BREAKTHROUGH: A Sudden Discovery 31 0f 36

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I remember how we used to describe the methodology of how the Landmark Forum works is similar to what scientists do to cause a breakthrough. They look at their subject from various points of view and then, all of a sudden, something they never saw coming occurs and a breakthrough is declared by the scientists. It is the same methodology used in the Landmark Forum. For the 3 days and one evening syllabus, these are the inquiry points:

  • ·       Already Always Listening
  • ·       The Hidden Power of Context
  • ·       The Vicious Circle
  • ·       Racket: The Payoff and the Cost
  • ·       The Illusion of Someday: Rethinking Possibility
  • ·       The Myth of Is, Because, and I
  • ·       Distinguishing: Opening New Worlds
  • ·       Freedom from Anxiety
  • ·       How Identities Get Constructed
  • ·       The Pervasive Influence of the Past
  • ·       Change vs. Transformation
  • ·       Language as an Access to Power
  • ·       The Nature of Choice
  • ·       New Possibilities, Breakthrough Results, and a Quick Review
  • ·       Transformation as a Way of Living
  • ·       Dealing Powerfully with Breakdowns

For myself, when I participated back in October 1993, I recall being surprised, excited, saddened, happy throughout the weekend, as each inquiry revealed new views of my life. Indeed, the methodology is designed to reveal my BLINDSPOTS in my life: What I didn’t know that I didn’t know!

My biggest breakthrough came when I called Mum and Dad on the Saturday of my Landmark Forum (read the breakthrough here)

Breakthrough: Until One is Committed

One of the most revealing pieces of training I have received, whilst participating in Landmark Worldwide programs, is learning how and when breakthroughs occur.

Firstly, I needed to distinguish my commitments and passions in life, getting clear on my stands and actions around each of them. Once established, I then needed to be aware, whenever a ‘breakdown’ occurred, that the breakdown always and only occurred because of these commitments and passions in life. Otherwise, no such breakdowns would ever happen!

An Example.

Today, Friday 23 November 2019 marks a promise where, (last week), I said I would have caught up and completed “all 36 words and phrases for transformation” blogs, shared with us in my current Wisdom Unlimited course running in Australia and New Zealand.

I revoke this promise and re-commit to completing the last 5 by Friday 30 November 2019. PHEW!

(The breakthrough is that I would normally not share this breakdown publically!)

What Breakthrough Would You Like Right Now In Your Life?


About the Author:

Charles Crawshaw: “Personal Development and Learning New Things!”

Born in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, United Kingdom in September 1963, Charles started his personal development in October 1993; by learning something new, through a top training and education company called Landmark Worldwide.

New skills, new possibilities, new views on life, new ways of being and so much more have all been grown and expanded, with his ongoing participation. There are remarkable and inspiring courses for our young people (8-12-year-olds) and teenagers (13-18) which underline Charles’s passion for sharing this work with younger generations.

Future based training; breakthrough thinking and digital disruption are all embraced in his blogs, with his recommended courses pointing to many sources; including Landmark Worldwide and online, through Six Figure Mentors.

Charles thanks you for taking the time to read his blogs and, as taught to him by a 10-year-old boy called Reuben:

Pass It On! You’re It!

How to make your first 10K online!