She has Cervical Cancer Stage IIIB, She lost her hope

Betha is my inlaw, she has been diagnosed with stage IIIB cervical cancer but this was not an easy journey to her.
She was sick for many years and experienced severe discharge, and later she was diagnosed with cancer.
She has lost hope, she mentioned and spoke to me, i will not survive. I keep explaining, you will be fine with the treatment.
This has lead me to open an NGO to support other women in Tanzania with similar situation where she got discharges for almots three years and no one could explain to her and advise her to take action
this lead me to register LIGHT FOR MANY organisation to support marginalised groups of children, youth and women
for more details about us, please visit our email is our direct number +255758880131
please help us share our campaign
Please help us to share to others and save our sisters and mothers who suffers a lot
For anyone who wish to visit Tanzania, and work with us on volunteering bases, we are happy to send invitation letter
"lets support others"
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