Overcoming Technology Phobia by Retooling for the future: Learn Skills for Internet Business

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Technology is upon us: Avoid a techno-phobic mindset

It is no longer about the 'if' or the 'when' but it is the present day reality that technological influence on human life has increased and it's spreading rapidly. For sometime now there has been a divide and mistrust by the humans against technology. However, we need to accept the reality that technology has come  and it keeps on advancing, even taking over the traditional industries. Rather than fearing for a complete take-over of human life by technology, us humans need to learn to co-exist  and adapt to living with some of these expanding technologies. 

Adapt or Perish

It is no longer business as usual.

It's either you sink or swim, adapt or perish, retool or get redundant.

It is no secret that traditional industries and jobs have been hugely changed and shaped by technology, with more humans being replaced by technology.  For example, Amazon recently opened Amazon Go which is an automation supermarket, replacing traditional human jobs. The retail sector has largely been considered to be an industry which was less affected by these technological advancements and automation of human jobs. Nevertheless, that is no longer the case now.

As I said earlier, technology is the future (as some would say) and it is here to stay.  It is naive to just sulk and surrender human life to the usurpation of technology. With these new technological discoveries and changes,  it is only those prepared and adaptable who are the best placed to survive its vices. In the United Kingdom, a think tank named Centre for Cities projected that up to 25% of jobs outside Greater London and South East England will be lost to robots by as early as 2030.http://www.centreforcities.org/press/rise-robots-compound-britains-northsouth-divide-1-4-jobs-risk-cities-outside-south/

Start your own lucrative digital business

My point is that, if the human capital in the retail sector is under threat from technology, then it follows that even other industries are likely to suffer too. Therefore, it is important for you and I to retool by learning and acquiring the right skills to participate and remain relevant in this increasingly digitalised world. Change is an opportunity and those who embrace the latest technologies and digital systems will always stay miles ahead of those who don't.

Just like water, humans need to be adaptive and co-exist with technology and digital systems. Imagine how adaptable water is; in its natural state it's liquid, when heated it's vapour and when cooled it becomes ice. I believe that humans are endowed with such awesome creative abilities that they should not be intimidated by their own technological inventions or be found wanting in the day of change. Instead of being mastered by technology, we ought to adapt and be the masters of the universe and of our collective destinies.

There is no better way to do that than to learn new digital skills and begin to use those skills for the betterment of humanity and life in general.


Together with our partner digital community called the Six Figure Mentors and the Digital Experts Academy, we deliver powerful internet money-making education to empower individuals and businesses with cost effective digital skills and business systems, enabling them to start their own profitable internet businesses.  This business creates a lifestyle of freedom, influence, fulfilment and profitability.


How to make your first 10K online!

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