Make 2018 Your Best Year Ever - 5 Ideas and How To Achieve Them

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The New Year has just started, and it is the perfect opportunity to look forward and to re-evaluate some your life choices.

If you are looking for effective ways of changing your life for the better, here is a list of the most five common New Year’s resolutions with a piece of advice and links to useful articles that deal with the issue in greater detail to maximise your chances of not giving up by February.

1. Enjoy Life to the Fullest

According to psychologist Jonathan Fader, PhD, the key to enjoying life to the fullest lies not in making significant life changes, but in actively practising enjoyment of life as it currently is. “Have a daily ritual around enjoyment: Upon waking, ask yourself, “What do I look forward to most today.”

At the end of your day, ask yourself, “What was the most enjoyable part of my day and why?” wrote Fader in Three Ways To Enjoy Your Life More Psychology Today.

2. Exercise More

Do you want to feel better, have more energy and even add years to your life? Exercise is the way to go. Exercise not only makes you physically fitter but also improves your mental health and a general sense of well-being. It can rev up your energy levels and even help you improve your mood. Do you need more convincing? Check out this article from Time Health. It can lead you to a happier, healthier you.  7 Surprises Benefits of Exercise 

3. Eat Healthy Food

Switching to a healthier food can be incredibly challenging. We are all surrounded by cheap junk food. However, with a right amount of determination and some basic tips you can slowly develop healthier eating habits.

Would you like to find what your recommended daily amounts of nutrients should be, how to serve the perfect portion and recipes for women, mean, vegetarians, vegans, and pregnancy?

You will find how to make you happy and healthy in the How To Eat A Balanced Diet by the BBC Good Food article.

4. Learn a New Skill

New exciting opportunities for education are now available through the digital world. People all over the world are using digital devices as part of their everyday experience. Google has access to a vast wealth of digital information, content and resources.

Online learning has made a considerable change in the educational system and opened great opportunities for everyone who wants to take any program or training course. You can always find a suitable class or even a degree program that you can follow from the comfort of your home.

There are plenty of options available. In The 5 Most Reliable Ways to Make Money Online, you will find the most lucrative ways to generate an additional source of income or for a full-time living. 

5. Achieve Financial Freedom

Part of achieving Financial freedom requires thinking positively about money. If you have an abundance mindset, you can obtain Personal Finance.

Stephen Covey explains these concepts beautifully in his classic The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. He writes:

The Abundance Mentality flows out of a deep inner sense of personal worth or security. It is the paradigm that there is plenty out there and enough to spare for everybody. It results in the sharing of prestige, recognition, profits and decision-making. It opens possibilities, options, alternatives and creativity.

The 7 Point Formula For Financial Freedom, Happiness and Wealth article by Brian Tracy will guide you to discover how to accumulate wealth, become happier, and achieve financial freedom.

May the Universe bless you in surprising and joyful ways. Happy New Year!

With much appreciation


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