The Story Of My Life

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In my career, I have achieved all I aimed for. I have a job I love. I have no boss, I can design my schedule, I can choose when I take my holiday. I'm free from 9 to 5 regime, I don't commute. The results of my work allow me to feel that I'm doing my best for the society. At least for that part of society that I call my clientele or my social circle.

I'm a fitness professional. It includes a few professions like personal trainer, yoga and Pilates teacher, gymnastics coach, nutritionist, ski instructor. Moreover, my teacher's degree in psychology is very useful in coaching and leading my clients, gymnasts and students.


Yes, there is still a few of BUTs. Let me confess to you and admit them here in a written form. Maybe some of you will find yourself in my "buts", too.

BUT #1

When I do not work, I mean when I take my holiday, I do not have income. I’m paid per hour. I can increase my hourly rate but I'll still be trading time for money. 

And I have reached the stage in my life when my time became a priority. I want to live my life, not work all my life. After the years of running my own business, I should have had enough savings to retire young. However, somehow I don't. 

BUT #2

When I work and do not take me wrong, I love hard work, I have enough money but I do not have enough free time. Trying to help and assist everyone, I easily find myself overbooked. Then there are no hours in a day left for my hobbies, family or friends.

BUT #3

I'm trapped in a vicious circle of working hard to save some money and then spend it all for the quality time like amazing holidays, adventures with my family and friends.

How can I change this? 
How can I still do what I love doing but at the same time achieve financial and personal freedom? 

SOLUTION TO MY BUTs #1, 2 & 3 

A few years of searching for the way how to stop trading time for money and how to serve on higher level did bring me on the path of an online marketer.

I have been searching on the Internet. That simple idea made me realise the major change in the time. These days we live at the age of information. Everything is happening online. The digital world is progressing fast. 

The most of the nowadays communication and interaction whether personal or business oriented happens through the social media, emails, mobile applications. 

New online opportunities appear daily. On the Internet you can shop for everything, you can order any kind of services, you don't need to go anywhere. Everything can be delivered to you. All you need is a good connection.

The people in traditional jobs are being replaced by machines, computers and automation.

The Internet rules the world.

Suddenly, it clicked! I've found a way how to earn money when I sleep or when I travel. All I needed to start was a laptop, a good internet connection and initial investment to my digital education.

Since then I've been transforming my daily routine to a bigger online system. The automated system that works for me whiIe I enjoy my time freedom.

Certainly, it is not easy to go over this kind of transformation. You must invest time and money to make it happen. You must have a dream and your WHY. Then your burning desire will lead you. Because everything is possible if you truly know what it is you want.

And how it all finished? 

It has not finished, yet. I'm in the middle of the process. I'm still working in the fitness industry but I'm doing extra steps. Every day, I've been learning and putting the knowledge into the action. I'm investing my free time to my future and my money to my digital education. I'm learning from those who have achieved it all.

I'm becoming an online entrepreneur. Building my brand, my website, defining my Why.

Do you think this can be your path towards your dreams, too? 

Then let me lead you. Take this short cut, click here and see for yourself what my mentors have been teaching me.

And please do contact me if you want to chat more. Sometimes it is enough to have someone to hear you, so you can create a lifestyle you love.

With love 






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