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The title of this post asks, "How Conscious Are You?" But before we pursue this question, it would be helpful to first understand what consciousness is. So, where does one begin? Some might say you either are or you aren't conscious; you're awake, or you're asleep. And yet, how many think they are awake when, in actuality, they go through life in what is effectively a soul slumber.

If you have read the first novel in Elysium's Passage series, you will know that the book's plot and themes are very much entangled with the topic of consciousness. James, the main character, has had an accident and remains unconscious in a year-long coma. And yet he, not his body, seems to be more conscious than ever before. How could that be?

It would be difficult to attempt an answer without having at least a rudimentary understanding of what, in essence, consciousness is. So where do we start when science has so little to say and what they seem to know little?

Some say consciousness is simply being aware, but then, isn't that just another word for the same thing? Others may say it's simply a function of the brain doing its thing. Okay, but how can we explain how five pounds of meat is able to create our reality just by doing its thing? Or do we find a fancy word for consciousness, such as being an 'epiphenomena' of the brain? As if that explains anything. See the post 'A NO-BRAINER' for a fuller examination of these shenanigans.  

Whatever it is, one thing is certain: without consciousness, there would be nothing out there for us to know or experience, including ourselves. It was said several centuries ago by George Berkeley (the British philosopher) that "to be is to be perceived," (Esse est Percipi).

Or, as 20th-century physicist John Wheeler stated, "no phenomenon is a physical phenomenon until it is an observed phenomenon." If these statements are true, this would suggest there could be nothing out there for us to observe without consciousness since consciousness, most obviously, is necessary to observe. How else could we perceive and observe by any means other than consciousness?

But that would mean that everything that is and everything that happens to us must be in the mind because that's the only place it can know to exist. How do you prove it exists outside the mind?... you can't. Those believing in God/Source/Energy might state this as being the One unindividuated Mind that we all participate in, even in our individuated state of being.

In any case, what could be more real than that which reveals the reality of the world to us? If, however, we view reality dualistically in terms of subject and object (me and them, them and us), then what Berkeley and many others have stated may not appeal to our Western culture's materialist sensibilities of separation.  

Yet it remains obvious that consciousness is the only means we have available to know ourselves and whatever else we might experience 'out there.' There's nothing dualistic about it! There's nothing we can intrinsically examine other than what is doing the examining... which is why consciousness must forever remain a mystery.

So, how is it possible to objectively discuss something as subjective as consciousness when all we have is consciousness to examine the very consciousness we are examining? Though we might discuss what consciousness does when we think and observe life, that does not tell us what it is, where it comes from, or where it goes.

This reminds me of a statement that Erwin Schrodinger made after winning the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1933. "The show that is going on obviously acquires a meaning only with regard to the mind that contemplates it. But what science tells us about this relationship is patently absurd: as if mind had only been produced by the very display that it is now watching."

In other words, if it's only the consciousness of our mind's intelligence that can tell us what consciousness is, then how? -- is it from "the display" that observes itself by means of itself? Since this would be absurd, as Schrodinger states, perhaps the best we can do is observe our inward emotions. I mean, what else is there to go on? That, however, doesn't tell us very much about the essence of consciousness. So how can we measure something so subjective: Is there some way to measure if we are consciously awake or asleep, active or reactive?

Though there are countless ways to examine the topic of consciousness, I decided to disclose something that might seem a rather surprising notion: What if there was an objective means of measuring levels of consciousness that are not related to one's IQ? Specifically, what if there was a method to scale and calibrate consciousness? If so, we might think of this as our 'CQ' - Consciousness Quotient.

Before considering this intriguing possibility, I have selected some interesting insights on consciousness from a few enlightened scientists and philosophers. These might give some context and orientation to the questions we are considering. These first quotes by Nobel Prize-winning physicist Max Planck are humdingers.  

"We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter. I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Max Planck, Physicist

"All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. 
Max Planck, Physicist

"In order to awaken, first of all, one must realize that one is in a state of sleep. And in order to realize that one is indeed in a state of sleep, one must recognize and fully understand the nature of the forces which operate to keep one in the state of sleep or hypnosis. It's absurd to think that this can be done by seeking information from the very source which induces the hypnosis." G.I Gurdjieff

"In speaking of evolution, it is necessary to understand from the outset that no mechanical evolution is possible. The evolution of man is the evolution of his consciousness." G. I. Gurdjieff

"Let us not forget this: mind is the first and most direct thing in our experience; all else is remote inference." Physicist Werner Heisenberg 

“No phenomenon is a physical phenomenon until it is an observed phenomenon. The universe does not exist 'out there,' independent of us. We are inescapably involved in bringing about that which appears to be happening. We are not only observers. We are participators. In some strange sense, this is a participatory universe.” Physicist John Wheeler

"Because men believe they already possess consciousness they give themselves so little effort in acquiring it." Friedrich Nietzsche

"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." Physicist Albert Einstein 

"The less consciousness we have, the more our actions may be contrary to morality. In any case, the first necessity for moral action is that it must be conscious." P.D. Ouspensky 

“Culture is a plot against the expansion of consciousness.”  Terence McKenna



Further on this topic, Professor Donald Hoffman takes this to a new depth of understanding with his hypothesis that consciousness is fundamental to all reality as we experience it. There is nothing else, he says, but perception emerging out of consciousness. It is interesting how mathematics is woven into this.

Also, Oxford-based mystic Rubert Spira represents a more right-brained, intuitive, mystical approach to the topic of consciousness and all such matters. In many ways, I appreciate his 'non-linear' approach to the topic over that of Hoffmans. Yet, both are fascinating. Below is one of many such talks.




One of the pioneers in the field of examining consciousness was Dr David Hawkins, MD. PhD (1927-2012). He was an acclaimed psychiatrist, psychologist and philosopher (see credentials below). Over the years from the early 1950s, he wrote extensively on psychiatry and psychology, particularly as it related to addictions. Then later, his focus expanded into the domains of spirituality, consciousness and enlightenment. I know of no one else, other than perhaps Jung, who had more to say on these topics, especially when approached from a non-dualistic perspective. Some of his books include The Eye of the I; I: Reality and Subjectivity and Transcending the Levels of Consciousness.

His writings on non-duality are uniquely advanced in their philosophical and spiritual insights. I recommend any of his books as a helpful compendium for Western thinkers wishing to understand Eastern philosophical perspectives, such as those elucidated in the Bhagavad Gita and other ancient Vedanta writings. 

One reason I mention Hawking's research and writings on consciousness is that I reference him and his research in Book Four, Elysium's Passage: Surreal Adventures, and in Book Five, Elysium's Passage: Mystical Romance. Over the years, I've found his writings fascinating and, at times, revelatory.

I say revelatory because Hawkins was up to something far more interesting than what most academics write about in their papers and textbooks on psychology. What he became involved with is a very unique and often controversial approach to measuring consciousness, taking the subject far beyond professional musings to methods of empirical verification.

Specifically, he sought to prove that kinesiology muscle testing can determine the qualitative calibration of each person’s consciousness. Of course, this is not the same thing as intelligence quotient testing, which might have little to do with consciousness except in a negative sense. 

Hawkins' first popular book, Power vs. Force, became a bestseller that claimed to demonstrate how everything naturally calibrates at its own qualitative conscious level through the universal field of consciousness, as some say. He suggests that almost anyone in a clear state of mind that calibrates over 200 (out of 1,000) can prove the validity of this methodology by determining levels of consciousness. This includes not just calibrations on just people but also books, movies, nations, cultures, etc.

One of his books, called Truth vs Falsehood, is full of tables of consciousness ratings on several topics. Personally, I would have to agree with many of these ratings based just on observation without reference to these external methods of calibration testing.  

It’s not my intent to convince anyone of the validity of this methodology who wishes to dismiss the credibility of Hawkin's research. In fact, there are several (left-brained) websites that have identified significant questions about the results of the kinesiology methodologies. Many of their criticisms are not too supportive of Hawkins' work. His response was that many of those skeptics involved in verifying the did not have a sufficient level of consciousness to conduct the calibration tests, and so the results were bound to fail. 

Nevertheless, I thought it may be useful to introduce these kinesiology procedures in this post should anyone be interested in experimenting for themselves. If there is something to this, as I believe there is, applications could have enormous possibilities for humanity as truth is sifted from falsehood. They also relate to the merits and truth of everything that can be known without reference to personal opinions and conjecture.

In other words, an external frame of reference is based on absolute truth. Of course, such an idea is based on the idea of there being what is sometimes called The Field or Universal Field of Consciousness. I suppose there could be any number of other possible names for this description; some religious (eg. Holy Spirit, Atman) and some esoteric/quasi-philosophical notions such as Bergson's 'elan vital'), etc.

Not surprisingly, the scientific fields that have imposed the narrowest parameters on what may or may not be possible (based on the scientific method), are the least open to what might be found outside their orthodox conventions. It's interesting to note, however, what the eminent Physicist Sir Arthur Eddington once said: Something unknown is doing we don't know what." We might call this the Universal Field of Consciousness -- why not? 

In any case, let me give a brief overview of Hawkins’ calibration methodology and how these tests are to be conducted. More detailed information is available on the web. Over the years, I have experimented with these calibrations and now have plenty of experience with how they work, although there's more than just one methodology.

Typically, two individuals face each other, one with an arm extended and the other interfacing with a couple of fingers on the subject’s wrist. First, a statement is made by the tester, who, within a second or two, quickly pushes down on the arm of the subject. If the statement is true, the arm remains strong and unmoved; if the statement is false, the arm goes limp after being pushed down lightly with the fingers.

By deduction, one should be able to determine their level of consciousness by simply saying (or consciously intending to say), "On a scale of one to a thousand, such and such's consciousness calibrates (for example) over (or under) 500. The ‘arm’ will respond accordingly by the arm's muscles remaining strong or going weak. By process of elimination, Hawkins claimed one is able (hypothetically) to find out what the calibration of consciousness is for anyone or almost anything, including collectives such as nations or movements.

Wouldn't that be great? But how valid is this claim?

For my part, I can attest that I’ve experimented on some very strong men whose extended arms I couldn’t budge when pushing down with all my strength. Yet I have repeatedly witnessed their arms go weak like wet spaghetti when a statement was false. The arms simply give away with very little downward pressure applied from one or two fingers on their wrists.

For example, the statement "refined sugar is good for my body" will cause the subject’s arm to immediately go limp. I know this sounds like some incredible hocus pocus, but all I can say is that if it wasn’t for having repeatedly experienced consistent results, I might have dismissed Hawkins's calibration theory. After all, I have better things to do with my time than go down anyone's bunny trail.

Yet, to be honest, I’m still not sure how far one should go in drawing conclusions about these calibration tests, such as someone's consciousness, including our own. Calibrations can only be as accurate as the consciousness of those who participate in them.

Still, I have found that calibrating the conscious level of my Elysium's Passage novel series consistent after doing the test among several volunteers at different times Although the calibration number did go up slightly over time near the completion of the series. Over the last year, the number has remained been the same. Should you do your own test on the series, I'd be interested to know if your calibration is the same. I suspect it would be... the field doesn't lie. 

In fact, this is why it doesn't work for everyone, particularly those whose consciousness calibrates below the threshold of "200." (See the charts below.) As an interesting aside, Hawkins claims the average consciousness of academics is well below that of the average person, in other words, below 200, because the ego-mind limits consciousness awareness. He sees an inverse relationship between consciousness and the pride of egoic intelligence.

For this reason, even if these tests were ever accepted among professionals, I doubt the powers of this world would be open to having their consciousness calibrated, much less disclosed to the public. As with the ego-mind, Hawkins posits that those who most wish to be in control of others have the lowest calibrations since superiority is always the prideful attitude of the low-conscious ego. Under these circumstances, few would allow themselves to be exposed as unqualified to lead as a consequence of low consciousness.

Though the ego’s machinations are most obvious among tyrants, how about those in our lives who act under the ruse of ‘serving' but are actually living out their ego's need to control others? And if we are honest, I’m sure we, too, at times, observe this trait within ourselves. It’s claimed in the research there’s always an inverse relationship between higher levels of consciousness and the dominance of the separated mind. But that I mean separated from the heart (soul) centre. The mind becomes darkly ego-centric when not tethered to the heart's conscious light. See the post on THE EGO MASK AND YOU

Apart from whatever merits the calibration test might have, I still find much of what Hawkins pioneered to be enlightening, which is why I brought up this subject of calibrations with regard to consciousness. By the way, Hawkins, as a professional, should not be readily dismissed since his credentials are most impressive. I have listed at the end of this post some of these accomplishments, but for a more complete outline, go to the website at where there is plenty more to read.

Below is a sample of charts that Hawkins represents as levels of consciousness. Several more charts may be found on the web under the David Hawkins Scale of Consciousness







To move beyond the discussion regarding calibrations, I have selected various excerpts from ELYSIUM’S PASSAGE to give a sample of the discussions on consciousness that are found throughout the series. As you will notice, James, the protagonist/narrator, has much to learn about this topic even though he’s a professor of philosophy in London.

It is my opinion that consciousness is a divine quality of life and that we all have access to, but have limited capacity to realize. This is primarily because our mind-dominated egos get in the way by resisting what is readily available in the universal field of consciousness, or as some religions call it: The Holy Spirit.

Of course, this post hardly scratches the surface of consciousness. In the future, I intend to post more material on this subject to discuss what we might do (or be) to lift the veil that shrouds our understanding of the source of consciousness.

This is the primary theme of ELYSIUM'S PASSAGE series, especially as it relates to understanding the necessity of uniting the heart with the mind to become consciously enlightened as admonished in the words of the ancients: KNOW THYSELF.   

There's one last point I wish to make: Along with British philosopher/writer Colin Wilson, I believe that the best way to understand philosophical issues such as the nature of consciousness is through dramatic illustration. He states:

Philosophy may be only a shadow of the reality it tries to grasp, but the novel is altogether more satisfactory. I am almost tempted to say that no philosopher is qualified to do his job unless he is also a novelist ... I would certainly exchange any of the works of Whitehead or Wittgenstein for the novels they ought to have written.” Colin Wilson, Voyage To A Beginning

For this reason and more, I have chosen to write philosophy through these narratives, which is why I have inserted the following dialogue quotes from the storylines of Book One, THE ASCENT and Book Four, SURREAL ADVENTURES. I trust these will help readers understand the topic of consciousness. I also wish to give the reader an idea of what to expect while reading Elysium's Passage novels. 


THE ASCENT, Book One, Chapter 9

‘This would imply there’s no basis for knowing anything other than what is processed by our consciousness. So, there can be no evidence of anything without it first being perceived by consciousness, which is to say to be is to be perceived, Esse Est Percipi. What we assume to be out there is what’s first within. That’s why Mo and I keep repeating the hermetic mantra: as within, so without.’

‘…many false and questionable beliefs continue to be projected and disseminated throughout the world. As long as that continues, Earth’s consciousness will rise no higher than these collective thought patterns. Not unless there’s a revolution, a revolution not of the mind but of the heart; a new conscious awareness, not of the material, but of the spirit.

‘This is where you come in James,’ Eli said.

‘But what if I don’t want to come in, Eli?

‘I guess that’s your prerogative, but who would be better to bring spiritual awareness to the world than a philosopher such as yourself who understands he’s a spirit and not just a body. What if that’s the reason you’re here?’


Chapter 10

‘Even so, humans are of I Am divine essence, whether they acknowledge it or not, which is why they continually manifest the thought forms they have unwittingly designed for themselves, both individually and collectively. Sometimes, these creations are dark and sometimes light, but mostly, they manifest somewhere in between, depending on how much light dwells within each creator’s consciousness. Again: “as within, so without.” 

‘For sentient beings, this uniqueness is experienced as individuated consciousness which is necessary for the existence of relationships, since it’s only in willful relationships that love can be expressed in any meaningful form. How could the Source express love outside of relationship since love is authenticated in its relationships regardless of its form, be it art, music or lover?’

‘And so here we are again,’ I said, ‘back on the topic of relationships where we started.’

‘Which is not surprising,’ Mo said; ‘considering how all creation is an expression of the one essence of love. Logically speaking, then, there can be no real separation since all essence is of divine consciousness. And yet we all remain configured differently in our individuated awareness and experiences of this universal Source consciousness. That’s why there can’t be both a material universe and a spiritual universe. The material manifestations are, in actuality, crystallized holons emanating and extending from divine Source-essence.


Chapter 14

‘But apart from that astute, yet dubious, insight,’ he said, ‘it’s also easier to comprehend the nature of incarnating when you understood that consciousness is inherently divisible even while it remains whole. Even though each soul is individuated in its own awareness, it still remains connected to a greater whole, which in turn is part of a greater whole, all the way to Infinite Source.’

Ah yes, I thought, the weird and wacky world of quantum superpositions. Who knows, perhaps the soul is like that too, where it seems to be an individuated unit of consciousness, and yet remains integrally entangled with a soul-group, or whatever it’s called. If so, then all singularities are united as one, enriched by the other’s unique experiences and qualities, ultimately residing in the transcending Source. Would such a supposition be too much of a quantum leap?


Chapter 15

‘Understand that form never forms of its own accord but rather manifests as an expression of an internal state of consciousness, whether individual or collective. In other words, your form is an expression of your inward state, just as you extend your inward state into the creation of the forms you express.


Chapter 16

‘Likewise, a thought in the mind of God,' Mo said, 'when perceived through the filter of our consciousness crystallizes, by analogue, like an electromagnetic pattern of dense ice. In fact, this is what we do, whenever we collapse the wave into what many still believe are material particles. So now, try to imagine matter as being patterns of crystallized thought forms we derive from our divine Source through the agency of our minds, which, in turn, are derived from the divine Mind. When you think about this, it’s the only logical explanation there is to explain empirical reality.’


‘Once again, let me emphasize that consciousness does not originate on earth but emanates from Source Consciousness. This is why souls experience a heightened state of being-ness the further they advance towards their Source…


‘Higher levels of communication can only function with nonverbal thought-forms. You haven't discovered how to do this yet, though it could happen when you least expect it. Your inward Christ consciousness requires no words, only knowingness because that’s what it is.’


Chapter 19

‘As you become increasingly attuned to what’s within, you will naturally experience your consciousness expanding to new highs without any external assistance. If it wasn’t for your body in London holding you back, you may never wish to leave this realm of existence.’


Chapter 20

‘Consciousness has no limitations since it’s of Source, as are you.’ Eli said. ‘That’s why you are essentially consciousness. At once and at any time, any number of souls on earth can communicate to whomever they wish and still be heard as if it was just one. You may have wondered how the saints do it. Does that help you understand how your prayers are always heard?’

‘Seems rather far out to me;’ I said, ‘I have trouble focusing on just one thing at a time. But if Jesus and Mary and various celestial beings can listen and respond to millions of prayers each day, then they are far beyond what I imagined.’


Chapter 21

‘Needless to say, certain words, sounds, depictions and music conjoined with low calibrations of consciousness are only found in the various strata below Elysium. No matter in which state we exist, we continue to manifest whatever gives expression to what we are within, that which we’ve become consociated with, be it the consciousness of heaven or hell.


‘But then,’ he said, ‘transcendence never has been very acceptable among those who occupy the lower spheres of consciousness, particularly with those who remain most obsessed with having everything flat, as we see most evident in the Flatlands.


Chapter 22

‘First, recognize your foes aren’t formidable,’ he said, ‘because once you get past the bluster, you’ll find their answers are as weak as them. So to begin with, ask the Flatlanders what is mind. That’s always a good question to start with to bring down their house of cards. Then, as a correlative, next, ask what is consciousness and from whence has it arisen? If consciousness is only an expression of matter, then how do thoughts happen if matter is the cause that’s prior to the thought it expresses? And what is the nature of this amorphous cloud of awareness that somehow transcends and knows itself? How does that relate to the physical plane?’ 


'Perhaps this is why time is as impossible to define as consciousness. How do you observe consciousness by consciousness? Then how is consciousness to be observed, or for that matter, God, if God is universal consciousness? How can you observe the ocean when you are immersed within it as one? To observe consciousness it would first be necessary to step out of it… but obviously, you can’t observe it without first being conscious.'


From Book Four, Chapter Seven, The Forum, Elysium's Pasage: Surreal Adventures.

For a moment, the speaker looked stunned, searching his mind on how to respond or, perhaps, how to deal with this intruder before he did any more damage.

Undeterred, Rhom said, ‘While everyone is thinking about his, I have a related question. Is there anyone here that can tell us how consciousness was created? Did the brain somehow emerge out of the elements with an awareness of its awareness? A most curious phenomenon, wouldn’t you say, considering no one on this earth even seems to have the faintest idea what consciousness is?’

There was silence as the speaker once again looked down at his notes, this time, I’m sure, wishing this would all soon be over so he wouldn’t have to put up with more of this audacity.

‘Again, all I’m asking,’ Rhom said, ‘is how consciousness was derived from unconscious matter and how did the animated brain, derived from inorganic, inert chemicals, the very brain that observes itself in the laboratory? I don’t know if anyone here is aware that one of your revered physicists aptly commented on this impossibility when he stated: As if mind had only been produced by the very display that it is now watching.’[1]

There was some murmuring in the audience and then more silence. After a few moments of reflection, the speaker regained his composure and finally looked up with a condescending smirk.

‘Sir,’ he said, ‘if you were at all familiar with the concept of consciousness, you wouldn’t need to ask such a question because you would already know that awareness is what scientists refer to as merely being an epiphenomenon of the brain.

‘It is often referred to as an emergent quality emanating from the brain’s cortex. If it helps you understand,’ the speaker said, ‘think of consciousness as an electromagnetic wave, much like a hot current radiating off the wire of a turbine’.

‘I see,’ said Rhom. ‘However, saying consciousness is merely an epiphenomenon of the brain suggests a few pounds of flesh is all it takes to bring consciousness into existence. That’s what we most pity about this intellectual wasteland; your ontological arguments have no substance. If that’s what Flatlanders wish to believe, then continue in your mind’s playground.

‘Where I come, there is no analogy for consciousness. Instead, analogies derive from consciousness, as does everything else. Consciousness is not of the flesh; it’s of the eternal order of reality from which the flesh exists for a short while. Without being known, it is how we come to know.’

Rhom paused a moment to let these words sink in. Some in the audience appeared intrigued by what he had to say, considering how it appeared he had just stepped off the movie set of Pirates of the Caribbean.

Nevertheless, his poignant questions were new to almost everyone in the forum and possibly the speaker, too. Others looked annoyed, while most seemed confused, as if they had never thought about any of this before.

Before the speaker could divert attention away from him, Rhom said, ‘It should be evident that there can be no reality apart from consciousness, yet you remain ingenuous, preferring to fabricate the term epiphenomenon to explain what you can’t explain. It’s supposed to mean something, yet it means nothing.[2]

‘All one needs to do is make up a word, and this whole Flatland will buy into any sleight of hand. What if reality was consciousness… and you want to reduce it to some word that means nothing? Just like you give names to energy particles to make mind-stuff seem more materially palatable, and before you know it, everyone believes the story. That’s why we pity everyone here; there seems to be no end to self-delusion.’ 

The lecturer grew red in the face as his hands began to shake in anger. Yet, he gave no further response, only to mutter something about moving on to questions that had some relevance to the topic.

‘Well then,’ Rhom said, ‘since no one can give any meaningful response to my queries, I will take my leave. If I’ve created a few bumps along your flat physicalist road, I have done so to jolt you awake. Have a pleasant day.’

As we made our way towards the door, I heard the speaker ask the audience, ‘Could we now please have a more judicious inquiry regarding the intricacies of the human brain, something that’s factually based on science?’

There was some laughter and clapping at this remark, albeit more subdued than before. I’m sure the audience was relieved with this repartee, as several hands shot up to ensure they wouldn’t have to endure more of Rhom’s audacious stunts.

[1] The full quote by Erwin Schrodinger is: ‘The show that is going on obviously acquires a meaning only with regard to the mind that contemplates it. But what science tells us about this relationship is patently absurd: as if mind had only been produced by the very display that it is now watching.’ See Appendix ‘A’ for more quotes by Erwin Schrodinger (1933 Nobel Prize in Physics).

[2] For those interested, there is much material available on the topic of epiphenomenalism and how it may have unintentionally germinated and evolved from the philosophical dualism of Descartes. It’s both interesting and informative to understand ‘rational’ Flatland thinking and why mind is rejected as the causal agent to anything, including free will, since only what is sensory (material) is permitted to be the sole agent. If you give credence to their premises, then obviously free will has no logical basis because their reality has no spiritual dimension to give it a foundation. 




To conclude my brief discussion about Dr Hawkins (1927-2012), I have listed just a sample of his prolific list of credentials and honours. undefinedThis may help you when assessing the integrity of his research that involves the calibration of consciousness.

Notwithstanding his several detractors, skeptics and naysayers, there's no doubt he was very highly regarded by many impressive authorities from diverse professions all across the world. You may read much more about these accomplishments and awards and his long history in the practice of psychiatry and psychology.

Go to the publishing website at:  

Biography Summary

Sir David R. Hawkins, M.D., PhD was a nationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, spiritual teacher and lecturer. 

Awards and Recognition

Huxley Award for “Inestimable Contribution to the Alleviation of Human Suffering,” 1979
Published Orthomolecular Psychiatry with Nobelist Linus Pauling, 1973
Published numerous scientific papers in the American Journal of Psychiatry amongst other fine publications, 1953 – current
Founder and Director, The Mental Health Center (largest practice in New York City), 1958 – 1980
Training Psychoanalysis by Prof. Lionel Oversey, M.D., at Columbia University Psychoanalytic Institute
Supervising Psychiatrist, New York State Department of Mental Hygiene, 1957
Awarded Fellowship in Psychiatry, Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York, 1956
Intern, Columbia Hospital, New York School of Psychiatry, 1954
Mosby Book Award for Scholastic Excellence, 1953
Alpha Omega Alpha – National Medical Scholastic Honor Society, 1952


North Nassau Mental Health Center, Inc., 1958
Federation of Mental Health Centers, 1963
North Nassau Clinical Laboratories, 1970
North Nassau Research Division and Laboratories, 1971
An Integrated System for the Care of Schizophrenics, 1971
Academy of Orthomolecular Psychiatry, 1971
Institute for Applied Spiritual Studies, 1980


Schizophrenics Anonymous (Board of Directors; Medical Advisor)
Schizophrenia Foundation of New York State (Incorporator; Director)
Schizophrenia Foundation of Long Island (Board of Directors; Medical Advisor)
Institute for Scientific Communications (Incorporator; Board of Directors)
Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry (Editorial Board)
Journal of Schizophrenia (Editorial Board)
St. George’s Day Activities Center (Medical Advisor)
The Attitudinal Healing Center of Long Island (Board of Directors; Medical Advisor)
Christ Church Day Activities Center (Medical Advisor)
The Masters Gallery of Fine Arts (Co–Director)
Mental Health Fairs
The Gateposts Halfway House (Medical Advisor)
Garfield House (Halfway House)
Day Activities Center of Port Washington (Medical Advisor)
Brunswick House (Alcoholism; Psychiatric Consultant)
New York Association of Holistic Health Centers
Life Support Systems (Board of Directors)
Space Form (Ecologic Communities and Low–Energy Housing)
Became Director Emeritus of the North Nassau Mental Health Center in 1980 and gave up psychiatric practice to spend full time on spiritual research.


American Medical Association (Life Member)
American Psychiatric Association (Life Member)
New York State Medical Society
Nassau County Medical Society
Nassau Physicians Guild
Nassau Academy of Medicine
New York Academy of Science
The American Association for the Advancement of Science
New York State Psychiatric Association
Qualified Psychiatrist, New York State Department of Mental Health
Nassau Psychiatric Society
New York State Clinical Directors Association
American Association of Psychiatric Administrators
Academy of Orthomolecular Psychiatry (Founding President; Chairman of the Board)
International Academy of Preventive Medicine
American Holistic Health Association
The Huxley Institute for Biosocial Research (Board of Directors)
Academy of Religion and Mental Health
New York State Association of the Professions
The Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine
Schizophrenia Foundation of New York State (Board of Directors; Medical Advisor)
The Attitudinal Healing Center of Long Island (Board of Directors; Medical Advisor)
North Nassau Mental Health Center (Director Emeritus)
Medical Society of the Brunswick Hospital (Director of Psychiatric Research)
Attending Staff, Gracie Square Hospital
Youth Consultation Services, Episcopal Dioceses, Long Island (Psychiatric Consultant)
Editorial Board, Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry
Editorial Board, Journal of Schizophrenia
Editorial Board, (Alcoholism), Journal of Psychotherapy
American Schizophrenia Association (Scientific Advisory Board)
National Society for Autistic Children (Professional Advisory Board)
Long Island Council on Alcoholism
The Federation of Mental Health Centers (Co-founder)
American Medical Society on Alcoholism
Arizona Medical Society
Arizona Psychiatric Society
Brunswick House (Director of Research, Alcoholism)
The National Acupuncture Research Society
American Geriatric Society
International Council on Applied Nutrition
The Academy of Preventive Medicine
Canadian Psychiatric Association (Associate Member)
American Society for Psychological Research
Monroe Institute for Applied Science
International Kirlian Research Association
National Council on Alcoholism
The Association for the Advancement of Psychotherapy
The Society for the Study of Addictions
American Institute for Scientific Communications (Co-founder)
International Society for General Semantics
Consultant on Alcoholism, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
American Ontoanalytic Association
Consultant, New York Foundling Hospital
New York Paleontological Society
Consultant, Operation Hotline



For general information on the ELYSIUM'S PASSAGE series, I've included a short video presentation, along with some Reader Reviews and Social Media sites.





The following comments are among the first Amazon reviews of Elysium’s Passage: The Summit. All are Five Stars! Others reader reviews are included below, along with excerpts from two professional reviews. To read full reviews, go to READER REVIEWS on

"A delightful mix of fantasy, reality, conjecture and humour; Mr Meyers draws the reader into the story with a gentle narrative that captures the imagination, leaving one anxious to get to the next page drawing you into his exceptional world.”

"Quietly, gently, and without imposition, the Author unfolds the pages, creating an intricate, interlocking bridge spanning the chasm between mind and heart. Renewing, refreshing, restoring. In my bereavement, it was vigil and light…"

“Excellently written with an exceedingly deep understanding of this world and the next. The characters are very well written and engaging that takes the reader on both a philosophical and spiritual journey, a journey that at times is both disquieting and tranquil. James, a British Philosopher can be irreverent and caustic, traits that should have left me cringing, but instead made me laugh out loud. Elysium’s Passage is a fun, enlightening and remarkable book.”

“This is a masterful fantasy, becoming a real possibility, as the reader is drawn into the story. The Summit leaves you anxious for the next book in the series, yet also leaves you totally satisfied with the world you have just visited. Genius! An exciting, yet calming, experience that is not to be missed."

"There was hardly a page on which I did not find at least one sentence worthy of hi-lighting for future reference. In addition, I thoroughly enjoyed the main character, James, whose personality and passionate verbal exchanges with the other characters, kept me coming back for more. I am reading the book for a second time while I wait for the next one in this series to be made available."

 “N.G. Meyers has clearly put a great deal of research and thought into what the afterlife may look like and I like his perspective. It’s an altogether welcoming and exciting vision. The book gives one a great deal to think about and a reassuring confidence that the end of our lives is truly the beginning of life in the next. I highly recommend it."

"I am really enjoying your book, it’s fantastic! It is so incredible and diversified that I can’t really explain it, other people, so what I say is just read this book. Thank you so much for the blessings that you’ve given the world!"

“The humour interjected into a serious discussion makes me laugh out loud. Totally unexpected....l may be in the presence of at least a master, if not a genius. A fair ride into reality... seeking that which is unseen, yet absolutely real.”

“An engaging story of adventure embracing man's deepest desire to search for meaning and purpose, N.G. Meyers takes the reader on an adventurous thought-provoking journey. This book has substance. It is a perfect blend of adventure and fantasy combined with spiritual philosophy. It ignited my imagination. The author magically weaves a good story laced with wit and humour together with deep philosophical wisdom. This book has it all!”

“An evolution in thought is triggered by many fresh philosophical themes which could inspire readers to re-think their reality and former ideologies that have dictated their lives… the author fires readers’ imaginations to view what could be possible when spirit vacates the body.”

“This is the book spiritual seekers have been waiting for. For me, it granted a great read as well as increased inspiration to live every day with a heightened sense of purpose. I highly recommend it.

“The Summit is capable of hooking readers and luring them to search for Book 2 to discover more about Dr. Philip’s surreal trek into the mysterious unknown universe. This thick book is well worth the read and to share…”

“The Elysium’s Passage series challenges and excites the reader while taking him into parallel quests for truth with the hero, James. It can be a fast fantasy read or a longer deliberation about what is reality or illusion; veracity or platitude. Take the journey!”

“Mind-blowing statements and speculation (‘…everyone is a non-physical thought form conceived in the Mind of God, preserved for all eternity because God’s thoughts never die…’). Many will find Meyers’ journey up the Mountain intriguing—and possibly even life-changing.” (BLUEINK REVIEW)

“In its effort to grapple with fundamental questions about the meaning of life, it raises questions that have echoed throughout the ages, including about where we come from, where we are going, who we are.”  (CLARION REVIEW)












The following titles in the ELYSIUM’S PASSAGE series are projected to be released on Amazon in mid '25


The Ascent: Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage

The Summit: Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage

Quantum Leaps: Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage

Surreal Adventures: Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage

Mystical Romance: Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage

The Elixir: Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage

The Return: Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage



1. The Ascent is the first novel in the Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage. It is foundational to everything that happens in the following narratives, which embark on an adventure that will surprise and delight the reader like no other book.

It all begins with an extreme adventure climbing a remote and challenging mountain somewhere in the Andees. Just as James, the protagonist, is about to reach the mountain summit, he falls into an abyss that leaves him in a coma for almost a year.

After being airlifted by a forestry helicopter and flown back to London, where his body remains for almost a year. Eventually, he learns it was not him but his body that was rescued. Several days later, without understanding what happened, he continues to climb to the summit in an alternate dimension of higher consciousness.

Fortuitously, he meets two adventurers on the summit ridge who are no longer of this world. His surreal life then leads him to several new adventures in the subsequent chronicles, which include a rich mix of adventure, romance, and fantasy, along with profound discussions of philosophy, spirituality, and the afterlife. 

2. The Summit, the second novel in the Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage, continues the story of James, the narrator and protagonist, who is taught more about a multidimensional reality that he finds difficult to comprehend.

Not only does he discover that he is not as clever as he imagined, but his off-world companions on the summit demonstrate that much of what he believed about life was not just parochial but wrong. At first, he finds this difficult to comprehend since their teachings contradict his limited understanding of non-material reality.

After being tricked into teleporting off a ledge where he was trapped, James becomes aware of the new reality that makes him capable of far more adventures than could have ever been experienced previously in his physical body back home.

Now, if only he would win over the only woman in this life who matters, the nurse on the other side of the veil, who continually demonstrates her unconditional love toward his healing.

Warning: This book may also open the reader’s eyes to a much vaster reality than most might be aware. As with the other Chronicles, there are discussions of philosophy, the spiritual afterlife and what might seem like fantasy.

3. Quantum Leaps is the third novel in Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage, where James, the philosopher-protagonist, teleports back to London to visit his body and make contact with the special nurse taking care of it in his absence. Immediately, he feels an inexplicable spiritual bond with her for reasons he remains unaware of.

Now aroused by a renewed interest in matters of love, the beginnings of a relationship begin to emerge as he attempts to reach across the chasm of their worlds. But it’s not until the fifth novel, Mystical Romance, that he encounters her in a way that he finds difficult to believe.

However, before that can happen, there is much about his failed relationships that must be resolved before he is ready to move forward in his new life in Elysium’s Passage. It is during this time he christens his comatose body as the fall guy since it took the fall for him down the abyss so he could learn the lessons he’s now learning.

That will be his next focus in his Surreal Adventures, where he will receive virtual lessons that will help him release many of his past beliefs about life.

4. Surreal Adventures is the fourth novel in the Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage, which finds James, the protagonist and narrator, escorted by his companions to a remote South Pacific Island, where he is left to reflect on what he’s learned.

Over the next forty days, he battles the demons of his past as he works through some rather painful issues from his early youth. In a tropical storm, he encounters an eery suspended spectre of the one he loved yet still resents for abandoning him as a child.

After this, he achieves peace of mind and is ready to return to his lodge to join his off-world companions on the Andes summit. However, just when it seemed things couldn’t get any stranger, a sixteenth-century sea captain sails his ancient ‘ghost’ ship onto the beach. Together, they sail off on a mystical ocean voyage to a couple of virtual islands supposedly in the South Pacific, where he witnesses and, at times, participates in several important life lessons.

Near the end, these encounters help prepare him for a new challenge in the interior of a mountain, where he falls deep into a dark tomb of fear. After being rescued by a mysterious stranger wielding his Excaliber, he continues on to the place where his life is about to be transformed in the following chronicle, Mystical Romance.

5. Mystical Romance is the fifth chronicle in Elysium’s Passage, which will surprise the reader with a romantic twist of how love is expressed in higher realms. From this lofty perspective, everything about intimacy is understood as within, so without.

After escaping his tomb, James, the narrator and protagonist, makes his way through a maze of tunnels until he arrives at a large oak door, which he opens with the golden key he had been given. There, he steps into Elysium’s Passage’s Great Hall, where his life and recent achievements are celebrated now that his eyes have been opened to perceive a fascinating interior world of wonderment… and romance.

To say more might risk diminishing the multitude of delightful surprises as circumstances begin to open to The Elixir, where James is about to re-enter his earthly body’s existence.

6. The Elixir is the sixth chronicle of the Elysium’s Passage series that prepares James, the narrator-protagonist, to awaken and return to his body in London. Before that can happen, however, his off-worlder friend presents a mysterious equation enshrouded with a light code frequency that will stimulate multidimensional DNA strands within him.

Much of this narration is centred in London, where his nurse unknowingly becomes involved in how the Elixir’s equation finds its way from a taxi cab driver to higher echelons of science. There are many twists in how she unwittingly brings the Elixir to the attention of mathematicians and physicists, after which they eventually discover how to code the equation into a laser ray to stimulate his fall-guy body into full consciousness.

He is now destined to return humanity to a higher multidimensional existence. How this happens is filled with intrigue, as is his shocking return to his earthly body. 

7. The Return is the seventh and last chronicle in the series where James, the narrator and protagonist, has re-emerged from Elysium’s Passage as he readjusts to life in the third dimension. Many of the events experienced in the previous novels are tied together in an exciting, fast-moving, action-packed narrative over several countries.

 At first, it seems all memories have been lost, with his fall guy’s brain not being aware of what happened to him while in his coma. As a consequence, it takes a while for him to be convinced he had been out of his earthly body for almost a year.

Through some rather unexpected events and evidence, along with his girlfriend’s urging, he is brought to an awareness of much of what occurred. It takes a while for his mind to catch up with the changes made in his heart during his stay in the alternate realm. But after experiencing several harsh realities, he discovers what he became within while out of his body. Gradually, he comes to understand the many challenges that lie ahead for him in fulfilling his future mission on Earth.

This book is filled with adventure, romance and personal intrigue that ties together all six previous narratives of the Elysium’s Passage series.