Are You Ready for The New Deal 2023 and for a Successful Future?

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Prepare for the new deal 2023 is easier than you imagine

The new deal 2023 is something we all have to face, no matter what. And the big dark cloud hanging over us has a name: Recession.

The good thing this time is that you have experience from the pandemic back in 2020. You can quickly draw conclusions about what you did and didn't do to ride out the horrible pandemic in the best possible way.

We all read about the new deal program in history books, launched by Franklin D. Roosevelt 88 years ago. "The new Deal" was a radical financial recovery program from the "Great Depression," starting in 1929.

As always, when a financial crackdown like the depression 92 years ago starts with the banks. The entire industry will follow, and society will start suffering. It's like a house of cards.

This time it's different. It all starts with hyper-high inflation, mainly caused by the war in Ukraine.

So far, the banks are responding by increasing interest rates due to the increase made by central banks worldwide. The inflation and rapidly rising interest rates are early warnings of what to expect next.

The new deal 2023 will look different than during the pandemic but similar to the one in 2029.

Yes, companies will go bankrupt, and there will be massive cuts in employment. Governments in the entire world are in full swing to prepare for the tough times to come.

The New Deal implemented in the 30ths was a radical recovery system to get all involved economic pieces correctly in place again.

The new deal 2023 will be different.

The new deal 2023 requires a somewhat different approach. Millions of lost jobs will never return. Automation and the digital world are taking over at a much higher speed than what would happen without a financial downturn.

The New Deal, launched by President Roosevelt, aimed to get the wheels rolling again in the financial sector. The new deal 2023 will focus on getting the world population "digitalized" faster than earlier.

We could observe this happening during the pandemic, and new small Internet-based businesses were created more than ever...Continue Reading!>>

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