Morning Routine: Start by Alkalising your body!

I’m a big fan of Mourning Routines! I believe that the way we start our day sets us for a great day or not such a great day.
A big part of my morning routine is to alkalize the body which for me it means to rehydrate and refill the system with plenty of water, vitamins, and minerals that are used during sleeping.
When we sleep we can lose up to 1 lt of water per night. We spend 7-8 hours (hopefully) in bed usually without drinking and our body continues to do all of its vital functions, plus, repairs and detox itself. Like magic, right!
During this process water, vitamins and minerals are used. And that is why in the morning we feel thirsty and even mildly dehydrated.
There are a few things that we can do the day before to make sure we have a better night's sleep, check out my blog about How to Improve Sleep Quality Naturally?
However, when you wake up, follow the following steps to rehydrate and alkalize yourself to get ready for a great day!
Drink water as soon as you wake up
As soon as you wake up drink between 500 ml (17 oz.) to 1 lt (34 oz.) of room temperature water. I like to have a water bottle ready close to my bed so it the first thing that I see and do when I wake up.
If you can, drink your water in front of natural light. This will help your melatonin levels to go down and you will feel awake faster.
Get your greens in
After you have hydrated yourself with water, make sure to get the vitamins and minerals that your body needs and that will boost the way you feel during your day.
There are different ways to do this and you can choose your favorite one depending on your taste and the time you have available in the mornings:
1. Green Smoothie:
In a blender mix your favorite greens, I usually like kale and spinach, add 1 or 2 fruit portions for taste. Here you can also add some good fats, like coconut oil, chia seeds, or MCT oil. And if you want to make it a full breakfast, add also some protein powder and you are ready to go!
Make sure to use a good blender. My favorite is the Vitamix 5200. It will make your smoothie experience so much nicer!
2. Green Juice
Similarly to the green smoothie, you can pack a bunch of fresh fruits and vegetables in a green juice. The difference is that in the green juice you don’t get the fiber. But, if you use a slow juicer (this is my favorite one!) you can be sure you are getting the most out or your fruits and vegetables.
I like to use a mix of greens like kale, spinach, cucumber, and celery. Add 1 or 2 portions of fruit for taste (apples and/or oranges are great) and a piece of fresh ginger. This is a simple recipe that tastes good and will give your whole body the boost needed to start the day.
3. Spirulina/Chlorella or Green Powders
I always prefer fresh and raw fruits and vegetables, but sometimes access and/or time can be compromised to make a smoothie or juice, so green powders come handy.
Green algae’s like spirulina and chlorella are extremely rich in vitamins and minerals plus they have a high content of chlorophyll which is the best natural detoxifier. The only handicap is their taste.
To drink your spirulina or chlorella in powder form (tablets are also available) mix it with lemon juice and water and it will go down easier. Start with 1/2 tsp of powder and increase the quantity bit by bit once you get used to the flavor.
Another great option is ready mixed green powders like Amazing Grass ones. They have all the greens that you need plus fruits and vegetable powders which make the taste friendlier. You just need to mix them with a glass of water and that’s it!
Avoid or Delay your Cup of Coffee
It is the habit of many to start the day with a cup of coffee, as fast as possible. Even if you feel awake after your cup of joe, this will dehydrate your body even more after your night sleep.
Coffee is a natural diuretic, which will make you pee more. Therefore you’ll lose more vitamins and minerals and as a consequence extend further the feelings of dehydration after the night sleep. With time you can even compromise your health and body's natural functioning just by sticking to your coffee habit.
Try instead following the two tips above first and wait for at least 90 min after waiting up before having your first cup of coffee.
And if you haven’t ever tried to quit coffee, I would encourage you to give it a try!
This could be the answer to many health and mental issues that many people encounter, like mood swings, lack of energy, difficulty falling as sleep, headaches, loss of sex drive, and so much more.
I’ve been there, so I know how it feels! If you are willing to put to rest your cup of coffee, go and check my blog on 5 tips to Quit Coffee and Avoid Withdrawal Symptoms.
There you have it! Start your morning by hydrating and alkalizing yourself and you will see a major impact in the way you feel and the way you think during your day!
And if you have trouble getting your healthy habits to stick and/or have specific desires and needs to improve your health and well-being, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Wishing you a great day or night ahead!
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