CREATING YOUR IDEAL CUSTOMER AVATAR? What kind of persona/avatar is ideal for your business?

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It is important if we defined our own self as our first customer avatar

We all understand that a customer avatars are the characteristics or features of the kind of customer we want to market to and sell to. We visualize how they look like, their age, demography, where they spend time on the internet, what they watch, what kind of discussions they do, what kind of friends they have, their leisure activities/ lifestyle, kind of job, what they enjoy, what motivates them and their marital status.

But after trying to build my avatar customer, I realized that actually, my first avatar has to be myself. I had to figure out what is that I am looking for? Who am I? What do I want? What are my needs, goals, values, and what motivates me? In all honesty, I had to evaluate my persona so to know exactly who the person behind the voice is.

So I did myself SWOT analysis- (strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats) I have to examine who my person is. I will put my swot on a table format.

My personal analysis using the SWOT method.


I  describe this as my values, goals, visions, and aspiration:-

·         I want to quit the 9 to 5 job and work at home.

·         Become financially independent.

·         Start my own home business that gives me freedom and is my own boss.

·         I want to become a good mother, wife, and daughter, meaning I need to create time to cater for this.

·         I am a traveler and adventure person so, I need geographical freedom.

·         It’s my dream to build a legacy for my children and their next generation

·         I love giving and helping other people like me, so I want to help people build themselves.

·         Spirituality is my best aspiration. I want to be spiritual and do reach out to needy at heart.

·         I want to realize my own self independently, what kind of human I am?


These are the challenges, setbacks and pain points in my life that I am dealing with right now.

·         I have limited time to do other personal development programs since I am still working 9 to 5 job.

·         I have no financial start-up income to take off my projects I am financially limited.

·         Most times I lose focus and concentration. I get easily distracted from achieving my goals.

·         I am limited with information and have no technical know-how of how to run a business.

·         I am a fearful person and I often succumb to people’s thoughts distracting me from perusing my goals. I luck focus and inspiration.

·         I yield to pressure especially from family, friends, husband, and kids and sacrifice my own self for their needs.

·         I also have a health issue with my ankle joint that’s causing me fear of unseen future and that makes me wonder how far I will go.


Are the things I can do to overcome my weakness and achieve my strength or goals and aspirations? It includes the things am doing now to change my situation. They include:

1.      The digital business course training I am undergoing so to understand how to start my own business. With these training, I can able.

2.      Start my own business or leverage my skills on the line.

3.      Gain financial freedom through affiliate marketing and earning commissions

4.      Quit the day job and return home for my family.

5.      Be in control of myself and have the confidence to do everything I have always wanted and lived life on my own terms

6.      Internet marketing will give me the opportunities to achieve the above goals, only if I am willing to learn and master the art. Which is very possible given the dedicated mentors and programs designed to create results effectively.

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These are the outcomes of your own doing but can be mitigated especially if you follow the rules and regulations stipulated and you do due diligence. For example;

·         If I failed to continue studying the modules and courses because of fear of unseen and getting overwhelmed.

·         Not having an open mind willing to learn, change and welcome new ideas and have a shift of self and mindset.

·         Failure to abide by the Google laws thus getting your website or channel blocked due to spam and copywriting issues.

·         Lack of focus and commitment. Every business requires a great level of commitment and dedication and the wiliness to do work.

·         Overcoming fear and believing that you have what it takes to do this. Sometimes we are limited with the thought that we have no skills and that only the pros can do it, yet we can do all things if we choose to.

·         Lack of patience and looking for shortcuts to getting rich scams that can cause us danger in the long run.

·         Stiff competition, given that everyone is getting digital but the internet is a level ground and we can compete fairly with quality and unique content.

Understanding our persona gives us the opportunity to be able to resolve the conflicts within our inner self and therefore be in the right mind to address our customer avatar’ problems by offering solutions to their problems.

When we know exactly how to balance and achieve our strength, solving our weaknesses and taking the opportunities presented to us

it becomes very easy to deal with the threats since we get the backup plan and have gainful experience, tools, resources, mentors and abundant information to show us how what. Who. And when to handle such threats.

Now it’s your turn

1.      I leave you with the question that you must answer on a personal level

2.      Who are you? (Examining your real self, strength, weaknesses)

3.      What motivates you? (The things you dream off. Those things on you to do list)

4.      Where do you want to be in the future? (You dream house, car, family, country to live and business)

5.      How do you get there from where you are right now?

It doesn’t matter if you are ready into business and making huge monies. We ought to know our customer avatars so to define the kind of customer need to attract into our business.

As they say ‘’marketing to everyone is marketing to nobody’’ the more info you have on your avatar the better depending on your data collected. This gives you a clear picture of who you are marketing to.


Take action.

Don’t be left out, try something new today and rewrite your story.

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What is your personality like and how can you improve yourself before helping others improve themselves?

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