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I don't follow astrology or have much interest in the topic but that doesn't mean it might not have significance, even if my professors didn't teach it in my philosophy classes. I'm open-minded, yet remain a bit sceptical.
... maybe like the famous sci-fi writer, Arthus C Clarke.
In any case, I understand that this alleged Age of Aquarius is no longer 'dawning' but that we have moved into this new 2,000+ year cycle. It is said by some astrologers that it officially begins on December 21, 2020, when Venus and Saturn align. That's when we emerge out of months of fear and darkness and the love and light begin to overcome all that's wrong on our planet, although it will take years to accomplish.
To see more on this topic, see the post: Are we moving into the Fifth Dimension?
So what does that mean? I have no idea, so included an article by Santokh Singh Khalsa, D.C. who seems to have a handle on what's happening.
I do feel, however, something is in the air that is about to pop after or during this virus scare. And so, after this article, I've included a couple of links that claim everything on earth is about to change for us. There will be a dark night period, but it's for the good. Supposedly this will accelerate this spring.
What I find fascinating, is that these videos and a few others came out at the same time and have the same bizarre messages of upheaval and gradually ascend into higher dimensions. Which dimensions? You guessed it: The 5th Dimension (if you quality). Can't make this up! Or, maybe you can. I don't know. But what if it's true... kind of? Keep an open mind, as long as your brains don't fall out.
The Aquarian Shift: What will be Different?
By Santokh Singh Khalsa, D.C.
I first heard of the Age of Aquarius from a song in the musical “Hair.” I was a teenager in the ’60s and it sounded really cool. I then started hearing about it again from my teacher, Yogi Bhajan. He came to this country in 1969 and started teaching Kundalini Yoga, a type of yoga that had never been publicly taught before.
He could see that many changes were coming that were associated with the shift to the Aquarian Age, and it was time for people to have the tools they would need to transition from the Piscean Age that we had been in for 2000 years, into this new age.
What are these ages? Astronomers will tell you that the Earth rotates on an axis and that this line going through the centre of the earth has a slight wobble to it. It goes through a little circular wobble about once every 24,000 years. This cycle has been broken into 12 parts associated with the 12 astrological signs, based on which constellation the axis is wobbling towards. From around 2000 B.C. to 0 A.D. we were in the Age of Aries. From 0 A.D. to the present we have been in the Age of Pisces.
For the next 2000 years, we will be in the Aquarian Age. We have been in the transition from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age for the last 50 years. The official beginning of the Aquarian Age is November 11, 2011, or 11/11/11. Some people have set this date as December 21, 2012. Considering that this is a 2000 year cycle, no matter which date you accept, we are in for lots of change in the near future!
Why is this so important? Many people go their whole lives not caring or knowing if they are a Pisces, or a Gemini, or what their moon or rising sign is. This change to the Aquarian age is so important because it changes the astrological conditions for the entire planet. Every person on planet Earth has been and will be affected by this shift. Let’s investigate what will be changing.
The Piscean Age has been dominated by hierarchy and power. The key phrase for this age was from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, “To be or not to be.” To make a successful and happy life, you needed to resolve this question. The key to the astrological sign Pisces is “I believe.” During this age, in order for you “to be,” you needed to find someone or something to believe in.
When you found that thing, you attached yourself to that thing and were guided on how to live. This could be a religion, a political ideology, a charismatic leader, work, etc. The keys to life were hidden and secret in the halls of power and in the monasteries and ashrams. But you didn’t need to know these secrets, only to follow leaders and guides who did. This created vertical hierarchies as a result, and it was essential to find your place in the pecking order.
This has been the foundation for human consciousness for the past 2000 years. Everything that you have learned from your parents, and they from their parents, going back 2000 years, has been coloured by this Piscean frame of reference. And now that is all changing.
The Aquarian Age will be dominated by networks and information. The key phrase for this age is “Be to be.” The key to the astrological sign Aquarius is “I know.” This is the age of information. Nothing is secret anymore. All information is available at your fingertips. Where the Piscean age was organized in a vertical, up and down the structure of hierarchies, the Aquarian Age is organized in a horizontal network, opening the world up to true equality.
During this age, the focus is no longer on your identity and existence (“to be or not to be”), but on accepting yourself as a whole person (“be to be”) who does not need to believe in something outside of yourself. You are ready to accept that you have the knowledge and wisdom within yourself. It is no longer necessary to attach to something outside yourself but to become a leader of one: yourself. Instead of being a railroad car that is pulled by an engine, you become your own engine. It is your responsibility to stay on the tracks and to keep moving forward.
With this understanding, it is easier to comprehend what has been happening in the world over the last 50 years. On the inner level, since the 1960s, there has been a huge movement towards personal transformation: self-awareness, self-improvement, yoga, meditation, tai chi, alternative healing, natural foods, etc. There has also been a major increase in depression, suicide, anxiety, stress, and drug use, both pharmaceutical and recreational.
In the outer world, we have seen amazing changes: civil rights, environmental consciousness, women’s rights, gay rights, global consciousness, etc. We have also seen the rise of fundamentalism, terrorism, partisan politics, racism, xenophobia (the fear of the “other”), and general fear-mongering.
This shift is bringing out the best and the worst in mankind. Some people are preparing for this shift by opening their hearts and minds and embracing this new age, and some people are intimidated by the changes that they don’t understand and want to return to a “golden age” in the past or to circle the wagons and trust only those who are like themselves.
Transformation is never a painless process. When you fast or cleanse to purify your body, at first you feel worse, because toxins get stirred up in order to be eliminated. Once these poisons have been cleared, you feel lighter and more energized. Now imagine that every person on planet Earth is going through this shift. We are heading into a time of radical change. It is a time of great potential growth and expansion, but it is also a time of great potential pain and suffering. The more that you understand what is happening, the more that you can go through all of the changes without losing your balance and stability.
What can you do to help make this transition into this new age of information and consciousness? Here are some suggestions:
1. Have a daily spiritual practice. Every spiritual tradition has one thing in common: a daily practice. This can be many different things: yoga, meditation, chanting, prayer, contemplation, exercise, journaling, etc. It is not important what you are doing, but that you do something almost every day, and do it with an intention to let go of your blocks and focus your consciousness. Kundalini yoga and meditation are the most powerful tools that I have found, but everyone must find their own pathway and collect the tools for their own toolbox.
2. Don’t give in to fear, despair, or anger. There is so much happening that can trigger these emotions: the media, the environment, politics, terrorism, etc. If you understand that these emotions are all symptoms of the Aquarian shift, then you can go through them without losing your centre.
3. Don’t be a victim. You have the power to change your life. Don’t give that power away to anyone through blame or resentment. You are responsible for your happiness and grace. Don’t buy into any view of reality in which you are not 100% responsible for making your life work. The Aquarian Age is all about empowerment and consciousness.
4. Be a source of light. The more people who consciously choose to embrace the Aquarian shift, the easier this transformation will go for humanity. It is a spiritual truth that a small percentage of people who have shifted their consciousness can influence the rest of humanity. If you are reading this, then you are most likely one of these pioneers. Find a way to spread your light: teach, heal, create community networks, serve, sacrifice, love. Welcome to the Aquarian Age!
Santokh Singh Khalsa is a chiropractor in Pasadena, California. He is also the director of The Awareness Center, where he has taught Kundalini Yoga and meditation to thousands of people since 1975. He is the master teacher for the Awareness Center Level I Teacher Training program and has trained hundreds of yoga teachers.
He practices yoga and meditation without fail every day of his life and eats a healthy vegetarian diet. With his white beard and sparkling eyes, many of his younger practice members call him "Santokh Claus" during the Christmas season. For more information on Santokh Singh Khalsa, go to www.khalsachiropracticpasadena.com
Speaking of the Age of Aquarius, that's me on top of my VW bus along with some of the band (and friends) I was with. Summer '72. A really 'far-out' year.
September 28, 2020
For those who are open to predictions of the Age of Aquarius, you might find the following link interesting as it makes some big claims for what's going to happen this September to the end of the year.
Hang on, we may be in for a rough ride where things get a lot worse before they get better. But, according to this, once we go through the transition, it will be better... much better. At least for those who are prepared to ascend.
For those familiar with the Bible, it sounds a bit like the concept of 'the rapture' in the New Testament where one is taken and the other left. Meeting in the clouds may, for some, be interpreted as ascending to a higher dimension
I guess it might not take long to find out how true it is. Maybe then I'll know if I should have pasted this excerpt in or not.
Anyway, here are excerpts from the article:
THE CONSCIOUSNESS THAT EACH'S WHOLE BODY HOLDS is the one experienced and presenting for each...
For the next few months and the super-importance for CONSCIOUSLY SUPPORTING Y/OUR PHYSICAL LIGHTBODIES in an immense recoding process "needing" to complete this linear year, for all truly embracing NEW EARTH AS REALITY and desiring all new to replace the old ways ... from this current vibrational/energetic NOW.
January - August was "just prep" for what comes next for each. August was pivotal in unlocking the codes for the next phases. By the end of August a new template system was activated, with the entire old grid "falling away", completely dissolving and shifting all to a whole new vibrational place/space.
Observing Gaia's Template Progression and each's body linking up to this, repeated observation shows that due to density levels and how the carbon-based body works, that it will take intentional, repeated and proactive focus daily over these next 3 months of continual honoring this immense clearing/upgrade/reconfiguration process prior to the December Gateways (starts in November) kicking off new templates/codes coming through for integrating fully and in alignment with the next phase of NEW EARTH TEMPLATES LOCKING IN BY THEN END OF DECEMBER and prior to January 1 of 2021... and yes, I'm using linear here, which is on purpose.
The last week of August... all of the GRIDS OF GAIA/UNIVERSALLY underwent a massive reconfiguration process to unlock and anchor the codes for these next phases.... THE TRANSITION OF ENTIRE COLLECTIVES entering the next phase of their own ASCENSION PROCESSES as a part of UN-tethering from OLD EARTH and fully re-connecting their CONSCIOUSNESS to the TEMPLATE and GRIDDING SYSTEMS of OUR NEW EARTH.
These next several months are beyond important and relative to all of the next phases that come after this. Since everything is progressional, certain phases must be completed with our whole Body and Fields Templates and Systems, before moving onto the next phase and the next and the next....
To fully comprehend that all is HELD/HOUSED within the physical body and maintained by what each ENERGETICALLY hold, allow and transmit out through each's own energetic reality and field, brings all new awareness for each, as to how all works on a Multi-Dimensional/Quantum Level, as all is ENERGETIC, which is how physical realities/experiences take on all new meaning too. Virtual Realities are included in this, as they play a part of each's holographic reality and what affects each's Morphogenic reality/experience/field).
NEW EARTH IS A LIVING CONSCIOUSNESS that we all LIVE from THROUGH our own inner-connected CONSCIOUSNESS from deep deep deep within. As we live/experience from this sacred place/space inside, our entire REALITY/EXPERIENCE links up via an immense intricate energetic gridding system so that all within our own Expanded EXPERIENCE BECOMES NEW EARTH TOO.
This INTRICATE ENERGETIC GRIDDING SYSTEM is often referred to as a matrix, lattice or grid. This immense lattice/grid/matrix is a part of deeply intricate systems that all inner-link together, via an energetic webbing system, creating an entire MASSIVE TEMPLATE SYSTEM that operates/works/functions in conjunction with whatever dimension/version of Earth that each's WHOLE BODY CONSCIOUSNESS LINKS UP TO.
This is Multi-Dimensional, completely NON-LINEAR in any way, therefore Multi-Dimensional Vision/awareness/expansion/perspectives are necessary to understand from a more expansive, heart-soul connected space that we occupy as we continually disconnect from the old and reconnect up to the gridding system of NEW EARTH, which is HOUSED WITHIN OUR OWN WHOLE BODY TEMPLATES AND SYSTEMS and activated by Light Frequencies that "speak" to Quantum Encodements in our 12-Strand DNA.
Old Earth was built upon, and held together by, a 3D Matrix Program and Systems that supported all realities "ego separation".
NEW Earth is built upon a whole new foundation, the building blocks of a whole new reality and core value system that looks nothing like Old Earth realities did. This is an intricate living breathing Template System that's created/built/held together byway of each LIVING THEIR HIGHEST STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS FULLY AND ALIGNING EVERY REALITY TO THIS...
The human ego aspect will judge all of this. WE all have to go/move beyond all of that. This takes deepening our inner connection to FEEL what's highest aligned, energetically appropriate and to honor a process that goes beyond the linear mindsets of 3D/4D. There is a whole body/being surrendering process that allows our bodies grids and neural networking systems to relax so completely that our body can "do this" without the disruptions and resistance that creates each's own inner struggle and eventually immense physical/emotional "pain". These even have very important purposes in releasing the deepest programming and distortions from the physical body so that Lightbody Tuning and re-calibration can occur. This is not a process to fear, resist or try to control ... as those energies are the ones the body is working hard to release so that it can raise it's vibrational frequency (atomic spin rate cycle) to one for the body to literally vibrate out of that dimension/timeline/frequency bandwidth and into one of pure peace, ease and love.
Every dimension has completely different TEMPLATES AND GRIDDING SYSTEMS that work/function very differently than the previous ones, with each even more intricate than the previous ones.
To review an article related to the above that makes predictions for the future, go to GOLDEN AGE
This was just a short excerpt, for those interested in the topic, there is much more at the site AWAKENING TO REMEMBER. I don't know anything about the transmitter of this information so won't vouch for anything said at this time
This is a series of seven Elysium narrations regarding a young British philosopher named James Phillips, who finds himself living in an altered state of reality while still remaining on earth.
After experiencing a near-fatal fall while climbing to the summit of a remote mountain in the Andes, James awakens in a new dimension. He soon encounters two mysterious beings who provide him with a very different perspective on the nature of his existence. Over the next year, before his body recovers from the coma, he is challenged to re-examine his understanding of life’s meaning and purpose far beyond anything he previously believed or could believe.
An engaging and sometime surreal adventure with intimations of impending romance, the narrative explores the most important questions about life, death, reality, and our ultimate destiny.
The Plains of Elysium (Champs-Élysées) was described by Homer, Hesiod, Virgil, and many other poets as the paradisiac afterlife realm reserved for heroes. As the title suggests, this is about a journey through a passage that leads towards Elysium’s exciting realm of existence.
To read a sample press review at https://www.prweb.com/releases/2018/05/prweb15515775.htm
The following comments are excerpts from among the first readers, including a number of Amazon five star reviews. To read the full reviews, go to READER REVIEWS on www.elysiumspassage.com or directly at https://digitalbloggers.com/arts-and-entertainment/reader-reviews
"A delightful mix of fantasy, reality, conjecture, and humour; Mr Meyers draws the reader into the story with a gentle narrative that captures the imagination, leaving one anxious to get to the next page drawing you into his exceptional world.”
"Quietly, gently, and without imposition, the Author unfolds the pages, creating an intricate, interlocking bridge spanning the chasm between mind and heart. Renewing, refreshing, restoring. In my bereavement, it was vigil and light…"
“Excellently written with an exceedingly deep understanding of this world and the next. The characters are very well written and engaging. I can't wait to complete this book!"
“Takes the reader on both a philosophical and spiritual journey, a journey that at times is both disquieting and tranquil. James, a British Philosopher can be irreverent and caustic, traits that should have left me cringing, but instead made me laugh out loud. Elysium’s Passage is a fun, enlightening and remarkable book.”
“This is a masterful fantasy, becoming a real possibility, as the reader is drawn into the story. The Summit leaves you anxious for the next book in the series, yet also leaves you totally satisfied with the world you have just visited. Genius! An exciting, yet calming, experience that is not to be missed."
"There was hardly a page on which I did not find at least one sentence worthy of hi-lighting for future reference. In addition, I thoroughly enjoyed the main character, James, whose personality and passionate verbal exchanges with the other characters, kept me coming back for more. I am reading the book for a second time while I wait for the next one in this series to be made available."
“N.G. Meyers has clearly put a great deal of research and thought into what the afterlife may look like and I like his perspective. It’s an altogether welcoming and exciting vision. The book gives one a great deal to think about and a reassuring confidence that the end of our lives is truly the beginning of life in the next. I highly recommend it."
"I am really enjoying your book, it’s fantastic! It is so incredible and diversified that I can’t really explain it to other people, so what I say is just read this book. Thank you so much for the blessings that you’ve given the world!"
“The humour interjected into a serious discussion makes me laugh out loud. Totally unexpected....l may be in the presence of at least a master, if not a genius. A fair ride into reality... seeking that which is unseen, yet absolutely real.”
“An engaging story of adventure embracing man's deepest desire to search for meaning and purpose, N.G. Meyers takes the reader on an adventurous thought-provoking journey. This book has substance. It is a perfect blend of adventure and fantasy combined with spiritual philosophy. It ignited my imagination. The author magically weaves a good story laced with wit and humour together with deep philosophical wisdom. This book has it all!”
“An evolution in thought is triggered by many fresh philosophical themes which could inspire readers to re-think their reality and former ideologies that have dictated their lives… the author fires readers’ imaginations to view what could be possible when spirit vacates the body.”
“This is the book spiritual seekers have been waiting for. For me, it granted a great read as well as increased inspiration to live every day with a heightened sense of purpose. I highly recommend it.
“The Summit is capable of hooking readers and luring them to search for Book 2 to discover more about Dr. Philip’s surreal trek into the mysterious unknown universe. This thick book is well worth the read and to share…”
“Mind-blowing statements and speculation (‘…everyone is a non-physical thought form conceived in the Mind of God, preserved for all eternity because God’s thoughts never die…’). Many will find Meyers’ journey up the Mountain intriguing—and possibly even life-changing.” (BLUEINK REVIEW)
“In its effort to grapple with fundamental questions about the meaning of life, it raises questions that have echoed throughout the ages, including about where we come from, where we are going, who we are.” (CLARION REVIEW)
Amazon in 2024
THE ASCENT: Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage
THE SUMMIT: Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage
QUANTUM LEAPS: Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage
SURREAL ADVENTURES: Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage
MYSTICAL ROMANCE: Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage
THE ELIXIR: Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage
THE RETURN: Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage
1. The Ascent is the first novel in the Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage that’s foundational to everything that happens in the following narratives that embark on an adventure that will surprise and delight the reader like no other book.
It all begins with an extreme adventure of climbing a remote and challenging mountain somewhere in the Andean Mountains. Just as James, the protagonist, is about to reach the mountain summit, he falls into an abyss that leaves him in a coma for almost a year.
After being airlifted by a forestry helicopter and flown back to London, where his body remains for almost a year. Eventually, he learns it was not him but his body that was rescued. Several days later, without understanding what happened, he continues to climb to the summit in an alternate dimension of higher consciousness.
Fortuitously, he meets two adventurers on the summit ridge who are no longer of this world. After that, his surreal life leads him to several new adventures in the subsequent chronicles that include a rich mix of adventure, romance, and fantasy, along with profound discussions of philosophy, spirituality and the afterlife.
2. The Summit, the second novel in the Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage, carries on where James, the narrator and protagonist, is taught more about a multidimensional reality that he finds difficult to comprehend.
Not only does he find he’s not as clever as he imagined, but his off-world companions on the summit demonstrate that much of what he believed about life was not just parochial but wrong. At first, he finds this difficult to comprehend since their teachings are contrary to his limited understanding of non-material reality.
After being tricked into teleporting off a ledge where he was trapped, James becomes aware of the new reality that makes him capable of far more adventures than could have ever been experienced previously in his physical body back home.
Now, if only he would win over the only woman in this life who matters, the nurse on the other side of the veil, who continually demonstrates her unconditional love toward his healing.
Warning: This book may also open the reader’s eyes to a much vaster reality than most might be aware. As with the other Chronicles, there are discussions of philosophy, the spiritual afterlife and what might seem like fantasy.
3. Quantum Leaps is the third novel in Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage, where James, the philosopher-protagonist, teleports back to London to visit his body and make contact with the special nurse taking care of it in his absence. Immediately, he feels an inexplicable spiritual bond with her for reasons he remains unaware of.
Now aroused by a renewed interest in matters of love, the beginnings of a relationship begin to emerge as he attempts to reach across the chasm of their worlds. But it’s not until the fifth novel, Mystical Romance, that he encounters her in a way that he finds difficult to believe.
However, before that can happen, there is much about his failed relationships that must be resolved before he is ready to move forward in his new life in Elysium’s Passage. It is during this time he christens his comatose body as the fall guy since it took the fall for him down the abyss so he could learn the lessons he’s now learning.
That will be the next focus of his life, where in his next Surreal Adventures, he is given virtual lessons to release many of his past beliefs about life.
4. Surreal Adventures is the fourth novel in the Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage, which finds James, the protagonist and narrator, escorted by his companions to a remote South Pacific Island, where he is left to reflect on what he’s learned.
During the next forty days, he battles the demons of his past as he works through some rather painful issues from his early youth. Here, in a tropical storm, he encounters an eery suspended spectre of the one he loved yet still resents for abandoning him as a child.
After this, he achieves peace of mind and is ready to return to his lodge to join his off-world companions on the Andes summit. However, just when it seemed things couldn’t get any stranger, a sixteenth-century sea captain sails his ancient ‘ghost’ ship onto the beach. Together, they sail off on a mystical ocean voyage to a couple of virtual islands supposedly in the South Pacific, where he witnesses and, at times, participates in several important life lessons.
Near the end, these encounters help prepare him for a new challenge within the interior of a mountain, where he falls deep into a dark tomb of fear. After being rescued by a mysterious stranger wielding his Excaliber, he continues on to where his life is about to be transformed in the following chronicle, Mystical Romance.
5. Mystical Romance is the fifth chronicle in Elysium’s Passage, which will surprise the reader with a romantic twist of how love is expressed in higher realms. From this lofty perspective, everything about intimacy is understood as within, so without.
After escaping his tomb, James, the narrator and protagonist, makes his way through a maze of tunnels until he arrives at a large oak door, which he opens with the golden key he had been given. There, he steps into Elysium’s Passage’s Great Hall, where his life and recent achievements are celebrated now that his eyes have been opened to perceive a fascinating interior world of wonderment… and romance.
To say more might risk diminishing the multitude of delightful surprises as circumstances begin to open to The Elixir, where James is about to re-enter his earthly body’s existence.
6. The Elixir is the sixth chronicle of the Elysium’s Passage series that prepares James, the narrator-protagonist, to awaken and return to his body in London. Before that can happen, however, his off-worlder friend presents a mysterious equation enshrouded with a light code frequency that will stimulate multidimensional DNA strands within him.
Much of this narration is centred in London, where his nurse unknowingly becomes involved in how the Elixir’s equation finds its way from a taxi cab driver to higher echelons of science. There are many twists in how she unwittingly brings the Elixir to the attention of mathematicians and physicists, after which they eventually discover how to code the equation into a laser ray to stimulate his fall-guy body into full consciousness.
Ostensibly a new Adam, he is destined to return humanity to a higher multidimensional existence. How this happens is filled with intrigue, as is his shocking return to his earthly body.
7. The Return is the seventh and last chronicle in the series where James, the narrator and protagonist, has re-emerged from Elysium’s Passage as he readjusts to life in the third dimension. Many of the events experienced in the previous novels are tied together in an exciting, fast-moving, action-packed narrative over several countries.
At first, it seems all memories have been lost, with his fall guy’s brain not being aware of what happened to him while in his coma. As a consequence, it takes a while for him to be convinced he had been out of his earthly body for almost a year.
Through some rather unexpected events and evidence, along with his girlfriend’s urging, he is brought to an awareness of much of what occurred. It takes a while for his mind to catch up with the changes made in his heart during his stay in the alternate realm. But after experiencing several harsh realities, he discovers what he became within while out of his body. Gradually, he comes to understand the many challenges that lie ahead for him in fulfilling his future mission on Earth.
This book is filled with adventure, romance and personal intrigue that ties together all six previous narratives of the Elysium’s Passage series.
EMAIL: nmeyers@shaw.ca
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