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Have you found out what your Kinky Boots are? I have seen this musical recently. The main character Charlie becomes an owner of a bankrupting shoe company after his father’s death. Their  shoes are suddenly too expensive in comparison with cheap imported products from Eastern Europe. The market is not in favour of Charlie's shoes. But Charlie doesn’t give up. Instead, he finds his unique audience, his niche, his Kinky Boots.

He realised it's time to shake up, time to wake up, time to take control. By putting one foot onwards and forwards he started spinning his gears. Even though that others thought he is facing impossible or chasing miracles, he did his step one.  He had got knowledge and know-how and nobody was going to stop him from showing, how to overcome maybe the steepest mountain. His factory  was his family and he was not going to shut them down.

How about you? Do you know who is your audience? Have you found your niche? Very often we forget how important it is to talk to out target market, not to everyone, but the genuine audience of ours. Those, who we can connect with because we speak the same language, we experience the same emotions, we face same losses and same wins, we have same passions and drives.

Let’s remind us 5 Questions to define our target market:

  1. WHO are they?
  2. WHAT do they do?
  3. WHERE do they hang out (online)?
  4. WHAT do they want?
  5. WHAT is stopping them from getting it?

Now, let’s take a sheet of paper and brainstorm. The best way to start is analysing the market you come from.  Answer all five questions with as many ideas as come into your mind. Then summarise, highlight key points and target THEM in your content either written or in videos. Let them discover that there is a solution for what they want. Help them with their problems, show them the way how.  Because now you know how. You have been there, you have moved forwards one step at the time. It’s time to share these steps. Time to wake more people up to take action, to move THEM closer to WHAT THEY WANT.

Here is a motivational song STEP ONE. It will not only help with brainstorming but it will evoke the energy you need to take your action, your step one. Listen with your eyes closed, feel the music, taste the words, become Charlie and please share how does it feel! Leave a comment or send a link to anyone who needs a boost:)

With love


How to make your first 10K online!