What are you Focusing on in your Life?

by Rosemary Thomas Health and Fitness, Self Improvement
When you focus on problems you will have more problems.  When you focus on possibilities you will have more opportunities! The spiritual law of attention is about putting our focus on the positive things in our life. Whatever we give constant attention to in our lives is what we manifest. This spiritual law manifests the outcome to the percentage we give it our attention in life. Attention is the focus of our thoughts words and actions. No two people think alike or have the ...
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Are you Working 9-5 and Commuting ?

by Rosemary Thomas Self Improvement
Fed up with working seven or more hours a day for someone else, making them rich!  Come and join SFM (Six Figure Mentors) and help yourself to build a life of freedom and wealth. You will be amazed at the support you receive to help you build your business at the level you want. Click here to learn more. #wealth, #sfm, #sixfigurementors, #freedom
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Looking for Abundance

by Rosemary Thomas Relationships
What would you like in your life......... here are some things you may have or want, happiness, love, joy, good health and of course money. Our jobs can be a major source of stress in our lives, due to long hours, what is expected of you, commuting, office dynamics and many others. These can have an effect on our relationships, our health, and of course our happiness. We need a job because we need money and we would like happiness and good health. ...
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