Have you ever felt like you are different, here to make a difference and change the world?

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"Here’s to the crazy ones — the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things. They push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do." – Steve Jobs


Have you ever felt like an innovator, activist, seeker, a searcher, an adventurer? OR that you’re different and have trouble fitting in! Or Perhaps that you’re here to make a massive difference! And I can go on and on, however Steve really summed it up….

For me I can remember as a child being highly sensitive, confused, misunderstood and felt alone. And I certainly didn't feel like I fitted!  I couldn’t really relate to the rules and limitations that were constantly being shown to me in this world.

I was a dreamer and spent much of my childhood in nature and creating cubby houses in trees, imagining being on stages with a microphone, dreaming of travelling the world, immersing myself in culture, meeting interesting people, seeing the pyramids in Egypt, exploring the Amazon like Indiana Jones, up close with Elephant's and tigers in Africa and more.... 

As life passed I got caught up in what I call the mundane world! Living an autopilot lifestyle with my corporate job, nice home, car and doing all the right things, saying all the right things, being a great friend, sister, daughter, wife but feeling something was missing from my life!  I realised that I was unhappy although I had everything a girl could want!  I began to question this and realised that I had forgotten my true dreams - I had stopped dreaming! 

And so I began to dream again and not only dream this time, fulfil my dreams.  I followed my heart and guided by my intuition I began to take action and fulfil my dreams. I started to live life on MY own terms and felt truly ALIVE again!

I became a co-author with personal development greats like including Deepak Chopra, Esther Hicks, Dr Wayne Dyer, Neale Donald Walsch, authored a solo book called Become Your Own Guru, how to live an empowered and Meaningful Life.  I became a coach and teacher, travelled the world and spoke on stage Internationally!  

And I share my experience with you to serve as an inspiration to BE TRUE TO YOU!

If you're feeling different, like you don't fit in I want to say that I honour and appreciate you! And believe in you!  I encourage you to SAY YES to living your Dreams!

When you take time and give attention to live in alignment with your true self, dreams come to life, magic happens and your wildest dreams become your experiences.

Be You Today and be the change you wish to see in the World.

Conscious Action Tip:

Do something today that you love and makes you feel truly Alive!

Infinite Love


PS:  If you found this blog helpful, please share the love and share it with your tribe!