How Breathwork saved my life?

How Breathwork saved my life?
This title might sound like an exaggeration. However, depending on the perspective I can guarantee you that if it wasn’t for my breathwork or pranayama practice, my life nowadays would be a complete mess.
I found pranayama 11 years ago, almost by “accident”. Back then, I was working in the Corporate World, immersed in the rat race, and screaming for a way out. Alcohol and weed were my daily medication for the pain I was feeling inside. I was deeply unsatisfied, I was questioning every aspect of my life. I couldn’t believe that that was it. Working 10-12 hours per day, go home, self-medicate and repeat the same the next day.
Thankfully, I had an inner guide that took me into spiritual practices like yoga, meditation, and alternative healings. This other side of my life kept me floating for a little while. I knew that I had to change. I tried quitting my job but didn’t dare to go through it and the pain kept on growing.
Until I took 1 month off and travel to Thailand to Samahita Retreat and my life changed forever. I had signed in for a Pranayama advance training for teachers. I don’t even know how I got accepted. But, it was the perfect place for me to be.
Not only I learned pranayama and breathwork, but I met on that trip my future wife, future business partner and future godmother of my first child. It was a life-changing experience. One that I will be forever grateful. I know something else than my rational mind guided me there.
After learning the practice from my teacher Paul Dallaghan, I was hooked. My whole life perspective changed. Mainly what changed was my mind and the flow of thoughts in it. It was quiet for the first time. There was space between thoughts. I could slow down. I could separate myself from the surrounding circumstances. It was magical!
I continue practicing and learning more throughout the years. I also slipped out of the practice a few times. When I have stopped, I could notice what was missing. I became more anxious, more stressed, irritable, prompted to addictions, not such a nice person to be around.
As soon as I took back the practice, the peace came back.
You see! When you have a practice, like pranayama or breathwork is for me, you can rest assured, that you will always have your life jacket on you. No matter what life throughs at you you will navigate through it. It is the best gift you can give yourself.
My daily breathwork practice is my life savior![/caption]The other amazing impact that a breathwork practice has over your life is the ability to impact every area of your life. By having a calmer mind you can make different choices, better choices.
Life is made of one choice at a time…
You choose what to eat, what to say, with whom you spent time with, what kind of work you do, how you react to your kids, friends or family. We choose everything!
The thing is that most of the time we choose unconsciously, automatically, without considering that we might even have a different option. Easily we follow other people's paths, advice or the social norm. Instead of being the own director of our life and choosing how our Life Movie will look like.
This is the power of breathwork for me. It’s not the only way. There are many other practices out there that can give you the same power. The power of choosing your thoughts. Therefore, the power of choosing your own life.
If it interests you to learn breathwork or pranayama and you have the possibility to visit Thailand, please check Samahita Retreat and Paul Dallaghan workshops. It is a life-changing experience.
If you can’t travel to Thailand but are still interested in starting a breathwork practice and change your Lifestyle for good, please contact me and book a FREE 15 min session so I can help you get started on your journey.
Wishing you a life of health, happiness, and joy!
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