The best online business platform

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I was literally achieving  nothing wonderful in my career. Id left a corporate role and started a family. I went from a miserable self employed house cleaner with an unhealthy lifestyle, to discovering the online space and am now, so grateful and blessed at how my life has changed. Its not only the fact that i'm living to my potential but the amount of personal growth that went alongside the business side has transformed my emotional well-being. It all started the same way.... by taking some time to watch this video series and i instantly became awakened to the opportunities available. 


For myself the reasons I started my online business was pure desperation to be honest. I was not happy with the progress I had made up to date and i felt unfulfilled and disappointed with myself. I knew i was capable of so much more but with two small children, going back to college was just too time consuming, not to mention expensive! 

Looking back now, i can see that i always had that entrepreneurial streak. I would have business ideas for the vacant premises and wished i'd had the finances and courage to go after one of these ventures but i never did.

Most of us feel like we can't risk our current jobs, just incase we fail, so we play it safe, even though it makes us unfulfilled and in some cases..... bloody miserable.

Tech and business also scares a lot of people as they believe that in order to have a successful business, we must already have these skills. This isn't the case at all within this exclusive online platform. I use the term exclusive because it is not advertised all over social media and the likes. This is because, not everyone is suited to the entrepreneurial world. Some are looking for a get rich quick system and that just isn't what this is about at all.

Individuals who are driven, work hard and willing to invest in themselves and do business with integrity, honesty and above all value, is what individuals will be accepted within this space. 

That being said, the rest is down to whether you want to escape the hamster wheel of societies career system! If you are looking for more than ...... just working and waiting to retire, then this may be right for you.



There is endless opportunities online to build a successful business. The likes of amazon are earning billions because the majority of people are now making their purchases online! There has never been so much opportunity, especially in this economic climate.

People and companies are losing their jobs and those that remain employed are feeling the fear of a potential loss in their future. The brick and mortar business just isn't in sync with today's tech era.

Also, people are not wanting to go back in to the education system and start all over again, it is time consuming and extremely expensive. Being online means that you can learn about and start your online business whilst you are still employed and when the online business replaces that income, you have to option to quit altogether.



You will learn all about the art of selling physical products online. with companies like amazon, it has never been easier. There are no premises or storage space required as amazon do all of that for you.

It is basically selling products through amazon and they display the items on their system. The job that is required is the marketing and advertising, that will drive people to amazon. This is also part of this online business platform.


Affiliate marketing has endless potential and the great thing is, you can sell products or services that you are actually passionate about. If your passion is golf ........ you can market golfing equipment either by writing a blog on a website or through social media platforms. 

I thoroughly enjoy writing blogs as i get to provide value to people around those topics that i am passionate about. There are artists and musicians who are now using websites and you-tube to promote their skills and passions and making a living doing something they love.



Millions of people are taking their expertise online and doing very well. We are in the space where knowledge is extremely sought after and people are willing to pay for that knowledge.

The vast a-ray of information that people are interested in is also never ending. There is everything from cooking recipes to gardening, that people will read about or watch online.



There has always been skepticism around "making money online" and quite rightly so. There are people that are just looking to make money, with no integrity or focus on the consumer.  This is a great shame because there are those who will go above and beyond to serve each and every client but with so much fear, the descent and honest among us have a hard job making a difference to those who need it.

If you want more from your life but unsure about where to start or if you can build a business that is 100% yours, then take a look at the workshops. Prepare yourself because you may receive many aha moments and excitement..... i sure did!

If the only thing holding you back is fear or skepticism ... rest assured that this is an honest with no fluff. If , after watching the workshops, it is not for you, then you have lost nothing but will have gain valuable information that may benefit you in the future. I hope to see you on the other side.

How to make your first 10K online!