After experiencing a near-fatal fall while climbing to the summit of a remote mountain in the Andes, James awakens in a new dimension. He soon encounters two mysterious beings who provide him with a very different perspective on the nature of his existence. Over the next year, before his body recovers from the coma, he is challenged to re-examine his understanding of life’s meaning and purpose far beyond anything he previously believed or could believe. An engaging and sometimes surreal adventure with intimations of impending romance, the narrative explores the most important questions about life, death, reality and our ultimate destiny. 


The following titles of Elysium’s Passage are to be published in 2024


1. The Ascent is the first novel in the Chronicles of Elysium Passage series that’s foundational to everything else that happens in the following books, embarking on an adventure that will surprise and delight the reader like no other book.

It all begins with an extreme adventure of climbing a remote and challenging mountain somewhere in the Andean Mountains. Just as James, the protagonist, is about to reach the mountain summit, he falls into an abyss that leaves him in a coma for almost a year.

After being airlifted by a forestry helicopter and flown back to London, where his body remains for almost a year. Eventually, he learns it was not him but his body that was rescued. Several days later, without understanding what happened, he continues to climb to the summit in an alternate dimension of higher consciousness.

Fortuitously, he meets two adventurers on the summit ridge who are no longer of this world. After that, his surreal life leads him to several new adventures in the subsequent chronicles that include a rich mix of adventure, romance, and fantasy, along with profound discussions of philosophy, spirituality and the afterlife.


2. The  Summit, the second novel in the Chronicles of Elysium Passage series, carries on where James, the narrator and protagonist, is taught more about a multidimensional reality that he finds difficult to comprehend.

Not only does he find he’s not as clever as he imagined, but his off-world companions on the summit demonstrate that much of what he believed about life was not just parochial but wrong. At first, he finds this difficult to comprehend since their teachings are contrary to his limited understanding of non-material reality.

After being tricked into teleporting off a ledge where he was trapped, James becomes aware of the new reality that makes him capable of far more adventures than could have ever been experienced previously in his physical body back home.

Now, if only he would win over the only woman in this life who matters, the nurse on the other side of the veil, who continually demonstrates her unconditional love toward his healing.

Warning: This book may also open the reader’s eyes to a much vaster reality than most might be aware. As with the other Chronicles, there are discussions of philosophy, the spiritual afterlife and what might seem like fantasy.


3. Quantum Leaps is the third novel in Chronicles of Elysium Passage, where James, the philosopher-protagonist, teleports back to London to visit his body and make contact with the special nurse taking care of it in his absence. Immediately, he feels an inexplicable spiritual bond with her for reasons he remains unaware of.

Now aroused by a renewed interest in matters of love, the beginnings of a relationship begin to emerge as he attempts to reach across the chasm of their worlds. But it’s not until the fifth novel, Mystical Romance, that he encounters her in a way that he finds difficult to believe.

However, before that can happen, there is much about his failed relationships that must be resolved before he is ready to move forward in his new life in Elysium’s Passage. It is during this time he christens his comatose body as the fall guy since it took the fall for him down the abyss so he could learn the lessons he’s now learning.

That will be the next focus of his life, where in his next Surreal Adventures, he is given virtual lessons to release many of his past beliefs about life.


4. Surreal Adventures is the fourth novel in the Chronicles of Elysium Passage, which finds James, the protagonist and narrator, escorted by his companions to a remote South Pacific Island, where he is left to reflect on what he’s learned.

During the next forty days, he battles the demons of his past as he works through some rather painful issues from his early youth. Here, in a tropical storm, he encounters an eery suspended spectre of the one he loved yet still resents for abandoning him as a child.

After this, he achieves peace of mind and is ready to return to his lodge to join his off-world companions on the Andes summit. However, just when it seemed things couldn’t get any stranger, a sixteenth-century sea captain sails his ancient ‘ghost’ ship onto the beach. Together, they sail off on a mystical ocean voyage to a couple of virtual islands supposedly in the South Pacific, where he witnesses and, at times, participates in several important life lessons.

His surreal encounters in the Flatlands illustrate the deficiencies of contemporary academia. Next, they sail off to the next island, the Hill Country, where he witnesses several peculiarities in organized religion. These experiences, though virtual, provide him with fascinating and enlightening allegorical examples of his life in the world.

Near the end, these encounters help prepare him for a new challenge within the interior of a mountain, where he falls deep into a dark tomb of fear. After being rescued by a mysterious stranger wielding his Excaliber, he continues on to where his life is about to be transformed in the following chronicle, Mystical Romance.


5. Mystical Romance is the fifth chronicle in Elysium Passage, which will surprise the reader with a romantic twist of how love is expressed in higher realms. From this lofty perspective, everything about intimacy is understood as within, so without.

After escaping his tomb, James, the narrator and protagonist, makes his way through a maze of tunnels until he arrives at a large oak door, which he opens with the golden key he had been given. There, he steps into Elysium’s Passage’s Great Hall, where his life and recent achievements are celebrated now that his eyes have been opened to perceive a fascinating interior world of wonderment… and romance.

To say more might risk diminishing the multitude of delightful surprises as circumstances begin to open to The Elixir, where James is about to re-enter his earthly body’s existence.


6. The Elixir is the sixth chronicle of the Elysium Passage series that prepares James, the narrator-protagonist, to awaken and return to his body in London. Before that can happen, however, his off-worlder friend presents a mysterious equation enshrouded with a light code frequency that will stimulate multidimensional DNA strands within him.

Much of this narration is centred in London, where his nurse unknowingly becomes involved in how the Elixir’s equation finds its way from a taxi cab driver to higher echelons of science. There are many twists in how she unwittingly brings the Elixir to the attention of mathematicians and physicists, after which they eventually discover how to code the equation into a laser ray to stimulate his fall-guy body into full consciousness.

Ostensibly a new Adam, he is destined to return humanity to a higher multidimensional existence. How this happens is filled with intrigue, as is his shocking return to his earthly body.



7. The Return is the seventh and last chronicle in the series where James, the narrator and protagonist, has re-emerged from Elysium’s Passage as he readjusts to life in the third dimension. Many of the events experienced in the previous novels are tied together in an exciting, fast-moving, action-packed narrative.

Now, back in the third dimension, all memories seem to have been lost, with his fall guy’s brain not being aware of what happened to him in the last year. As a consequence, it takes a while for him to be convinced he had been out of his earthly body for almost a year.

Through some rather unexpected events and his girlfriend’s urging, he is brought to an awareness of much that occurred out of the body. Though much of the chronicle, this brain hasn’t caught up to the changes he experienced in his heart in the alternate realm.

Through some harsh life lessons back home, he discovers what he has become and the many challenges that lie ahead of him in fulfilling his mission to bring change to this planet.





EMAIL: nmeyers@shaw.ca   

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