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For more blog posts, go to https://digitalbloggers.com/articles/elysiumspassage 
or go directly to the URL links for all posts 

I will continue to update this post with my progress in marketing the series and my writing progress for readers wishing to keep current.

To see a summary of each novel in the Elysium's Passage series, go to the end of this post. 



February 10, 2025

By the end of this month, it will be exactly 12 years since I began writing Elysium's Passage Series. At the time, I thought it would be just one book, but it turned out to be seven. Though I'm still looking to find any deficiencies I can find, I hope to bring closure to this project by the end of this month. My next step is to publish the series. If I can't find a publisher, I will likely publish on Amazon, since it's the easiest and quickest. 

This fall, I plan to begin another series, this time more SciFi orientated. I don't know what I'll call it yet, but I expect it may be a trilogy. 

Since it will be Valentine's Day in a few days, the link below is an article on love that I wrote for this blog a few years ago.



January 10, 2025

I'm still working on some revisions since little was done in December due to Christmas activities and travelling out of the province to be with my youngest son and family. Now, I'm struggling with 'dry eye' irritation and so cannot be on the computer for long aaat time. Hopefully, I will soon find a solution to this problem. Meanwhile, I'll just do the best I can... when I can. 

I posted a new article on this blog site on the topic of happiness and being useful, drawing on a heavenly vision from Emanuel Swedenborg, the 18th-century seer, philosopher and scientist. I think if everyone understood the principles he elucidated on this topic, the world would be a much happier place. Certainly, I know I feel happy writing my novels and blog articles gives me much joy. if someday I can receive financial reward for my efforts, so much the better, but that's not essential to my happiness in feeling fulfilled by being of service to others.

The link to this article is https://digitalbloggers.com/arts-and-entertainment/Usefulness-Happiness 

December 8, 2024

Before submitting my manuscripts for publication, I am doing a final review. The first two books, The Ascent and The Summit were written over eight years ago. Looking at these books afresh has motivated me to do some upgrades by polishing the writing. It seems there is always a better way of saying the same thing, and over time, these ways become increasingly obvious. 

My goal is to complete these revisions by year-end.

Meanwhile, for those who enjoyed my Word Picture post, I have increased the vocabulary word list from 100 to over 700 words. https://digitalbloggers.com/arts-and-entertainment/word-picture-academy  

November 10, 2024

This month, I posted a new blog on the controversial topic of climate change, inserting a conversation from THE RETURN between the protagonist and an environmentalist friend.



I also decided to add an extra chapter (14) in THE RETURN. I'm very pleased to have received well over 2,000 hits in the last six months. https://digitalbloggers.com/arts-and-entertainment/THE-RETURN  

October 10, 2024

This last month I have been reviewing ELYSIUM'S PASSAGE: THE RETURN, the last novel I completed. Though I've done this before, I find if I put enough 'time' space between the review, there is so much more that emerges to not just correct overseen errors but better ways of saying the same things. For example, it's easy to over-rely on certain connector words such as but, yet, however, still, nevertheless, etc.

Often, these words are necessary but can also be superfluous and overused. When reviewing the sentence after giving it a 'rest' for a few months, this becomes apparent. Occasionally, the word 'but' can be eliminated with a semi-colon or by using the word 'though' at the beginning of a sentence, then inserting a comma where 'but' was. So, for this next month, I play to go through each of these words and cut them down to half or more with more creative wording that doesn't compromise the content but enhances it.

For my purposes, I try to keep each of these words limited to no more than just one on each page unless necessary for clarity. I doubt if readers would notice this, although they may come away with a better reading experience for reasons they may not be aware

September 12, 2024

This month, I posted a new blog on this site, which you may read here.WEAR LIFE LOOSELY https://digitalbloggers.com/arts-and-entertainment/how-to-wear-the-world  


After completing several revisions to my last couple of books, I decided to review the first two novels I wrote over eight years ago. I found there was still room for improvement, so, this month, I am making some revisions to THE ASCENT and THE SUMMIT while I wait for the final proofing of Book Seven, THE RETURN. 

The Return post has now had over 1700 hits, which I find very encouraging.

August 10, 2024

I am continuing my review of Book Seven and doing a bit more work on Book Three. However, I'm mainly taking the month off and hopefully will do more travelling to visit friends and relatives.

If anyone is interested in viewing some of the pictures/videos I took this summer, go to my FB page listed under Neil Meyers. 

July 11, 2024

Much of this month I have been taking a holiday and doing some traveling. However, I'm also taken some time to do another reading of Book Seven and have made a number of revisions to the book to make it more readable and enjoyable. 

I've reposted the first 13 chapters. So if you've been reading THE RETURN on this blog site and something doesn't make sense, maybe it will now.

THE RETURN https://digitalbloggers.com/arts-and-entertainment/THE-RETURN 

June 10, 2024

I've pleased about 600 readers who have read my post on The Return, which features half the book as a teaser for the series, so far this last month.


Also, I posted two new posts this month that have been well-received.


And the other: 


I've been taking a bit of a break this spring from writing, editing, etc., but plan to move ahead again after some travel and vacation time.  

May 6, 2024

I'm still in the process of locating the appropriate book agent. I know might take a while, but it will be worth it. 

Meanwhile, I have copied most of the posts I have on this blog site and will sort the best of them to publish an eBook on Amazon. In fact, this could turn into four books since there are so many pages with what I have posted on this site. In any case, I suspect it may take a few months to get this all organized and uploaded on Amazon. 

Also, I have just posted the first half of THE RETURN, the seventh and final novel in the series. Ihttps://digitalbloggers.com/arts-and-entertainment/The-Rerurn 

My motive is to try to interest the reader in where the series is going to create interest in the previous six books. 

CAUTION: Be aware that for some, this might be a bit of a spoiler. 

April 8, 2024

This month, I'm concentrating on finding a good book agent to present the series to a major publisher. This is taking a lot of research. I've written a Query letter, which I hope will catch the attention of agents. The first sentence is always the most important. So, just for fun, I'll paste the letter below, and you can forward it to any agents that can help make me rich.  


April  2024


Question: Would readers like to know about sex in the afterlife? I suspect many will be intrigued and delighted to find what might happen while engaging in various expressions of love and anything else that exists in the higher dimensions of reality. There are many themes and surreal adventures in the Elysium’s Passage seven-book series, each of which has approximately 120,000 words. Though I hadn’t planned to write, unwittingly, the plot and subplots began to unfold as I was journaling. Now, after eleven years, much to my amazement, these narratives have manifested into a profound series of literature.

The first book, The Ascent, lays the foundation for the subsequent narratives of a young philosopher awakening to an alternative dimension after falling into an abyss when climbing in the Andes. While his rescued body lies in a coma in a London hospital for the next year, he is challenged by two off-worlders on the summit he once knew on Earth. Plenty of animated and humorous arguments result, demonstrating his 3D limitations with this higher reality, especially after being forced (tricked) to teleport off a mountain ledge.

Later, after encountering his sixteen-century off-worlder Captain in his ancient vessel, they sail to two virtual islands that depict his past experiences with academia and religion. Upon returning to the Andes, he becomes trapped inside a mountain cavern until rescued by a mysterious Excaliber-wielding being. From there, a light leads him higher up and further into the mountain interior to a bizarre celebration attended by spirits from his past lives, where suddenly, romance emerges with his nurse’s doppelganger. Later, he returns to his mortal body in a scene that turns into a bit of a shocker.

Though the books may be read separately, they are tightly woven into one fascinating story. The Ascent, The Summit, Quantum Leaps, Surreal Adventures, Mystical Romance, The Elixir, and The Return might be classified as a mix of adventure, sci-fi fantasy, philosophy, spirituality, quantum physics and romance, with an overarching exploration of the afterlife. Like the Ascent, each narrative may be considered a cross of The Celestine Prophesy and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, appealing to such readers. After eleven years of numerous revisions, the series is now complete with seven unique subplots, averaging 100 footnotes referencing many topics and personages from Einstein to Shakespeare.

I have earned degrees in English, philosophy, and education while continuing to pursue traditional and esoteric studies with a wide variety of authors, including Swedenborg, drawing upon his writings on the afterlife. I was also part of a weekly book discussion group for almost twenty-five years, delving deeply into literary works such as Dostoevsky.

To prepare for marketing, I established a blog site five years ago that now has over 170 posts on a wide variety of topics, many containing portions from the novels. There have been over 440,000 hits in the last few years. I also have thousands of Facebook followers to publicize the pending novels. Also, I will soon begin podcasts on my Elysium’s Passage YouTube Channel. As a retired sales professional in commercial real estate, I look forward to aggressively marketing my books in collaboration with the publisher.

Last word to Hamlet: There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Thank you for considering my query.


Neil Meyers 

March 6, 2024

At this time I'm very excited about publishing all seven novels. I just have a couple of paintings to be completed by artists who will be doing covers for Books 5 and 7. I've designed a couple of my own.

My plan is still to self-publish on Amazon at first until I can secure a publisher, which can take some time. 

I've decided to change the titles from what I intended a while back

Now I plan to name them 


After each, the titles will have a: CHRONICLES OF ELYSIUM'S PASSAGE

Go to the end of this post to read a brief summary of each of these novels

I'm also transferring some of my blogs to a new format; the following is a sample in a book format. All have a list next month after they are completed. Here is a blog from August 2020. Just open the link


February 15, 2024

It is taking a lot of time for me to recover from my operation, so I'm not as far along as I hoped to be by now. However, I did manage to review book six again and made lots of helpful reviews since it was my weak link in the series. It took over a month, but glad that's done, and how it reads so much better now.

Also, I found a great artist who will do my covers for Books 6 and 7. Terry, who does my proofing, has not yet had a chance to review these last 2 books but hopefully will soon. As soon as all this is done, I will be sending my books in for their ISBN registration.

Next month, March it will be 11 years of writing, revising, editing and proofing these 7 books. I think it's now time to publish!! Hopefully, I will heal and recover soon so I have the energy to take the series the distance.

January 11, 2024

I went to Guadalajara, Mexico, last month to have laser surgery and was told by my surgeon it was a successful operation. However, the recovery will take two or three months, so this has slowed my ability to continue working on my books at my normal pace. Nevertheless, I am doing more touch-ups here and there when I'm able.

I'm still contemplating a change in my book titles by adding Chronicles of Elysium's Passage after what I proposed for the titles. More on this later as I discuss this with my friend before I make a decision on this.
Also, I still need to have book covers designed for Books 6 and 7, so I'll be looking to find an artist to help with that.

So, that's about it for now.   

December 7, 2023

I am awaiting a laser prostate operation on the 16th and find it hard to sit these days, so I haven't been able to work much final polishing this last month. I hope to be back to completing the series by early January. I still hope to have them online by early spring on Amazon as I search for the right book agent and publisher

Meanwhile, I've decided to alter the book titles to tie them together by including the name Elysium in each. They will now be called:


November 11, 2023

It's now almost a month later, and I've completed my second edit and am working on the third, which I expect to have completed within a couple of weeks. I'm not sure if I'll need to do a fourth edit or not; we'll see. I just know it continues to get better with each review. Sometimes tiresome work but often rewarding with the little add-in embellishments. 

I'm very excited about his last novel and how the first draft rolled out so effortlessly last June/July. I'm thinking of posting chapter by chapter on this blog site as I did with the first book, The Ascent. That may be a way of attracting interest in the prior books, which I hope to post online on Amazon before finding a publisher for the series.

October 15, 2023

I have now completed my first edit of The Return and will soon begin my next edit of what I hope will be the last. Things went fairly smoothly over the last six weeks, and I expect it will take only a few weeks to complete the second edit. Then I will send it for final proofing to make sure there are no errors or omissions... I seem to have a blind spot for missing quotation marks in the dialogues or misplacing them.  

The last few books will still require artwork for the covers, but after ten and a half years, I'm very close to completion of the series and am excited about sharing the contents as soon as possible. I hope that before March 1, 2024 everything will be in place for publication. That would be exactly eleven years for the seven books.

September 15, 2023

I'm continuing to work on editing my last book in the series, The Return and as of this date, I'm about halfway through. Other than that, not much to report, except there are many revisions that come with a second look. I'm considering how to best illustrate the content of the book with a catchy cover and hope to talk to some artists about this.

I'm very excited about this book, and how well it seems to tie together the prior six books of the series.  

August 10, 2023

I completed the first draft of Book 7, The Return a couple of days ago. When I placed the last period in, I noticed my computer said 11:11 8/8/23. A great omen! Eight means completion. Couldn't have planned this if I tried.

The book will be about 250 pages after editing, which I will start next month. The book rolled out almost effortlessly in just 2 months and ties the previous six together very nicely. It might be the most exciting in the series, with lots of action. I hope to have it properly edited by sometime in October.

I posted this quote on Facebook this week:

"This quote perfectly describes my ELYSIUM'S PASSAGE book series where something uncommon is always happening. Just finishing the seventh and last book of the series. After editing, then off to the publisher. I hope you will venture deep into the rabbit hole in this "out-of-the-way novel series where nothing is dull, common or stupid. Careful, you may never come out quite the same."


July 12, 2023

Book 7, The Return, is continuing to unfold very quickly. The first draft is already at page 154 which is close to 2/3 of a projected 250 pages. I suspect it will be mid-August when I can begin the revising and editing process which could take another two to three months. In any case, I hope to have all seven novels ready to be sent to a book agent to find a publisher who will take on this project.
While waiting for all that to happen, I may post the novels as eBooks on Amazon by year-end. 

I'm excited about the content of Book 7, being last in the series since it seems to tie together the previous six novels. It is a fast-moving book, touching on many areas, but with lots of humour. So far, it has been a pleasure to write and I can hardly wait to see what happens next and how the series will end after ten years of writing.

June 15, 2023

I've completed my final revisions to the first six books and have just begun writing Book 7, Elysium's Passage: The Return. So far, it is coming to me very effortlessly, and I'm pleased with the content and how the story is developing seemingly of its own accord. At the current rate, I expect the first draft to be complete within a couple of months before I begin the long, laborious process of revising, embellishing, editing, etc.

Nevertheless, I plan to have the book completed by year-end and then approach a publishing agent to secure a publisher for the series. Failing that, I will self-publish the books until a publisher is identified.

Because I'm determined to finish the series as soon as possible, I have yet to write any new blog posts since they take much time away from writing the novels. However, I hope to begin writing more again by fall. It's been almost a year since I've posted new content. 

Though I've been quite sick the last three months, that didn't slow me down too much. As I crecover, I expect to pick up the pace this summer.

May 10, 2023

We're getting there. I'm working on my final revisions for Book 6, the last of the series so far. After ten years, I expect to complete it by the end of the month or shortly after that.

The next step is to receive the ISBN for each and have covers designed for Books 4, 5 and 6. Hopefully, the books will be available for purchase on Amazon by this fall.

Then it will be on to write The Return, Book 7, the final narrative of the series. Much of it has already been written in my mind, so I expect to have it completed within one or two years, depending on how things go.  

April 5, 2023

I had laser surgery as a follow-up to my cataract surgery in January. Unfortunately, this only helped a little, so I will return for more tests in a couple of weeks. It's a big challenge to make progress in bringing all six books to publication since I know there's still some work to be done on the later books. 

However, I managed to complete my edits on the first book, The Ascent, which links may be accessed above to each chapter. Writing more blog posts is still on hold until I have my eyesight back. I still need to have cataract surgery.  

March 7, 2023

Same story. I'm still waiting for laser eye surgery later this month. Until then, I won't be able to do much, although I'm doing what I can. My first laser treatment didn't work earlier this month. Hoping for success soon!  

February 17, 2023

I have done little this last month since I had a cataract operation that didn't go well early last month, so I struggle to see, which means I haven't posted anything for a while. Also, this site was down for several weeks, so nothing was available for viewing... hope I didn't lose too many of you. 

Anyway, I have another operation in March, so hopefully, that clears things up again so I can see correctly. Wish me well. Regards. 

January 1, 2023


The last few months have become increasingly challenging for me to write as my cataract problem has intensified. Consequently, I have posted no new blog posts or completed my final polish for the books. I've been waiting for my eye surgery, which will occur later this month.

It will be great to come into the light again.  

December 1, 2022

Not much to report this month, except I'm reviewing all 6 books to make sure all is dotted and crossed by going through with another grammar check programme. As I do this, I find myself tweaking continually... which is a good thing but time-consuming.

So, I'm using this month to take a break and do a little more polishing of the manuscripts. Also hope to get a couple more blog posts completed since I didn't have time in November., but am pleased to see the 192 posts continue to receive many hits each week.   

November 1, 2022

At last, I have completed my revising and reviewing of all six Elysium Passage books. HURRAH!

I am waiting now for the completion of the external proofing of the series. As that is occurring, I plan to register each with an ISBN copyright number.

Then I will submit the manuscripts to the appropriate publishers to find what the response may be.

In January, I hope to begin my seventh novel in the series, which I expect will take one to two years to complete. During this time, I also wish to begin a workbook for discussion groups who are interested in the series.

Since I was anxious to finish the last book, I didn't take the time to write a blog post the last month. Hopefully, I will this month.

October 1, 2022

I'm almost there with the last few chapters of Book 6. With the weather being exceptional this last month, I spend a lot of time in the mountains and traveling, which means I didn't achieve my goal. Still, I'm glad I had this time to soak it in and have plenty of time with friends in British Columbia. You may find some of my pictures on my Facebook Page (Neil Meyers), including my bear incident in Nelson, BC.

I wrote just one blog which you may download. Community; its what we all need.



September 1, 2022

This month has little to report since I've been in the mountains vacationing for the month. Only one blog was posted; RICH MAN https://digitalbloggers.com/arts-and-entertainment/a-rich-man


August 1, 2022

Last month of a month of travel and holidays, so not a lot was accomplished during that time except I'm grinding away on my revisions, still hoping to be completed by the end of next month. Then I plan to begin the 7th novel THE RETURN, since it needs to be written to complete the series. I expect this will take at least another 18 months.

undefinedHowever, I created one blog post that draws a number of quotes from the 6th novel, THE ELIXIR, that I'm working on now.


July 1, 2022

After completing my final revisions for Book Five, I'm well on my way to revising Book Six, The Elixir. It's been a number of years since I wrote this book and so I find it very interesting to revisit. I find it a rather delightful, relational book that ties together a lot of things occurring in the previous five books as it anticipates James' final 'coming back to earth.'

I hope to have this completed by sometime in September which might be ambitious considering my mini-vacations over this summer. Once these first six books are fully revised and proofed this fall, I plan to submit them as a whole to a major publisher for consideration. This may take a while, so I expect to post the books online on Amazon until they are published in hardcopy.

By January I expect I will be initiating the writing of Book Seven, The Return, which may or may not be the final book in the series (we'll see what the muse has to say)

In the month of June, I posted two new articles on this blog site.



My grandson, being happy blowing soap-bubbles  

June 1, 2022

I just finished my final revisions of Book Five and doing a little clean-up work on it before moving on the Book 6, The Elixir after I return from visiting with my son and family in Kelowna, B.C. My goal is to complete the final revisions of this book by September. Then I plan to send all six books off to various book publishers.

After taking a bit of a break in fall, I plan to begin writing Book 7, The Return. At this time I have only completed a draft of the first chapter. The drama is really building after the six books, so I expect this will be very exciting to write, and hopefully, to read.

This book I expect will take a year or more to complete. It seems each book requires up to 20 rewrites before it's acceptable.   

May 1, 2022

I'm still busy editing Book Five, Mystical Romance and am enjoying going back to it again after over a year and doing a bit more tweaking to the romance... great fun. Makes me feel like I'm 20 years old again.

I've also added a new blog post called Nothing to it which may be found here. ALL AND NOTHINGNESS
https://digitalbloggers.com/arts-and-entertainment/nothing-to-it   This is one of the more philosophical articles I've posted which included an essay by the always provocative and inspiring Allan Watts. 


April 1, 2022

I completed my final editing of Book Four, Surreal Adventure and am now working on (hopefully) the final revisions and proofing of Book Five, Mystical Romance. I expect this will take me until at least the end of June. Of course, developing and maintaining the blog site takes time so it may take longer. After that, I only have Book Six to edit which will take me into fall sometime. Next year I will be dedicated to writing the final novel in the series, The Return. Very excited about getting started on this since it's already half-written in my head. 

Today I posted Romance in the Afterlife. which readers may be interested in since it focuses on my parents who were apart for 70 years after my father departed in 1951. From what has been disclosed to me, they seem to have been reunited after my mother passed over last year about this time. You read that here https://digitalbloggers.com/arts-and-entertainment/ultimate-reunion 

March 1, 2022

I don't have much to report on this last month of February since I was once again carefully editing and revising Book Four, Elysium's Passage: Surreal Adventures. I hadn't looked at it carefully in a couple of years and so a fresh look means lots of revisions for what I didn't catch the last time through. Also, there is the seemingly ceaseless altering of the storyline. Nothing major, but always new additions here and deletions there.

Except for the final round of proofing for typos, etc, I'm hoping this will be a wrap by the end of this month for this book. I'm very excited about getting it out there to share with readers. It's about the same length as the previous three novels of 250 to 275 pages.

Before I complete the seventh novel; The Return, I hope to have all six previous novels ready for publication by yearend. 

February 1, 2022

Today I posted the last chapter of THE ASCENT https://digitalbloggers.com/arts-and-entertainment/the-ascent-chapter-fourteen.

As I've indicated before I hope to soon have this and the next two novels published in eBook format. These will be available for purchase through Amazon and other online outlets. 

One blog I posted this last week that is receiving a lot of interest is WAKE UP, RISE UP... BE BRAVE. In this, I summarize other articles I included in other posts over the last couple of years on the virus controversy. Obviously, I take a contrarian position believing little truth has been reported by the media or health 'authorities.' If interested, you may read it at this link https://digitalbloggers.com/arts-and-entertainment/follow-the-truth 

January 1, 2022

The 13th Chapter of The Ascent is now posted on this site. https://digitalbloggers.com/arts-and-entertainment/the-ascent-chapter-thirteen

Next month I plan to post the last chapter to this book, The Ascent. As for the final editing of the first three novels, I'm waiting for revisions to be completed by an outside proofing source.
Meanwhile, I'm working diligently on the latest round of revisions and edits to Elysium's Passage: Surreal Adventures; the fourth novel of the series. Hopefully, this will be ready for publication by this spring or early summer. 


December 1, 2021

The first two books in the Elysium's Passage novel series are ready to be published but I also wish to include the third book, QUANTUM LEAPS, at the same time. Having done what I can, I'm now waiting on the final proofing work for this novel from an outside source. Meanwhile, if anyone is interested in reading the latest chapter (12) I've posted in THE ASCENT, it may be accessed here.

November's blog posts may be accessed at this link. Daily Message November 2021

November 1, 2021

This blog site achieved a new high over the last six months, averaging 400 hits/day or over 12,000 'hits' per month. This is almost double the previous average. There are now 172 posts compared to 120 a year ago. The links are accessed at https://digitalbloggers.com/arts-and-entertainment/ep-blog-posts 

The new post listed this last month may be accessed at https://digitalbloggers.com/preview/daily-message-archives-october-2021  

This month sometime, I will post the 12th chapter of THE ASCENT. Then, there will be only two more chapters left before the whole book is available on this blog site.

As always, editing continues on the seven books contained in the ELYSIUM'S PASSAGE series.

October 1, 2021

Besides my ongoing editing of Book Three, Quantum Leaps, I have posted four new blog posts for Facebook and this blog site. All four may be accessed at this link.

Daily Message September 2021

I plan to post on this site the eleventh chapter of The Ascent within a few days which may be accessed by way of https://digitalbloggers.com/arts-and-entertainment/ep-blog-posts 

It's a beautiful time of year in my area so I took this picture last week while driving out to my cabin in the foothills SW of Calgary.



September 1, 2021

I have completed the final proofing for The Ascent and am just completing the final proofing for The Summit and Quantum Leaps as well. After reviewing the books, I decided they needed another review from an outside source and so this has pushed my completing back a few months from what I anticipated.

It is said any manuscript needs to be seen by at least five sets of eyes to catch all the errors and typos. I now know this to be true. It's very difficult to find these errors on your own. Though the books may still undergo more revisions once a publisher is secured, it's important to have the book as refined as possible before submission.

The following blogs have been posted this last month


August 1, 2021

Currently, I'm completing my final revisions and edits for Quantum Leaps, book three of the series. I've decided to publish these first three novels at the same time, and so hopefully, that will happen in September. However, summer has a way of getting in the way of things, so it might take a bit longer than anticipated with one more road trip vacation.
Meanwhile, the blog postings on this site continue to do well with 40 new posts since last November. This brings the total to 160 posts averaging over 7,000 'hits' each month. Many of these posts included excerpts from the books on topics that I think may interest readers. In July I posted:


July 1, 2021

Final edits for the first two books are now complete and will soon be registered with their ISBN number. I will then post them online with Amazon where they will be available for purchase. I've begun my final edits for books three and four and hope to have them online by early 2022. 

Chapter 8 and 9 of Book One, The Ascent, have just been posted on this blog. See above 

I'm very pleased and gratified that I have accumulated several thousands of 'hits' on these first eight chapters. Hopefully, this will lead to a large readership when the seven books in the series are published.

Also, I'm amazed so many read this 'UPDATE post each month to keep up with my writing adventure in the completion of the ELYSIUM'S PASSAGE series. Thank you.

June 1, 2021

The final edits for The Ascent are completed, with the next book, The Summit, to be completed within the week. Then it will be on to the final edits of Quantum Leaps which should be complete by the end of the summer. Each book has been written, rewritten and revised close to twenty times.

There are many reasons for this, but like fine wine, good books also take time to age. After waiting a few months or longer, it's amazing what flaws jump out that you didn't notice before, and not just typos, but deficiencies in clarity and flow. This is especially true with philosophical novels such as I'm writing. It's often a challenge to make deep and complex ideas comprehensible and simple through the drama and dialogue of the characters.

As an aside, I'm pleased with the amount of 'hits' various chapters from The Ascent have received this last month. I also plan to post chapters eight and nine sometime soon.     

May 1, 2021

This last month the final edits are being completed for The Ascent and two more chapters have been added to this blog as a preview to the seven-book series (see above for links).

Also, the fifth novel, Mystical Romance is going through more revisions before proofing. I still plan to post the first three novels as online ebooks by summer or late summer. 

I continue to post four to five blog posts each month and continue to receive 6,000 to 7,000 visitors each month. Since beginning the Elysium's Passage blog site over three years ago I have had over 200,000 'hits' in total with a total of 150 posts. See https://digitalbloggers.com/arts-and-entertainment/ep-blog-posts for the links.

March 31, 2021

My mother was admitted into the hospital this month and passed away by mid-month. I wrote a tribute to her and posted which may be read here https://digitalbloggers.com/relationships/mother-s-commenoration-and-tribute 

With this distraction and all that goes with the death of a loved one, my time commitment has been limited for this work. Nevertheless, I'm close to completing my revisions to Mystical Romance, and then I'll be on to the sixth novel, The Elixir which I haven't revisited for over five years since the last draft.

I've resisted publishing the first books online since there are occasions when what is written later may require some adjustments to what was written prior. However, as I get closer to completing the final revisions to Book 6, I will publish the previous novels online. Ultimately, when I have all seven novels complete, possibly within a couple of years, I plan to have the complete series published in hardback and softback. 

Despite everything that happened this past month, I still was able to complete my weekly blog posts which might read at this link. https://digitalbloggers.com/preview/daily-message-archives-march-2021 

February 23, 2021

I'm now over halfway through my revisions of Mystical Romance, which doesn't seem great in a months time. However, when its sometimes necessary to go over and over portions, progress is being made qualitatively, and not just in quantitative length. Generally, these are the more philosophical parts that require much effort to keep the ideas as clear as possible, even when they are deep and profound.

However, I'm past that now and getting into the 'hot' romance. I think readers are going to love the drama as much as or even more than just the steamy scenes. I've been at these revisions now for three months and probably have another two or three to go.

Much of my time also is going into my blog articles which I post at least once a week. I do this to help create a base of recognition for when the novels are released. At this time I've had close to 200,000 'hits' on this site since starting just over three years ago. Last month I achieved a new high of 8,000/month. February's posts may be accessed here https://digitalbloggers.com/arts-and-entertainment/daily-message-archives-february-2021  

January 25, 2021

I find revising and editing book five, Mystical Romance, to be a bit more difficult than I anticipated as I find my muse rewriting almost every sentence. It's been six years since I wrote the draft so I'm coming at things with a fresh perspective. I hoped to be halfway completed by now but am only about a third complete. The plotline is the same but there always seems to be much better ways of saying the same thing; sometimes with much few words, sometimes with more, but never with the same expression. Also, writing and managing blog articles seems to be taking up more time than ever since I often find myself upgrading the articles. Now that there are over 130 posts, it's getting to be a lot of work. However, I find it satisfying because of sustained readership.
January's blog posts may be accessed here: Daily Messages January 2021

December 27, 2020

I continue with my editing efforts and am now working on editing book 5, Mystical Romance. I wrote this about 6 years ago so it's interesting to come back to it now. I hope to have it complete within the next couple of months and then on to book 6, The Elixir. My goal is to have all six completed and published by summer or fall. Then on to book 7, The Return, the last book in the series which is yet to be written.

December's blog posts may be accessed here: Daily Messages December 2020

November 26, 2020

This month has marked three years of this blog site. I'm pleased that I now have posted over 120 articles and average a total of 6 to 7,000 views each month. This next year I hope to be up to 140 quality articles and over 8,000 views per month.

I postponed the on-line course I mentioned last month. (It turned out to be a whole lot more time consuming than I thought it would be.) I'll pick it up again spring and so have returned to complete the editing of my first four novels. I have lost track of how many times I've revised the novels. 12,15 or 20 times?

I had no idea it was going to be so much work in getting things right. Partly, this is because these are also works of philosophy and so it's not just telling a story but something much more complex. I struggle to make the concepts simple enough for the lay reader while keeping things entertaining. Often I feel I have fallen short and so go back again and again to improve the works. Since there are over 1200 pages in total with the first four novels, all having to mesh, organizing everything has required much time and perseverance. Also, there are over 1,000 footnotes that had to be researched.  

I expect that these books will be ready for external proofing within the next couple of weeks. Then I will be on to books five and six. We'll see how it goes, but I'm going to hopefully have them ready by summer since it will be much easier to edit. They are more action-orientated so I won't have to agonize so much. Besides, I did much editing and revising after I first wrote them about six years ago... or was it longer?

Thanks for staying updated on my progress. I expect I have another two or three years to go before all seven novels in the series are ready to be sent to a publisher. (Wow, that will be ten years so far.) However, in the interim, the books will be available to read in self-published format, including eBook format as I complete them.  

November's blog posts may be accessed here: Daily Messages November 2020

October 18, 2020 

I am taking some time off writing to develop a video how-to online course, I hope to have it completed before the Christmas season so I'm going flat out with that project now. I'll let you know what this is all about by my next update. I still hope to have the first four books completed and ready for publication soon. 

Through this project, I hope to generate sufficient cash to publish and promote the first novels before searching for a publisher for the total series. This could take a few years yet considering what material goes into the novels and the research involved. 

Meanwhile, my weekly blog posts for October 2020 may be read here:

September 6, 2020

I'm still working on editing and revising the second book, Elysium's Passage: The Summit. The first, Elysium's Passage: The Ascent, was recently completed but still awaits the final proof from an outside source.

The third book, Elysium's Passage: Quantum Leaps, has now had the final external proof and is ready to be published upon the first two being published.

The fourth Book, Elysium's Passage: Surreal Adventures is almost ready but still needs to be proofed and possible one last round of revisions. Each book has been revised approximately 12 to 15 times which is why the project will take at least 10 years to finally complete the seven books. So far it has been about 7 and1/2 years.

I had hoped to be further along in the process by this time but had a great summer with much time spent away from home, including spending time in Kelowna with my son and his family. Also, I had a great vacation for about a week at Whistler Resort near Vancouver.

During this time, I have endeavoured to post an average of three to four blogs each month and now am up to 115 posts on this site since beginning a few years ago. They average approximately about 250 hits per day or 7,500 per month.

Sometime next year, I plan to experiment on videoing some of these posts on my Elysium's Passage YouTube channel. We'll see how it goes and if it is effective in expanding the exposure of Elysium's Passage brand.  

I also post on FB under my personal name, Neil Meyers

May 30, 2020

It has been a long while since I've updated this UPDATES post. I don't have a lot of news except that this blog site was down for a while by the provider, Digital Bloggers, as they revamped the site. Then, it was a while before I could get back on to make new entries.

Also, I was on a wonderful winter vacation in Mazaland, Mexico at an all-inclusive, five-star resort. As a writer, yet unpublished, I have little resources for such luxuries. But, as with my trip last fall to a conference in North Carolina in October, I didn't have to worry about money since my stay at the resort was offered to me free of charge (except for the flight). I just put it out there once again to the divine and there it was.

However, when I got back I became very sick, confined to my bed for days. Maybe some virus... I hear there's one going around.

Now that it's spring, I have resumed my work but am taking lots of time off in nature for long walks. 

Currently, I'm busy revising much of the first and second books; not the plot, but upgrading the writing style. Once I complete this, which could take most of the summer, I'll be ready to self-publish the first four novels. Also, I will submit these manuscripts to publishers to see what happens. I still have to complete editing books 5 and 6, which may take me a year or two, then write the seventh ... which is written in my mind only.

Once again, all my projected deadlines have been moved back. When I've completed this series, I expect it will be been 10 years or more. It has already been 7 years.

For those readers who look forward to reading more of the series, thank you for your patience.

January 27, 2020

I am close to publishing the next books for Elysium's Passage novel series and have been considering concepts for the covers. I'm splitting the existing 'The Summit', into two books, 'The Ascent' and 'The Summit', and therefore, have to create a new book cover as Book Two. The existing cover will be used for 'The Ascent'. Book Three, 'Quantum Leaps' will resemble a shooting star. 'Book four 'Surreal Adventures' will have a boat. 


These are just general design concepts at this point, but it's a start. If you have any comments or suggestions for me, please email me at nmeyers@shaw.ca Thanks

December 30, 2019

I'm almost there. Just two more chapters to review before it goes in for final proofing of novels three and four. Initially, these books will be available as eBooks on Amazon. I am making some corrections and minor changes to the first book and splitting it into two. This part will be called Elysium's Passage: The Ascent and Elysium's Passage: The Summit. 

Upcoming novels three and four will be called Elysium's Passage: Quantum Leaps and Elysium's Passage: Surreal Adventures. It will be great to have these first four of the series seven available on Amazon.

November 28, 2019

This month I had two very successful book signing events at Chapter's/Indigo where THE SUMMIT is carried. Apart from that, I have been hunkered down to complete my last revisions to ELYSIUM'S PASSAGE: SURREAL ADVENTURES. I've undertaken at least 12 rewrites since the first draft and could probably go on forever, but enough is enough. Next, I will send it Rebekah in Dallas where she will catch whatever typos and errors I might have missed. I'm very fortunate to have her working on this manuscript since nothing gets past her. I wish she had proofed my first book since there were still many errors that had been overlooked. I'm not going to let that happen again!    

October 21, 2019

I went to a fabulous conference (and vacation) in the Blue Ridge Mountains near Boone, North Carolina, Oct 9 - 17. So many great speakers, authors, and new friends to inspire me for years to come.

I just knew I was supposed to go to this when I saw it advertised in a newsletter. That's a very long way away though. I knew it would cost me thousands of dollars in Canadian currency with airfare, lodging, car rental, conference fees, etc., etc. I decided I couldn't afford to go that much into debt since I'm still waiting to get rich and famous.

I thought about it and decided I wasn't going… unless the money somehow came in. Still, I felt I was supposed to go so I asked/intended/prayed for $5,000 to cover my expenses with a nice wide margin. Then about two or three weeks later, I went to my mailbox and there was a cheque for about $5,100 from the government of Canada. Ah, I thought, looks like I'm going on a retreat... better do my booking. Funny, but I wasn’t really all the surprised. It just felt like it was part of the flow of what was meant to be.

Still, I couldn't figure out why they wanted to give me all that money -- said it was some sort of adjustment. Okay, I thought... I 'd take it even if the skeptic in me said I should pay down some of my line of credit. But no, that's not what the money was for. I was supposed to go. As it turned out, I now know why... actually, many reasons, considering all the wonderful speakers, networking and contacts with other known authors. 

Everything was perfect, the people, my B&B, weather, scenery. At least until the last day where a dirty, rotten thief stole my wallet at JFK New York just as I was boarding my flight home. Lost $350, but then, I was more than covered with that extra margin I requested. And so… life is good in the divine flow.

Now that I’m home again, it’s back to writing… lots to do. 

September 27, 2019

As I continue with my revising and editing, I've now decided that I should split this next novel into two different novels. As it stands, each would be approximately 275 pages. However, as I continue with the story, I find there seems to be more to it and so they are expanding such that I may have closer to 300 pages each. I find what I'm now adding is not filler, but a new level of enrichment. I find that now, after my first draft on this story about six years, the plot has taken on some wonderful dimensions of intrigue and enchantment. I can hardly wait to share it, but it seems there is a little more to it than I suspected a couple of months ago. In any case, I'm sure I'll require at least another couple of months to put a wrap on this. But then, it could be longer. The story, or should I say, stories, seem to have a will of there own. 

August 20, 2019

Back at it! I'm hunkering down again after some time off this summer to enjoy the outdoors. Hoping to have the next novel out this fall. In doing my 12th (or more) revision/rewrites, I found I wasn't satisfied with the last 100 pages, so I am doing a lot more revising on this than I had expected. I'm especially, working hard on clarity since some of the concepts are challenging in spots. 

Also, I have had the first book re-edited and proofed since there were too many typos and errors in the original. I am considering splitting it into two books so it doesn't appear to be so daunting to some. I may also split book two since it has also been expanding. If I do this I would have four separate novels in the series by next spring with three more to go after that. Each novel would be 250 to 300 pages.  

July 19, 2019

I have been taking a summer break from my work so I don't have much to report. However, I learned there were scammers lurking on my Facebook page, so closed down my personal site for now. However, I still have my ELYSIUM'S PASSAGE PUBLIC GROUP PAGE and will keep that active with new posts in the fall. Older posts can also be found on Instagram and also in the monthly Archives on this blog.  

May 26, 2019

I expect my final rewrite and edit of SURREAL ADVENTURES will be completed sometime in June and then will await the external proofing of the final manuscript. Meanwhile, my numbers are way up on social media with a consistent 1,000+/- a day on Twitter for 30,000 impressions each month. Pinterest is even higher at 50,000 per month. Facebook, Instagram, and this blog account for about another 15,000 per month for a total of about 85,000 impressions each month.

Of course, this takes much time in designing and administering these posts each day, but my aim is to maximize exposure to the ELYSIUM'S PASSAGE brand by expanding my platform. When the second book is released, I hope to do a targeted advertising campaign for both books on Goggle and Amazon.   

I have also posted a couple of new posts on this blog this month which I invite you to view. I now have 66 active blog posts. By next year this time, my goal is to have 100 posts, provided I don't compromise the completion date of my third novel, MYSTICAL ROMANCE, by next spring. 

April 30, 2019

As I continue to edit SURREAL ADVENTURES, I am still posting a quote each day on social media. Some of these posts are recycled when I don't have time for designing something new but seem to be well-received, presumably by new viewers. For those wondering, I design these posts for more reasons that just drawing attention to ELYSIUM'S PASSAGE. The view impressions, particularly on Twitter, tell me how popular each post is, which will help me decide which quotes I wish to include in a calendar I intend to publish before Christmas. This will be online but possible hardcopy as well depending on the sales.

One version of these quotes may be a freebee for anyone who wishes to subscribe to a quarterly ELYSIUM'S PASSAGE monthly Newsletter that I hope to begin publishing online in fall (or winter). More about that later. 

If anyone wishes to view some select posts along with my commentary on them, I have archived THE DAILY MESSAGE FROM ELYSIUM posts. You may find each months at the end of the blog listings. (Actually, they weren't daily, more like bi-weekly). As an example, you may access April's archived post at https://digitalbloggers.com/arts-and-entertainment/daily-message-archives-april-2019 or May's at https://digitalbloggers.com/arts-and-entertainment/daily-message-archive-may-2019 

March 26, 2019

This last month I had the opportunity to speak on one of the themes of the novel series which I titled UNION OF THE HEART AND MIND. Also, I had a couple more book signings at Indigo/ bookstores which is always a pleasure in meeting new readers.

Elysium’s Passage social media view continues to increase. Twitter is holding steady at just over 20,000 views each month. Instagram and Facebook are each estimated to be about 4,000 views/mo each. This blog as approximately 5,000 new views/mo Pinterest has been the big surprise with 20,000 views this last month. So with this blog, it’s well over 50,000 views per month.

I still hope to complete the editing of the second novel in the series, SURREAL ADVENTURES, by early summer and have it available for purchase soon thereafter.

February 4, 2019

This last month I had the privilege of speaking on how the Elysium's Passage series came into being. It went over very well and so I've been asked to return in March since I really needed more time to complete what I had to say. I am open to receiving more invitation to speak. At this point, I'm not charging for this since I consider it exposure for additional book sales.

There is evidence that book sales are picking up at the Indigo/Chapters bookstores with new orders going in at various stores. Over the next month, I have two more book signing engagements. Sales have been good at these but most of all I enjoy visiting with my new readers and talking about the ideas in the series. I would say the calibre of consciousness of these interested readers is way up there. 

Blog postings are now 60 with a stable 6,000 cumulative views per month. 

To sustain this growth on Social Media means investing much time with new posts. Unfortunately this has vastly cut into my time in editing the remaining books of the series. Nevertheless, I'm still resolved to have the second book ready for publication by late spring or early summer.

January 10, 2019

I have set up several 'boards' with Pinterest now which you may be viewed. Most of these are quotes that I previously posted on Twitter and Facebook and most recently with Instagram. I'm very encouraged with the exposure I'm receiving on Pinterest with about 4,000 'impressions' each month from my various 'pins.' Likewise, with Instagram, I'm up to close to 500 followers after a couple of months and no advertising to date. Typically I receive about 150 views per post each day which is about a 4,000 each month. 

I'm receiving about 400 'impressions' each day on Twitter which is about 12,000 a month. I have no idea what I'm receiving on FaceBook but don't think its great even though I've secured over 4,000 FB 'friends.'

After tallying my first year of view on this ELYSIUM'S PASSAGE blog site, I was pleased to find I had received almost 42,000 'viewings' on the total 52 posts. As I continue to add a couple more posts each month, the viewings are now over 5,000 per month and growing. I expect I will have at a net gain of at least 60,000 this year. 

At this point, I don't know how effective all this exposure is in securing book sales, but I know it can't hurt. I hope to begin my advertising campaign when the second book comes out, which I hope to be by June or July.  

November 19, 2018

Over the last month, I have become active on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/meyersneil/ and posting almost daily with much the same content as with Twitter and Facebook. My goal is to build up a sizeable following but so far I have not featured any paid ads. Perhaps in early 2019. Also, an Elysium's account has been set up with Pinterest https://www.pinterest.ca/neilmeyers/ 
A few 'boards' have been set up but no marketing initiatives have been taken for the series yet. 

October 10, 2018

A number of the Dr Jan Merta talks on have been posted on YouTube but the sound quality on some of the videos is still being worked upon on some that are difficult to hear. I may have take some of them down but there are a few that are just fine. You may find the series here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXpzFH6VNMQLOtqOK2SrXpg  

October 9, 2018

A number of Five Star reader reviews have been posted on Amazon as well as other highly complimentary comments that have come to me directly. These may be found on READERS REVIEWS on this blog site

October 1, 2018

A lecture series I recorded between 2001 and 2006 is being prepared for release on YouTube. These will feature Dr Jan Merta, who is posted here on this blog site. There are several reasons for presenting these talks in conjunction with the Elysium's Passage series.  

For more information on the lecture series, go to: https://digitalbloggers.com/arts-and-entertainment/you-tube-series-coming-soon For information on Dr Merta go to https://digitalbloggers.com/arts-and-entertainment/dr-jan-merta 

September 15, 2018

Along with everything else I'm up to with writing and editing my next novels, I have been active in book signings this summer. A couple have been at Chapters/Indigo and a few other venues in Calgary. Sales generally have been good but the real purpose is to promote the series with not just signings and sales, but to maximize interest in the books by giving away bookmarks and 'telling my story'.

Twitter has been very active with up to over 1,500 Tweets a day. Of course this alway depends on how active I have been in entering new tweets. Last month I had over 24,000 'impressions' in a four week period. 

My posts on Twitter, and recently on Instagram as well, are mostly quotes found in the novel series, some of my own but most external quotes. Many of these can be found on this blog under NOTES FROM ELYSIUM https://digitalbloggers.com/arts-and-entertainment/notes-from-elysium

July 2, 2018

I am now active on Twitter. For those interested, my account can be viewed at https://twitter.com/Neil1113  

At this time there's nothing posted on it that's not already on the blog site or Facebook but I plan to do other unique postings in the near future. However, if you are on Twitter and wish to help me receive more exposure for the Elysium's Passage series, you might consider retweeting some of my postings. Thanks

June 28, 2018

I have set up an Author's Page on Facebook Elysium's Passage Author's Page at: 

This is for anyone wishing to know more about me the author, including a short bio, press release, and short video presentation on the series.   

June 18, 2018

Several online news releases have gone out all across the USA regarding Elysium's Passage. The original online news press release for Elysium's Passage: The Summit:


Please fell free to forward this link along if you wish to help me publicize the series

June 14, 2018

Softcover books of Elysium's Passage: The Summit are now available at all Chapters/Indigo stores in Calgary. Book signings so far are scheduled on August 4th and August 11th at two locations.

June 5, 2018

Elysium's Passage: The Summit is now available in hardback and eBook through vendors including Barns and Noble, Chapters/Indigo, Kobo, and Google. It is also posted on Amazon in Japan, France, Italy, Germany, Finland, India, Australia, etc 

June 1, 2018

I will be having a book signing the afternoon of Saturday, August 11 at Chapter's in Shawnessy, Calgary.

May 31, 2018

Chapters/Indigo will be stocking THE SUMMIT on their shelves in Calgary beginning next week. Hopefully, this will be just the first step to retailing the book to the rest of their stores in Alberta and then Canada.   

May 26, 2018

I will be having a book launch in Calgary on Sunday, 3:00 - 5:00 pm, on June 17. The Location is The Home of OM, 2312 4 St SW. There is no charge. I will be giving a short reading, then speaking as will Angel Rogers who had much to do with the book's inception. Signed books will be available for purchase. Refreshments included. It should be fun and very interesting. 

May 14. 2018

I had an introductory meeting with the book buyer and consultant with a major book retailer. I'm hopeful they will carry Elysium's Passage and then we'll go from there to conquer the world. Barns and Noble; you're next!

May 10, 2018

Elysium's Passage: The Summit is now available for purchase in hardcover, softcover and eBook on www.Amazon.com, www.Amazon.ca, www.Amazon.uk, www.Amazon.au  

May 1, 2018

I had a very exciting and successful time at the LA Times Festival of Books where I did some book signing and promoting my book the rest of the time over weekend (April 21, 22). We'll see where the ripples go, or maybe I won't, but trust they will continue in any case. Also I have a Hollywood movie producer reading the book so we'll see where that goes. 

Things are being sorted out on Amazon since there was some confusion about pricing and availability. Hopefully it will all be resolved this week so that the eBook is online.  

April 4, 2018

My first limited, local shipment of books will be in tomorrow. The larger offset shipment should be sent to the warehouse by month's end whereby books will be available through Amazon. Also, the eBook version will be online with Amazon by late April 

January 26, 2018

I am now registered as an author that will be participating in the LA Times Book Festival, to be held at the University of South California campus in Los Angels, April 21 and 22. About 135,000 people attend this event each year including about 400 authors. It will be great exposure for Elysium's Passage, just minutes from Hollywood in case anyone there wishes to make a movie series based on these books. But I should probably finish writing them first.   

January 24, 2018

My free e-book, How it Came, is now available upon request by writing me at nmeyers@shaw.ca 

January 11, 2018

After completing the last of my book's edits, I submitted the manuscript this week and expect to have it printed by sometime in March. The eBook, however, should be available sometime next month. I'm also revising my website elysiumspassage.com to implement the autoresponder so I can give away my free eBook, How it Happened as an advanced promotion for the pending book sales.

December 28, 2017

I've spend the last day or two searching my computer files for pictures that I thought may interest readers. I found plenty of pictures of my mountain climbing but don't know what happened to many of them. Also I added a file for some of my cabin pictures. You may find these photo posts on this site. If you have any comments on them, please send me a reply.  

December 20, 2017

I have almost completed formatting my first monthly Newsletter. Still learning the overwhelming technology behind Aweber Auto Responder. By this I hope to soon start building up my subscription list as I give away my 100 page ebook that I've just written that I plan to call How it Happened. The first part is available on another post.

December 5, 2017

Working hard on my final editing of Book Two, Elysium's Passage: Surreal Adventures. Can hardly wait to share the story with my readers sometime late 2018.

December 2, 2017

I have now subscribed to the services of Aweber, an autoresponse provider. Now I need to learn how to implement to interact with my readers on this blog. 

November 25, 2017

I've uploaded a short, very amateur, video on my Facebook page: Elysium's Passage Novel Series. I tell a little about the series with a little help from my two-year-old friend. Taken at my cabin in the foothills. 

November 20, 2017

I've now completed, or almost completed, my 'backstory' e-book, which will be made available as a free eBook upon the publication and sale of the first book, The Summit, hopefully very soon. I plan to call it How Elysium's Passage Came To Be (and what it may become).

Also and have included a brief autobiographic sketch of my life for anyone interested in my background. It may be found as part of the INTERVIEW post on this site.

November 3, 2017

I'm now working on a short 80-page e-book on how the Elysium's Passage series came into existence. It's possibly more strange and peculiar that the series where truth is stranger than fiction. In any case, I think it will make for fascinating reading. I plan to give it away as a bonus for anyone who buys my book(s) online on this site in the future. Perhaps I'll just give it away without the sale of a book because I think when anyone reads this, they'll really want to buy the book. I also did a video last week about the series at my cabin. Jo, a friend of mine, tried a number of shoots, but her little two-year-old, Octavia, was intent on stealing the show.

October 30, 2017

I just received an invitation to advertise with The New York Review of Books. Guess that's not a big deal. But still, I'd like to think being invited to advertise in this prestigious publication means something. But then, maybe not. Anyway, here is what they wrote to me in part: "Hello! I am the advertising assistant at The New York Review of Books, and I recently read a compelling review of Elysium’s Passage: The Summit. This book seems like a great fit for our readers Esquire has called The New York Review of Books "the premier literary-intellectual magazine in the English language." Our 135,000+ print and digital subscribers and the nearly one million monthly visitors to our website offer a uniquely targeted audience for marketing If you are interested in marketing Elysium’s Passage: The Summit with The New York Review of Books, we would be thrilled to feature it!"


                    VIDEO INTRODUCTION (ATTEMPT)




                                          Amazon in 2024


THE ASCENT: Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage

THE SUMMIT: Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage

QUANTUM LEAPS: Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage

SURREAL ADVENTURES: Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage

MYSTICAL ROMANCE: Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage

THE ELIXIR: Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage

THE RETURN: Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage



1. The Ascent is the first novel in the Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage that’s foundational to everything that happens in the following narratives that embark on an adventure that will surprise and delight the reader like no other book.

It all begins with an extreme adventure of climbing a remote and challenging mountain somewhere in the Andean Mountains. Just as James, the protagonist, is about to reach the mountain summit, he falls into an abyss that leaves him in a coma for almost a year.

After being airlifted by a forestry helicopter and flown back to London, where his body remains for almost a year. Eventually, he learns it was not him but his body that was rescued. Several days later, without understanding what happened, he continues to climb to the summit in an alternate dimension of higher consciousness.

Fortuitously, he meets two adventurers on the summit ridge who are no longer of this world. After that, his surreal life leads him to several new adventures in the subsequent chronicles that include a rich mix of adventure, romance, and fantasy, along with profound discussions of philosophy, spirituality and the afterlife.­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­

2. The  Summit, the second novel in the Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage, carries on where James, the narrator and protagonist, is taught more about a multidimensional reality that he finds difficult to comprehend.

Not only does he find he’s not as clever as he imagined, but his off-world companions on the summit demonstrate that much of what he believed about life was not just parochial but wrong. At first, he finds this difficult to comprehend since their teachings are contrary to his limited understanding of non-material reality.

After being tricked into teleporting off a ledge where he was trapped, James becomes aware of the new reality that makes him capable of far more adventures than could have ever been experienced previously in his physical body back home.

Now, if only he would win over the only woman in this life who matters, the nurse on the other side of the veil, who continually demonstrates her unconditional love toward his healing.

Warning: This book may also open the reader’s eyes to a much vaster reality than most might be aware. As with the other Chronicles, there are discussions of philosophy, the spiritual afterlife and what might seem like fantasy. 

3. Quantum Leaps is the third novel in Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage, where James, the philosopher-protagonist, teleports back to London to visit his body and make contact with the special nurse taking care of it in his absence. Immediately, he feels an inexplicable spiritual bond with her for reasons he remains unaware of.

Now aroused by a renewed interest in matters of love, the beginnings of a relationship begin to emerge as he attempts to reach across the chasm of their worlds. But it’s not until the fifth novel, Mystical Romance, that he encounters her in a way that he finds difficult to believe.

However, before that can happen, there is much about his failed relationships that must be resolved before he is ready to move forward in his new life in Elysium’s Passage. It is during this time he christens his comatose body as the fall guy since it took the fall for him down the abyss so he could learn the lessons he’s now learning.

That will be the next focus of his life, where in his next Surreal Adventures, he is given virtual lessons to release many of his past beliefs about life.

4. Surreal Adventures is the fourth novel in the Chronicles of Elysium’s Passage, which finds James, the protagonist and narrator, escorted by his companions to a remote South Pacific Island, where he is left to reflect on what he’s learned.

During the next forty days, he battles the demons of his past as he works through some rather painful issues from his early youth. Here, in a tropical storm, he encounters an eery suspended spectre of the one he loved yet still resents for abandoning him as a child.

After this, he achieves peace of mind and is ready to return to his lodge to join his off-world companions on the Andes summit. However, just when it seemed things couldn’t get any stranger, a sixteenth-century sea captain sails his ancient ‘ghost’ ship onto the beach. Together, they sail off on a mystical ocean voyage to a couple of virtual islands supposedly in the South Pacific, where he witnesses and, at times, participates in several important life lessons.

Near the end, these encounters help prepare him for a new challenge within the interior of a mountain, where he falls deep into a dark tomb of fear. After being rescued by a mysterious stranger wielding his Excaliber, he continues on to where his life is about to be transformed in the following chronicle, Mystical Romance. 

5. Mystical Romance is the fifth chronicle in Elysium’s Passage, which will surprise the reader with a romantic twist of how love is expressed in higher realms. From this lofty perspective, everything about intimacy is understood as within, so without.

After escaping his tomb, James, the narrator and protagonist, makes his way through a maze of tunnels until he arrives at a large oak door, which he opens with the golden key he had been given. There, he steps into Elysium’s Passage’s Great Hall, where his life and recent achievements are celebrated now that his eyes have been opened to perceive a fascinating interior world of wonderment… and romance.

To say more might risk diminishing the multitude of delightful surprises as circumstances begin to open to The Elixir, where James is about to re-enter his earthly body’s existence.

6. The Elixir is the sixth chronicle of the Elysium’s Passage series that prepares James, the narrator-protagonist, to awaken and return to his body in London. Before that can happen, however, his off-worlder friend presents a mysterious equation enshrouded with a light code frequency that will stimulate multidimensional DNA strands within him.

Much of this narration is centred in London, where his nurse unknowingly becomes involved in how the Elixir’s equation finds its way from a taxi cab driver to higher echelons of science. There are many twists in how she unwittingly brings the Elixir to the attention of mathematicians and physicists, after which they eventually discover how to code the equation into a laser ray to stimulate his fall-guy body into full consciousness.

Ostensibly a new Adam, he is destined to return humanity to a higher multidimensional existence. How this happens is filled with intrigue, as is his shocking return to his earthly body. 

7. The Return is the seventh and last chronicle in the series where James, the narrator and protagonist, has re-emerged from Elysium’s Passage as he readjusts to life in the third dimension. Many of the events experienced in the previous novels are tied together in an exciting, fast-moving, action-packed narrative over several countries.

 At first, it seems all memories have been lost, with his fall guy’s brain not being aware of what happened to him while in his coma. As a consequence, it takes a while for him to be convinced he had been out of his earthly body for almost a year.

Through some rather unexpected events and evidence, along with his girlfriend’s urging, he is brought to an awareness of much of what occurred. It takes a while for his mind to catch up with the changes made in his heart during his stay in the alternate realm. But after experiencing several harsh realities, he discovers what he became within while out of his body. Gradually, he comes to understand the many challenges that lie ahead for him in fulfilling his future mission on Earth.

This book is filled with adventure, romance and personal intrigue that ties together all six previous narratives of the Elysium’s Passage series.