REGISTRATION: Sign Here! 34 of 36

Registration: Put information, especially your name, into an official list or record
With this blog series of 36 “words/phrases” that can access self-transformation, it may surprise you, (as it did with me), that the act of registration can be considered an act of transformation.
Firstly, one needs to be ENROLLED in the possibility such that you are touched, moved and inspired by the possibility. If this is the case and a true possibility has arisen, then the next logical step is to REGISTER. Simple really!
Registration and Commitment go hand in hand
One way of demonstrating one’s commitments in life is to register it publically and out loud. For myself, I have developed and shared continually an ever growing and expanding conversation for World Peace by Tuesday 15th September 2020.
How I have registered this commitment is by:-
1. Continually uploading information to the internet,
2. Speaking it our loud to my so called ‘originating circle’ (Wisdom Unlimited Course)
3. Promoting a name badge business where one can register their alignment or stand for “World Peace by Tuesday 15 September 2020” by buying a name badge with this message printed on it, (see I
Indeed, registration can develop a form of MEMBERSHIP, which gives access to fulfilling one’s commitments though powerful enrolment. Registration is an effective way of measuring too! At any time, one can observe the number of people registered as an access to how effective one has been about sharing their commitments with their communities.
How large is your membership to the things you are passionate about today?
Registration: The Act of Enrolling
One of the top distinctions of Landmark’s Self Expression and Leadership program (SELP) is “ENROLLMENT” (see Enrolment blog). The value and power of enrollment is that it actually causes new possibilities to be present of others, such that they are inspired, moved and touched by those possibilities.
What was amazing about SELP is that I got trained in enrolling. Indeed, so much so, I enrolled and registered friends and family to learn fire eating in order to gain attention for World Peace through ‘enrolling’ press releases to the Australian Television media. The key to this particular story is that the news media spoke the words “World Peace”, which demonstrates a registration to the idea, as a possibility!
With the phrase “Actions speak louder than words”, you could say that it is another was of asking to register. The action of registering will show everyone you are enrolled in what you are registering for and that you are, at the very least, aligned with this commitment.
Another phrase associated with registering is to ‘put your name on it’. Given my commitment and registration with Six Figure Mentors in July this year, one of the things I have discovered and learned about is the evolution of the ‘attention economy’ ,where people are developing themselves as an AUTHORITY on whatever inspires them. Internet searches are getting more and more sophisticated, so if you have ever ‘put your name on it’ through social media (for instance), people may discover you and your passions in life. Indeed, surely once they have discovered you, it is an opportunity to register them into your commitment? Aahh that’s called a landing page, isn’t it? Sure, if the outcome for the ‘landee’ is for them to register by “putting their name on it”. Eh Caramba!
Where in your life would you like to register your interest?
About the Author:
Charles Crawshaw: “Personal Development and Learning New Things!”
Born in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, United Kingdom in September 1963, Charles started his personal development in October 1993; by learning something new, through a top training and education company called Landmark Worldwide.
New skills, new possibilities, new views on life, new ways of being and so much more have all been grown and expanded, with his ongoing participation. There are remarkable and inspiring courses for our young people (8-12-year-olds) and teenagers (13-18) which underline Charles’s passion for sharing this work with younger generations.
Future based training; breakthrough thinking and digital disruption are all embraced in his blogs, with his recommended courses pointing to many sources; including Landmark Worldwide and online, through Six Figure Mentors.
Charles thanks you for taking the time to read his blogs and, as taught to him by a 10-year-old boy called Reuben:
Pass It On! You’re It!
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