What Motivates You To Create A Mindset For Growth?
There is growth in every challenge and learning to use them are crucial for our happiness.
Let me tell you a story that illustrates how I started to create a mindset for growth. For over 10 years I have been personally involved in caring for my husband who has a hip disability. In the early stages, I didn’t realise that I was taking on the caring role and the additional responsibility.
It was until I began to notice that our lives as a couple were starting to be different, from being an active couple, enjoying travelling and having a busy social life all of that was gradually changing.
His condition kept getting worse, and his doctor scheduled an urgent total hip replacement operation. Caring for my husband has been a rewarding and bonding experience, but it has also had an impact on many aspects of my life. The stress, the inability to have a break, lack of a social life and the difficulty in getting outside help are a few aspects that come with this role.
Eventually, all relationships will demand some compromise, but it is possible to compromise a bit too much without noticing that we are putting aside the things we enjoy.
So I started to seek balance, to plan time for self-care and to develop a new paradigm. To achieve these, I realised that it all starts with changing our mindset to one of growth.
Mark Twain, once said, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So sail away from the safe harbour. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
I would like to share some helpful insights with you all, and it has inspired me to start a new blog. These three simple but powerful techniques are an excellent start to create a mindset for growth.
1. Review Your Current Beliefs
Are your beliefs supporting you? Or Are they self-limited? The easiest way to change a mindset is to develop a meditative practice of visualising and affirming a new idea and programming that into our subconscious mind.
2. Cultivate a Sense of Purpose
A more significant purpose can motivate us to make a positive impact in our lives. A very personal mission can provide a clear mindset and joy. It brings people together for a common cause and encourages bond with one another.
3. Get Inspired by Role Models
Role models mean different things to different people - some of us look for guidance in personal growth, in our education, business, own lives and we strive to make the world a better place.
For me, the best way to expand my education and knowledge is to read biographies and autobiographies. Stories of successful people can help us see how greatness think.
What about you? What other methods have been useful for you - and how are you implementing them? Feel free to tell us about your success in the comments.
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With much appreciation
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