Why I chose to be free at age 23

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I was pretty average for most of my life, average in that I was trading my time for money.

I never felt satisfied in this as I could never find a balance. I either had more money by sacrificing time, or I had time but somehow felt guilty as I wasn’t getting ahead financially.

I was 22 and exhausted in life.

I was tired of trading time for money, I was tired of being an employee and therefore being under my 

undefinedboss’s thumb, but mostly I was tired of having a vision in my head of what I wanted in life but only getting to live it for a few weeks out of the year.

There had to me another way!

With recommendations from family and friends I started reading every book on being successful that I could get my hands on, and this is where I realized something HUGE.


undefinedIt took time to completely change my mentality from employed to business owner, but man am I ever grateful I did.

Maybe the general mindset of go to school (the more school the better), get a good high paying job (trade the best hours of your day for money), and climb a corporate ladder (spending years to gain power) was right for most people.

It just wasn’t right for me.

Since that time I have dedicated myself to investing in my online business.

I chose to build a foundation by using a proven step by step blueprint, accessing online tools, and gaining unlimited access to training from people who are extremely successful in this business.undefined

Having no online training in this market I was still able to build a business from the bottom up and finally have my money work for me!

I am my own boss. I work when I want, where I want, and for however long I want.

undefinedBeing retired from employment is something that has given me my life back. I no longer have to use my time to work for money, and that is something I want to share with others as well.

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