Top 10 Books To Develop Mindset

Many people who want to go on a personal development Journey often get swamped in a tsunami of information.
The books listed below are all on that special thing known as 'mind stuff', We all know that visual, audio and practical are the best teachers.
In this article I will list my 'top 10 books to develop mindset' and get you started on your journey, whether you are an old hand at this or a complete beginner, the books I have listed are in my opinion among the greatest written.
So here goes....
1. Think and Grow Rich
Written by Napoleon Hill in 1937 the book was commissioned by Andrew Carnegi, Hill was given the opportunity to interview some of the richest people of his time and some of the poorest, this took place over 15 years, he wasn't paid to do the interviews or collate this information because the information alone would make him a millionaire and it did.
Don't be fooled into thinking a book this old is outdated, even though it was written at the turn of the century there is a common thread that runs through all success ... Have a read and try to find out what the recipe for success is.
2. Ask and it is given
Written by Esther and Jerry Hicks, this book in my opinion holds the key to all law of attraction information, it is almost the perfect recipe for making it work.
Esther has an uncanny way of settling people by channeling Abraham a collective concsiousness that reveals some amazing concepts and has nice flow to it along with some very useful practical tasks to try out.
3. The magic of thinking big
This beauty of a book was written in 1959 by Dr David J Shwartz, Dr Shwartz hit on the idea of having big goals and dreams and speaks about the mental states required to achieve them.
4. It Works The Famous Little Red Book
This little book is stunning first published back in 1976 written by R H Jarrett is a diamond of a book, small but powerful, a very easy book to read with a powerful message.
5. The magic
This book was written off of the back of 'The Secret' it was written in 2012 by Rhonda Byrne, it is packed with tons of things to practice on a daily basis, my favourites being the morning gratitude exercise, the gratitude rock and the I LOVE YOU exercises.
Cracking book well worth a study.
So the 6th book of Top 10 Books to develop mindset, Claude Bristol and Harold Sherman bring us this simplified version of Bristols earlier book 'The Magic Of Believing' this is one of my go to books when I need a re charge, a simply written book focusing on the Tap Tap Tapping of your thoughts and how they can help you succeed when channelled correctly..
7. See you at the top
This book by Zig Ziglar is probably one of the best books for sales people of all time written in 1975 it still has plenty of value today, Zig has an amazing ability to reach out of the pages of the book and give you a good kick in the rear to get you motivated.
Zig always says that motivation is like bathing if you dont do it every day you start to smell bad.
8. Message Of A Master
This book was written over a hundred years ago rescued by a truck driver who found it and took it to a publishers in 1929, this was my first introduction to the law of attraction and the story is so compelling that you will be at the edge of your seat until you read the very last page, well worth hunting down this little treasure a great read and it works too.
9. The magic of believing
Written by Claude Bristol back in 1948, I found this to be tough read at first as it really delves into the mind and how it works, of course many of the case studdies are related to the issues and lifestyle of the 1940's but is very much relevant to toady. Reading this book will cause you to change the way you think.
10. Psycho cybernetics
This book blew me away when I understood it, written by a plastic surgeon Maxwell Maltz MD back in 1960, he introduced me to the ego and how to harness it to serve you rather than destroy you, understanding self is an incredibly important way to harness your business and your life, this book will have you scratching your head and having plenty of Ah Haaa moments.
So that's my Top 10 books to develop mindset going from settling for a pay check to starting your journey to be self sufficient.
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